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Greek strikes rebellions marches et al

Steve la fevre | 21.06.2011 16:11 | Social Struggles | Sheffield | World

Greek power workers go on strike in protest at the privatisation of the State owned power company

Greek power workers joined the ever increasing greek masses in their struggle against savage neo liberalism policies which the greek bourgeois in the form of pasok intend to implement in greece along with their EU bastard mates. The price for bailing out the banks worldwide is to be paid not only by the greek masses but by all working people around the world. The greeks are in the forefront of that struggle against savage capitalism indeed capitalism itself and the power workers are no exception.
Today they succeded in causing power cuts across the country in Athens as well as in tourist areas in greece causing voltage reductions across the state. Their strike is ongoing with rolling 48 hour strikes. Greece is increasingly in ferment with unions, farmers, small businessmen, and many ordinary people stepping up their efforts to stop this rape of public owned companies and the slashing of welfare. Solidarity and respect to them!!

Steve la fevre