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Australian government outlines pro-market agenda for its Pacific sphere of influ

28-06-2006 21:28

Neo-colonial occupation
The publication of “Pacific 2020” is part of the same process. Given the tiny economies of the Pacific islands and East Timor and their reliance on international aid and trade, these countries will be pushed into implementing its agenda—one way or another. Significantly the report was released a month after the publication of a “White Paper on the Australian Government’s Overseas Aid Program” which explicitly links aid to economic demands. If the threat of aid cutbacks fails, then the countries risk being branded as “failed states” and face the prospect of neo-colonial occupation, as in the Solomons and East Timor.

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SIS secret list 276 unique names of MI6 agents

28-06-2006 20:57

276 unique names of MI6 agents

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Reading Gay Bishop Issue 7

28-06-2006 20:43

Reading's Radical Newsheet - Gay Bishop has released its seventh edition. Enjoy and spread the good word.
Love and Peace

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Anti-War Song (Last Marathon)

28-06-2006 20:31

I just finished writing this anti-war song. If you are interested in finding out more about this song or other political/non-political songs you can go to Thanks.

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socpa challenge march next sunday

28-06-2006 17:50

edwin and friend with banner in the square
ex-sergeant major edwin will be accompanied by a piper, some sambaistas and some jugglers as he begins his freedom march at parliament square on sunday 2nd july at 2pm

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Something has to be done with REDWATCH

28-06-2006 17:40

Something has to be done with,,

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Palestine Today

28-06-2006 17:37

Palestine Today a service of the International Middle East Media centre, for Wednesday June 28th 2006

Homes shelled in Rafah as Israeli army forces residents out, while army arrests one resident form Farkhah village, and invades Jenin and the nearby villages of Qabatia and Kofer Ra'e. Those stories and more coming up stay tuned

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new socpa madness - illegal to carry a magazine article

28-06-2006 17:36

henry porter, london editor of 'vanity fair' magazine, has written to met commissioner sir ian blair, asking for his assurance that it is safe to carry a copy of his magazine article on freedom and civil rights within the socpa zone.

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Glasgow: M74 Court Case Ends

28-06-2006 16:23

The court case against the absurd M74 Extension through the south of Glasgow is over. This clears the way for the roadbuilders to start in the near future.

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Breaking the siege - video about events in Atenco / Mexicon 2006

28-06-2006 15:57

romper el cerco
San Salvador Atenco, May 2006. A small town in the suburbs of Mexico City. Two months before the presidential elections, a conflict for land and rights escalates between the population of Atenco and the Mexican government.

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American MD's Cooperate In Torture at Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib

28-06-2006 15:45

MD complicity with torture at Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, in Afghanistan and other illegal CIA prisons around the world..
signing off on sleep deprivation, culling medical literature
for torture technique, etc.

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The USA pushes Australia into the arms of China

28-06-2006 14:33

The Zionists in Washington (Perle, Wolfowitz etc) have the entire Bush regime distracted. While America fights all of Israel’s major wars in the Middle East – to no advantage whatsoever for America – the most strategically important regions in the world are left to other nations. As world power shifts inexorably eastward, to China, America is at a loss to meet the challenges of the future.

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THE BASEMENT - fundraising dinner, quiz and entertainment! 7th July

28-06-2006 13:57

Summer Shennanigans at the Basement. July 7th 7 - late
The Basement is putting on an evening of delights to help cover recent extra costs (rent increase!grrr)

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Manufacturing “terror” as a means of intimidation

28-06-2006 12:54

Following is an article from which exposes the terrorist threat in the USA to be a government organised fraud — in all the terror cases the article discusses the key organiser of the plots has been a government agent.

There is also ample evidence to suggest that this is also the case in the UK, see for example these articles from The Times, Al-Qaeda cleric exposed as an MI5 double agent, Police tracking bug found in 7/7 mastermind’s car and 7/7 ringleader was under CIA surveillance.

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Asylum seekers are welcome here

28-06-2006 12:14

Last week Leeds No Borders marked Refugee Week by demonstrating against the UK's inhumane reporting and detention system, holding a wonderful evening of film and food and leafleting hundres in the city centre to dispel the myths about asylum seekers pedalled in the press.

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Workshop: 'Seeking asylum, tackling the law' July 15th, Leeds

28-06-2006 12:13

On Saturday July 15th from 10.30-5pm there will be a workshop entitled 'seeking asylum, tackling the law' at The Common Place (23-25 Wharf Street, LS1,

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Surviving the Gaza beach massacre

28-06-2006 09:49

Listen to an audio report with Ramadan the uncle of Iham Ralaya one of the only memeber of her family to survive the Gaza beach bombing This was recorded whilst he is staying in Tel Aviv hospital to support Iham.

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Mersey Firefighters to Fight Service Cuts

28-06-2006 09:04

Merseyside firefighters could be forced into strike action to save four fire engines for the region.

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Shit Treatment for Bootle Civil Servants

28-06-2006 09:01

The government are conducting a “witch hunt” against trade union leaders, threatening disciplinary action against staff who advised colleagues to go home when office toilets broke down.

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Palestine Today

28-06-2006 08:50

Palestine Today a service of the International Middle East Media centre, for Tuesday June 27th 2006

Updates about Gaza Two Palestinian workers killed trying to enter Jerusalem and Army arrests 15 residents form Bethlehem

Those stories and more coming up stay tuned