UK Newswire Archive
Bilston Glen Protest Site 9th Birthday Party
22-06-2011 01:55
25 June at 12:00 - 26 June at 23:30
Bilston glen woods, Midlothian
More info
Edinburgh March in Solidarity with 200,000 'indignados'
22-06-2011 01:55
On Sunday 11th June, another demonstration of the "15-M" anti-austerity movement took place in Edinburgh. At the same time, more than 200,000 marched in cities across Spain. This was the latest in a series of under-reported actions that have included the blockade of the Catalan parliament and long-running occupations of city squares.
US Trots in sharedealing scandal
21-06-2011 21:05

Bangladeshi State-agents target Human Rights Defenders for abduction and torture
21-06-2011 20:56
I came to know that a nine-member joint delegation led by you and Mr. Birk Niebel, Economic Cooperation and Development Minister of Germany, called on the Prime Minister of Bangladesh on Tuesday, 21 June, at her office.Urgent - Brighton anti-militarist protest Wednesday
21-06-2011 20:05
An urgent call-out has been made for people who can get to a short-notice anti-war protest in Brighton – Wednesday June 22, at Peace Statue on Brighton/Hove seafront, 11.30am.Extremist Conference in Tower Hamlets
21-06-2011 19:13
Yet another hate conference in Tower Hamlets...Full article | 3 additions | 4 comments
Blockade of Heathrow detention centre to stop Iraq deportation flight
21-06-2011 16:30

Greek strikes rebellions marches et al
21-06-2011 16:11
Greek power workers go on strike in protest at the privatisation of the State owned power companyWe Rebel With Our Dancing And Singing (June 15th)
21-06-2011 15:55
(a personal account of what happened on June 15th at Syntagma sq in Athens)
Today, in Syntagma Square, the people have exceeded themselves. Facing the violence of the MAT [=riot police force], of tear gas and molotov cocktails, they responded with drums, dancing and singing.
The police attacked pushing the people back one hundred times, and another hundred times the people returned at the square, dancing and singing, clapping and cheering. The beat of the drums and the pots was as if it gave us supernatural powers... We were all moving forwards, facing
the “hooded – provocateurs” and the MAT, lifting our hands in the air, clapping, shouting with determination.
And when the cretan lyra started playing, we all knew that no one could drive us away from the Square. In delirium, everyone was dancing ecstatically while only a few feet away there was clangour and bangs. Fear had been eliminated. Terror and panic didn't touch us any more. We danced and danced and kept on dancing – wearing masks or not – and singing in festive atmosphere, not minding the asphyxiating gazes. “Throw as much as you like, we're not leaving!!!” somebody screamed. We knew that no matter how many times they would come, no matter how many times they'd push us away, we wouldn't get tired, we would return, we would not leave the square.
The people were in tears because of the gasses, but were also crying from emotional charge. When things were getting tougher and your eyes were killing you or you felt asphyxiated and couldn't breathe anything but chemical gasses, there was always a strong arm to brace you, a warm embrace to give you courage, a hand to hold your own. Solidarity was what was giving us the courage to continue. The fact that we were all united enabled us, exceeding ourselves, to remain in the square until the end.
We may have achieved nothing conspicuous. We may have a long road ahead. But this day was a Big victory. We came out of it stronger and more united than before. Now we know that we have the strength, we know we can make it!
dspanishRevolution: June 21th Video and texts
21-06-2011 15:45
videos, text and photos on spanish reviolution june 21thStop BBC Global Warming denial
21-06-2011 15:35
BBC staff are required to refer material on some subjects to higher management before it is broadcast. This system should be extended to stop any further broadcasts of material which either explicitly or implicitly contradicts the science on Global Warming.hackrwatch
21-06-2011 14:03

Wave of demolitions in the Jordan Valley, Palestine
21-06-2011 13:08
For further information and pictures contact:
A short and incomplete history of squatting in Brighton
21-06-2011 12:58
New zine!Oxford City Council - Chipping away at Democracy with a Sledgehammer
21-06-2011 12:35
Wed 22 June at 4:50pm Oxford Town Hall, St Aldates, Oxford.Labour councillors have again tried to shut down public views/democracy by preventing public speaking at City Executive Board meetings. At 5pm (prompt)on Wednesday 22 June at the Town Hall, 128 public questions which have been submitted, will be asked!
