UK Newswire Archive
No Fear! stopg8 info-evening and benefit gig against repression TONIGHT (Fri 14)
14-06-2013 14:57

Info-evening 6PM bringing together comrades from Italy and UK involved in struggles against state repression. Screening of Riots Reframed film at 7PM. Followed by gig at 9PM with militant hip hop from London and Italy.
Statement against G8 Summit: You are just G8, but we are billions!
14-06-2013 13:38
Between 17th and 18th of June it’s starting again: The representatives of the eight strongest economic imperialist states meet for their yearly G8 summit. Since 1975, this meeting is organized every year, where head of states of Germany, the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Italy, France, Japan and Russia come together.Free Bradley Manning. Free Bradley Manning's banners
14-06-2013 12:55

By way of a follow up to the recently published article - Bradley Manning, Banners and Welcome to Bristol I've just crossed the foot bridge across the M32 only to see two banners attached to the railings there. They are Bristol City Council items advertising Green Week. Needless to say there were no bully boys present, i.e. PC3153 Richard Hignett and PC2051 Russ Tucker.
Open letter regarding Cityclean Dispute at Brighton & Hove City Council
14-06-2013 10:55
Bright Green has been sent this open letter from a group of Green Party councillors and activists in Brighton. Refuse workers start their strike at 6am on Friday the 14th of June.
For for those traveling to Ireland in the next days
14-06-2013 00:04
we got alot of stuff taken from us on the ferry going to irelandWORLD PREMIERE: Grasp The Nettle (21/6/13)
13-06-2013 23:52

Is the killing of police officers worse than any other murder?
13-06-2013 22:03
Is the killing of police officers worse than any other murder?Housing Co-op Looking for new members
13-06-2013 21:16
Earthworm Housing Co-op are looking for new membersSchNEWS on the G8 : PIG-ADILLY CIRCUS
13-06-2013 20:06
For full article and links - head here
One banner seen at the anti-G8 mobilisation, the “Carnival Against Capitalism”, in central London read “If I had a giant robot I would destroy capitalism”. Alas, there was no giant robot, and capitalism remained unsmashed.
Why I Don't Eat Meat
13-06-2013 17:24
Owen Parrett MD describes his odyssey to a vegetarian diet and whyThe Truth is out there!!Listen!
13-06-2013 16:03
Radio interview with G8 man whom in media main stream eyes was saved by the police!?FRI JUNE 14th 6pm *Book Launch, "THE FRONTMAN Bono (In the Name of Power)
13-06-2013 09:27
*VID (8 mins) - Irish TV interview Harry Browne on Bono "The Frontman in the Name of Power"
Riseup! Radio from London
13-06-2013 08:55
A short show from yesterday in London.
Ali and Kai talk to people on the streets of London on Tuesday. More to come over the next few days.
Demonstration against arms dealers in London, 12 June 2013
12-06-2013 17:48

Amongst slogans seen and shouted were "Arms dealers are terrorists!" and "Police protects the killers!".
Children screaming to be heard conference grantham
12-06-2013 16:11
Child Protection conference every one welcome only 50 seats left.Friday 14th: Benefit gig for Edinburgh Womens’ Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre
12-06-2013 08:55
It’d be nice if Edinburgh Womens’ Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre didn’t need to exist, but with recent funding cuts, there’s a risk of it closing for the wrong reasons.
Roads to Nowhere - National Rally against Roadbuilding July 13
12-06-2013 08:42

Come to the beautiful Combe Valley in East Sussex on Saturday July 13, site of the proposed Bexhill Hastings Link Road - the 'first and worst' of the new roads - to say NO to this destruction.
Rally, route walks and a chance to meet others who are determined to stop this madness. Organised by Campaign for Better Transport, Combe Haven Defenders and Hastings Alliance, supported by Greenpeace, the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE), CPRE Sussex, RSPB, Wildlife Trusts and Bexhill Link Road Resistance (Blinkrr).
StopG8 Statement on Protests and Police Violence 11 June
12-06-2013 00:32

The carnival went ahead despite extreme pre-emptive violence from the Metropolitan and City Police, which caused a number of protesters to be injured. The police surrounded the StopG8 Social Centre on Beak Street, W1 from 10am, and then broke in through the front doors and from the roof later in the morning. At the demonstrations starting at 12 noon in Piccadilly Circus and Oxford Circus, police snatch squads violently arrested and assaulted more demonstrators.