UK Newswire Archive
Nepal - Maoists enter parliament Monday
17-01-2007 12:18

Bush’s Iraq plan is a desperate gamble
17-01-2007 11:31
Bush’s Iraq plan is a desperate gambleREMINDER! Demo at 4.30pm today, Kalyx / Harmondsworth
17-01-2007 11:24
Demo against Kalyx/Sodexho who run Harmondsworth immigration detention centreNo Indymedia in Ireland- Rights Referendum Upcoming
17-01-2007 10:58

which is a unique little piece of political obfuscation which creates
the necessary division between left/right- traditional/liberal to advance
yet again the cause of mediocre politics and refusal to look at issues
such as climate change and environment.It's all sponsored by the Catholic Church.
Why suppress Biovision/Biosquare ?
17-01-2007 09:38
From the 11th to the 14th of March 2007, the fifth edition of Biovision/Biosquare Forum is going to take place in Lyon. These meetings are now considered to be the biggest meeting in the world on biotechnologies. Stop Biovision!Bill Moyers: "Big Media is Ravenous
17-01-2007 06:31

A More Fortress Europe
17-01-2007 06:23
European Union changes in security, police and immigration cooperative efforts16 January 2007
Top law enforcement officials of the European Union announced this week efforts to give police across the entire bloc access to national databases containing fingerprints, DNA samples, other biometric data and license plate information.

Turkish Army Gathered on the Kurdistan’s Boarder Ready for Attack
17-01-2007 05:24
According to Kurdish sources, the Turkish army have gathered and intensified its forces on the Iraqi Kurdistan boarders ready for attack. Does it have anything to do with the American-Israeli plands to attck Iran and start a new war in the region?We'll keep a welcome in the hillsides
17-01-2007 00:25

this land of song will keep on fighting,
'till LNG gets out of Wales.
G8 2007 Mobilisation Meeting- UK National Gathering
16-01-2007 23:49
A one-day national UK gathering to organise resistance to this year's G8 Summit in Germany.EXPOSED // FUR RETAILER WIFE OF PETER GILDER LIVE EXPORT TYRANT!
16-01-2007 23:30
Information has come to our attention tonight that Ellie G (Fur retailer in Cheltenham - real name Elena Gilder) is none other than the wife of Peter Gilder of Peter Gilder and Sons Ltd evil animal abusing exporter of live animals overseas.Youth Campaign in Solidarity with the Cuban Five
16-01-2007 23:03

10th January to 30th April 2007
False Allegations and Crooked State Agencies of the Law.
16-01-2007 22:55
I am recovering from being falsely accused of child abuse,but a whole host of Incompetent and ruthless gangs of social workers,health board officials,police and professional people have become my greatest accussers in their blind unfounded reason to destroy myself,my wife and my family.While my lying accussers are protected by the courts, I have to suffer from their right of anonymity while I have no right to challenge them or todefend myself.Bush administration provokes open war on Iran
16-01-2007 22:53
The neocons led by Bush-Cheney-Rice are hell-bent on forcing their original and only geostrategic plan, "finishing the job" of a conquest of the Middle East, Central Asia, the Persian Gulf, the Horn of Africa and a nuclear holocaust, during their remaining two years in power.Planned Attack on Iran: Bush Will Expand War Before Blair Resigns
16-01-2007 22:44
According to the un-named sources cited in the Arab Times, the US timetable is being driven by the retirement of George Bush’s major ally, Prime Minister Tony Blair.New politics of dancing site
16-01-2007 19:56
History is Made at Night is a new website on the poltics/history of dancing.NATIONAL GRID ENDANGER LIFE OF PROTESTOR
16-01-2007 19:56

Little Creek Kennel's Dirty Secret
16-01-2007 19:13
LITTLE CREEK KENNEL'S DIRTY SECRETOrganising the Unorganisable?
16-01-2007 16:49
Migrant and casual labour reside on the front lines of capitalism, and the IWW has a strong history of militant organising amongst these groups. They remain the two of the most exploited and vulnerable groups of workers today.What can be done? How can casual and migrant workers help themselves? What are their connections and differences? How can other workers support them?