UK Newswire Archive
Venezuela - arguments over funding
10-09-2005 09:37
Arguments rage over arms spendingReporting and Implications of the New Orleans disaster – viewed from Canada
10-09-2005 08:33
Brian, a Canadian Indymedia activist and lecturer in media studies in a university on the US/Canadian border, was in Montreal on Labor Day and sent these observations on the disaster and its coverage on TV. The report is in the form of an email sent to a third party (with permission to publish).Documents point to 911 attack on America by White House crime families
10-09-2005 01:39
Sioux City, Iowa -- September 4, 2005 -- -- According to leaked documents from an intelligence file obtained through a military source in the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), on or about September 12, 1991 non-performing and unauthorized gold-backed debt instruments were used to purchase ten-year "Brady" bonds. The bonds in turn were illegally employed as collateral to borrow $240 billion--120 in Japanese Yen and 120 in Deutsch Marks--exchanged for U.S. currency under false pretenses; or counterfeit and unlawful conversion of collateral against which an unlimited amount of money could be created in derivatives and debt instruments.Locals believe New Orleans Levees were Intentionally blown
10-09-2005 01:36
Could the levees in New Orleans have been INTENTIONALLY blown out in order to save sections of the city deemed to be more important? The locals certainly seem to think so, yet, as usual, the mainstream media is barely picking up on this wave of opinion, so it is left to us once again to bring the issue into the open.BBC to make secret g8 programme
09-09-2005 20:31
secret filming used at g8Take action against Caterkiller at DSEi
09-09-2005 19:55

Caterpillar products will be exhibited at the DSEi 2005 (Defence Systems and Equipment International) arms fair held in London Docklands Excel Centre from 13th-16th September. The UK Ministry of Defence awarded two contracts to Caterpillar UK Ltd in 2001 and 2000, worth £20-£50 million.
Caterkiller not only manufacture D9 bulldozers but their wholly owned subsidiary, Perkins Engines based in Shrewsbury, make engines that power the global war machine.
'The British Army uses Perkins engines in its Challenger 2 main battle tanks and Warrior infantry fighting vehicles, while Caterpillar engines power the LAV III family of vehicles recently chosen by the US Army for its Brigade Combat Team requirement. Perkins and Caterpillar engines are in service in both combat and logistic vehicles with over fifty armies around the world.' [ Link ]
Caterkiller make and develop diesel engines for many of the vehicles of war exhibited at DSEi - from warships to tanks to submersibles. Caterkiller are a vital link in the global arms trade.
Take action against Caterkiller the war profiteers at this years DSEi.Caterkiller Shutdown - short film (format: mp4 10'34 mins)
Hi-res version - click to download
09-09-2005 18:47
Campaigners angry at Oxford Brookes University for bestowing TV presenter Jeremy Clarkson with an honorary degree will gather outside the presentation ceremony Monday morning to protest the the pot hostages - demo this saturday
09-09-2005 18:23
UK says DEA Go Away: Protest launchStop the Cannabis Extraditions: America Bullies
A 'protest' against attempted extraditions for
cannabis took place outside the U.S. & Canadian
Embassies today (8th Sep) in London.
This was a prelude to the main protest event planned
for London this Sat 10th Sep at Grosvenor Sq, London
W1. 2.-5pm.
DSEi Noborder meeting: Refugees, Migrants and the Arms Trade
09-09-2005 18:18
London No One is Illegal and noborders have a meeting and discussion on Monday 12 September from 7pm, during the Disarm DSEi Conference in St. Matthias Center, Bullivant Street, E14 OER, near DLR All Saints. Food and refreshments available.So Paris bombs were state terrorism
09-09-2005 17:14
Infiltrate anti-catitalist organisations and turn them into terrorists! The 'Strategy of Tension' appears to have been working.Blow up innocent people and blame it on the left or 'muslim extremists'. Now they are softening up the public for an all out attack on muslim nations and the Muslim faith - much like the attack on the Jews in the 1930's.
Try googling up 'strategy of tension' and 'Gladio' if you haven't already and you'll see the far right have been using the secrecy of intelligence cover to do this since the 1950's.
undercurrents video of Oxford DSEi action
09-09-2005 16:49

Top Politicians, Economists, Leaders State 9/11 Possibly Inside Job
09-09-2005 16:22
The complete inability of the Bush/PNAC Regime to present compelling and independently-verifiable evidence to support their Conspiracy Theory, despite pressure to do so over a four year period, pretty much damns their version of events.Not to mention what we've all learned about them since 2001.
(USA) What kind of organization does the antiwar movement need?
09-09-2005 16:05
An organization capable of overthrowing the system of imperialist rule cannot be built on a foundation of sand. Only principled, transparent and long-term collaboration between serious activists can:(1) organize a decisive break from the
confinement of liberal-imperialist politics,
(2) mobilize the masses in their millions and
(3) chart the couse forward to a world without
imperialist war or capitalist exploitation
Road protests in Lancaster: help us vote against "love the link"
09-09-2005 15:34
For a decade the politicians and the commercial sector have been trying all tricks in the book to push for a bypass road.Spend a minute to vote against a road lovers online poll.
Brixton local bookshop to close :-(
09-09-2005 15:23
Brixtons only new-book bookshop is closing on October first. This is a rant from a local who is pissed off about it.Common Goals For BAE and the Government
09-09-2005 15:15
The transfer of public money to arms companies is now so blatant a room full of journalists and camera crews can completely ignore it - what's £7 Million to BAE anyway?FIT team harass Disarm DSEi convergence centre
09-09-2005 15:13
London's Forward Intelligence Team (F.I.T.) arrived 2 hrs and 6 mins after the address for the Disarm DSEi convergence centre was advertised on indymedia uk.Ann Leslie, Daily Mail columnist and racist TV political pundit.
09-09-2005 14:54
Ann Leslie pissed me off early monday morning. I had never heard of her before this.