UK Newswire Archive
Any questions for the Hackney Green Party?
05-09-2002 10:36
Any questions?The real goal is the seizure of Saudi oil
05-09-2002 10:22
Iraq is no threat. Bush wants war to keep US control of the region (Guardian - Thursday September 5, 2002)REVOLUTION IN CUBAN EDUCATION SYSTEM
05-09-2002 10:21
The Cuban education system continues to be the vanguard of its kind everywhere.UK poll reports switch from Esso fuel
05-09-2002 09:35
A significant number of British motorists have stopped buying petrol from Esso stations and have switched to other retailers, following a campaign to associate the company with global warming, a survey said.How to sabotage a summit
05-09-2002 09:16
Leading US Republican Party and conservative lobbyists – many funded by Exxon Mobil – have combined to try to stop progress at the Johannesburg Earth Summit.'Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict'
05-09-2002 08:48
A comprehensive new introduction for German translation of Norman Finkelstein's 'Image and Reality of the Israel-Palestine Conflict'The fifth Antiracist Festival of Thessaloniki
05-09-2002 08:30
Open invitation to the 5th Antiracist Festival of Thessaloniki, 27-29 September.Brazil's presidential candidate L. Lula da Silva explains...
05-09-2002 08:25
Lula Da Silva said that ''the real axis of evil'' was made up of the U.S.-backed pro-free-market presidents who ruled Latin America's biggest countries in the preceding decade.No Confidence
05-09-2002 06:49
Blair is leading the UK toward becoming a full-fledged "airstrip one." Will MPs do what's right: vote him out and drastically change the direction of policy?WAR PRESS RELEASE: MP Backs Shut Down Of Bristol
05-09-2002 02:36
Bristol-Stop-the-War has issued a call for the permanent shut-down of Bristol in the event of war against Iraq. This call for action now carries the explicit backing of Paul Marsden MP (Shrewsbury & Atcham)Afghanistan to get new currency
05-09-2002 00:16

The middle class war campaigners are on the march
04-09-2002 23:58
The middle Englanders surely know how to upset us working class folk with their ever so subtle ways of making us feel worthless.Protesters face Crown Court for anti-nuke action in Plymouth
04-09-2002 22:38
Protesters face Crown Court for anti-nuke action in PlymouthGrowing List of UK Social Centres
04-09-2002 22:27
Social centres are independent spaces created by, and for, people in the local community.More events in support of the Intifada - London
04-09-2002 21:49
Reminder for London pickets of Marks and Spencer in support of the Intifada this weekA Poem For Everyone
04-09-2002 19:48
A little poem written by me, the Good Doctor - availiable both on and off prescription:NY JEW CONVERTED TO ISLAM
04-09-2002 19:34

Cohen is now Yousef Khatab, a Muslim resident of Arab East Jerusalem who finds it impossible to condemn Palestinian suicide bombings.
New Psy-Ops Operation: Manipulating the Trauma of 9/11
04-09-2002 15:21
Over the next two weeks we will see a concerted attempt to manipulate the events of 9/11 in the public memory