dspanishRevolution: June 21th Video and texts
abu ali | 21.06.2011 15:45 | Globalisation | Social Struggles | World
Estan ciegos sólo ven imágenes _ They are blind only see images _Shabistari. Persia XIV
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PHOTOS: photos 19 de Junio Barcelona & Madrid
VIDEO & PHOTO & TEXT: New evidence: undercover police triggered Barcelona revolution
TXT: The anti-Greece campaign of the international media
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disReality aims to compile views and thoughts on the contemporary
protests in Spain and South Europe, it aims to think from the reality
it has now been opened from these experiences. To begin a journey from
this here and now.
" freedom unites us, unity frees us" Ibn Arabi, Murcia S XII
Estan ciegos sólo ven imágenes _ They are blind only see images _Shabistari. Persia XIV
por favor rebotalo
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PHOTOS: photos 19 de Junio Barcelona & Madrid

VIDEO & PHOTO & TEXT: New evidence: undercover police triggered Barcelona revolution

TXT: The anti-Greece campaign of the international media

Free Subscription:
upper right column
disReality aims to compile views and thoughts on the contemporary
protests in Spain and South Europe, it aims to think from the reality
it has now been opened from these experiences. To begin a journey from
this here and now.

" freedom unites us, unity frees us" Ibn Arabi, Murcia S XII
abu ali