Rise of reactionaries
21-06-2011 12:06
Sectarianisim in the North Of Eire, EDL on the streets of England. Ever noticed that in times of economic strife there is always a group who wish to "blame" another section of society, whether it be religious hatred(Catholic/Muslim) economic, or other excuses which detract from the real problem; Government. It is by these divide and rule tactics that they regain strength and power, weakening the masses and our movements. No to loyalisim,no to the EDL/Casuals united. These are lackeys af the state, street thugs. Time for resistance, reclaim the streets!!Bristol launches as a City of Sanctuary
21-06-2011 11:55
Bristol launches as a city that welcomes those who are fleeing persecution in their homelands. Bristol laudable aims are to show common humanity and not narrow-minded prejudice.Join the celebrations! On Wednesday 22nd June College Green and Bristol Cathedral are going to be overrun with singers, dancers, musicians and surprises. Civic leaders and representatives of different faiths will be there. This free event marks Bristol’s new status as a City of Sanctuary, offering support and welcome to those fleeing war and persecution.
At 4.15pm, after a Civic Welcome in the Council House, hundreds of people will form a procession and snake their way across the Green performing an Umbrella Dance. It will be led by a succession of musicians – and everyone will carry an umbrella emblazoned with the City of Sanctuary logo. The procession pauses at the Hazel Dome, allowing people to weave coloured cloth between the Dome’s shafts and to tie pledges, prayers and poems to it to turn it from a bare skeleton into a vibrant shelter.
At 5pm we enter the Cathedral – and for the next hour are treated to a dozen performance slots in different parts of this beautiful building. Music, dance, poetry and song will take us on a physical, emotional and symbolic journey. Brief statements from representatives of 8 different faiths, and of those with no faith, will underline the universal nature of the event. And at 6pm half-muffled bells round off the event with a mix of celebration and reflection. Full article
Green MEP says 'No' to nuclear trains
21-06-2011 09:55
Green MEP for London, Jean Lambert, has demanded an end to the transportation of highly toxic nuclear waste through London's Olympic site at a public meeting in east London.
Green MEP for London, Jean Lambert, has demanded an end to the transportation of highly toxic nuclear waste through London's Olympic site at a public meeting in east London on Saturday.
Campaigners from the Nuclear Trains' Action Group (NTAG) gathered at the Stratford Advice Arcade to highlight the dangers posed to Londoners by the regular movement of radio active waste from power stations in Kent and Suffolk to Sellafield. The trains, which are loaded with spent nuclear fuel rods, pass by the Maryland and Stratford stations and continue through the middle of the Olympic site on the North London Line before heading north to Cumbria. At times, the trains are just metres from the new Aquatics Centre.
Research carried out by NTAG shows that a serious accident or terrorist attack which broke open a nuclear flask would result in the release of highly-radioactive material which could kill thousands of people downwind in a built up areas such as East London and require mass evacuation of a large area for a considerable period.
Speaking at the meeting, Jean, who is currently involved in new European legislation on nuclear waste management, said: "With the Olympic games now a mere 12 months away, Londoners must be warned of the dangerous radiation coming from these trains and the impact of a major accident on the population of London. Transport vehicles for nuclear fuel have long been seen as a potential target for terrorists and a successful attack during the Games would be nothing short of a so-called ‘spectacular'. For this reason, the Olympic organisers must put a stop to these trains before the Games begin. The lives of Londoners must be the top priority.
"The UK government would have us believe that nuclear is necessary for a low-carbon future but this just isn't the case. Renewable energy is affordable, safe and clean and the UK has some of the best resources in Europe. In order to stop the transport of nuclear waste through London for good, we have to turn our backs on fossil fuels and make the permanent switch to real renewable energy. Only this change will make both London and the rest of the world a safer place."
Brian Haw and the false cures of quackery
20-06-2011 23:11

Brian Haw, the protester whose dogged presence outside of parliament turned him into a cause célèbre, has died of lung cancer. Mr Haw was a divisive figure, with often unorthodox opinions, whose determination to camp outside parliament became a matter of considerable political debate on the right to protest. In recent years Mr Haw’s supporters dwindled to a hardcore group with fringe opinions. They have let him down badly.
19J in London and beyond
20-06-2011 22:55
As part of the #globalrevolution day of action called for Sunday 19 June by the 15M Movement of the square occupations in Spain, around 500 people took part in the demonstration organised by the 15M London Assembly in Trafalgar square.
The 19J European wide day of demonstrations was called to protest against the '2011 Euro Plus Pact' - also known as the Competitiveness Pact or Pact for the Euro - which seeks to impose massive cuts in public spending as well as severe restrictions in labour rights across Europe.
See pics and report of the London protest and beyond ...
In London's Trafalgar Sqaure and Manchester's Piccadilly Gardens:
At around 6pm a procession carrying a coffin with the word 'democracy' written on it arrived at Trafalgar Square. The centre of the square was fenced off due to the 'Soho Live' festival that had taken place during the weekend, so the crowd made its way to the southern side of the square and took over the traffic island at the top Whitehall.
The 500 strong crowd demonstrated in there for well over two hours, dancing to an impromptu 'samba band', chanting slogans such as "no-one represents us", "one solution, revolution", and "take to the streets, we won't pay for your crisis" whlst displaying a huge banner demanding an '"Europe for the citizens, not the markets". For the first hour or so the demonstration was very lively and loud, and eventually the crowd sat down for an open-mic session. Several people took the opportunity to address the crowd, some talked about the 15M mobilistions in Spain and in London during the past few weeks [reports 1|2|3] , as well as in Greece and Italy.
Others talked about the J30 Strike announced for this June 30th against public sector cuts in the UK, and called for people to actively take part in it by supporting the pickets and actions planned all over the UK. Speakers also made connections between the massive wave of popular resistance currently going on in some southern European countries such as Spain and Greece against the austerity measures that are being imposed by governments, the EU and the IMF, with the anti-cuts and student movements recently seen in this country. Other speakers included someone from Iran that talked about the parallelisms between the 15M Movement in Spain and the ongoing wave of dissent throughout the Arab world, and another from Greece that talked about the need for moving beyond the rule of parliamentarian democracy and into more participative, inclusive and direct ways of organising our societies.
In Manchester around 100 people followed the 19J call to action and demonstrated in the city's Piccadilly Gardens. See report and pics.
In Spain:
Hundreds of thousands of people ttok to the streets in massive demonstrations in many cities and towns throughout the Spanish state. The biggest ones took place in Barcelona where 250,000 people marched behind a huge banner reading "The streets are ours, we won't pay for the crisis" from Plaça de Catalunya - the downtown square that had been occupied for the last few weeks - towards de regional Parliament building. In Madrid several demos arriving from different neighbourhoods and surrounding towns [video] converged in the city centre in a 120,000 strong demonstration, and marched towards the state's Parliament. In both cities the demonstrations passed without incidents albeit they were loud and determined.
Barcelona: Report(cat/sp) and pics | Video | Photos and video | Reports(cat/esp) and Videos from several Catalan towns and cities
Madrid: Report(eng) | Photos and videos | Timeline(esp), pics and videos
Throughout Spain: See a collection of reports(esp), pics and videos from several cities across Spain here.
The Spanish 15M Movement of popular assemblies that organised Sunday's demonstrations, are now proposing to the local assemblies in towns and cities throughout Spain to start working towards a series of coordinated general strikes.
And beyond:
In Paris (France) 124 people were arrested when they were taking part in a 19J sit-in demonstration outside the city's Notre Dame cathedral. See report(esp) and videos.
In Brussels (Belgium) around 700 people followed the 19J call. See report(fr) and videos.
In Skopje (Macedonia) around 1,000 people took to the streets. See report(eng) and video.
More information in English language in the #15mayrevolution blog and in the #europeanrevolution website.
Recent related posts in the IMC London wires: