UK Newswire Archive
National Tenant Voice - Govt smoke & mirrors, social-engineering agenda renewed
15-11-2009 22:23
2 days before the government sponsored window-dressing exercise to demonstrate tenants have a stake in a new national debate on housing - the 'National Tenant Engagement Conference' this Tuesday 17th in London organised by those lovely people from Capita (details & the crass housing association-swindling, housing-policy-con-trickery, representation-smoke & mirrors and upper-middle class dominated social engineering agenda revealed therein pasted further down), thought these 2 articles about the so-called new 'National Tenant Voice' and resulting 'National Tenant Council' would be a timely reminder of the actual situation:The 300-350 Show: Climate Justice Fast
15-11-2009 20:44

SHAC Prison :: Dan Amos' Birthday this Thursday
15-11-2009 17:06
Don't forget next Thursday 19th November it is Dan's 23rd birthday!Irish army gears up for riots
15-11-2009 09:27
THE IRISH state is preparing to use the army to suppress major civil unrest by spending a third of a million Euros on providing it with new riot gear.Death Park Slaughterer: “We euthanized 312 deer in 3 nights…”
15-11-2009 02:45
As with most forms of nonhuman animal exploitation and slaughter, it comes down to human monetary gain, “tradition,” comfort, pleasure or convenience—with an utter disregard for sentience and for the growing body of cognitive ethology studies showing that the individuals that people like you and hunters wantonly massacre lead relatively rich intellectual, emotional, and social lives. It takes a souless person, Tony, to reify or objectify thinking, feeling individuals to the extent that you can eradicate them like a flea infestation, murdering them, tearing apart families, and leaving fawns motherless before they’re self-sufficient.Oppose Cruelty and Speak Up For LGBTQ Human Rights in Uganda!
14-11-2009 23:57
Join the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) and Sexual Minorities of Uganda (SMUG) in calling for the swift dismissal of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill of 2009 and the protection of all Ugandans, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.We call upon UK workers, the teachers; intellectuals, Medics, Students, Women, Men, Artists, Grassroots militants of different political organisations, acting in their own situations and by their forms of struggle that they consider possible and necessary, to Oppose and Speak Up For LGBTQ Human Rights in Uganda!
"Boycott Israeli Apartheid!" at Waitrose in South Woodford
14-11-2009 23:39

Manifesto for Radical Abolitionism: Total Liberation By Any Means Necessary
14-11-2009 20:14
I have written a manifesto for a radical abolitionism, which the vegan/animal rights movement desperately needs. Francione is over, just another distraction and dead-end. This approach incorporates – not condemns – militant direct action and links – not separates -- veganism and animal liberation with social and environmental cause to create a radical alliance politics and global resistance movement. Please read the manifesto, join our new Facebook group, and help us build a dynamic total liberation movement for humans, animals, and the earth.Brief report on EDL/SDL in Glasgow
14-11-2009 17:31
From the streets of GlasgowUS Rep. Jan Schakowsky’s Three-Day Fact-Finding Mission in Honduras
14-11-2009 17:28
Citing a “serious deterioration of human rights since the coup,” Schakowsky reflected on the executive decree PCM-M-016-2009 (declaring a state of siege) published on Sep. 27 which was set in place to supposedly defend national security and public order but that “seems to be defined as anything that is said against the coup.”York public demand freedom for hero Joe Glenton
14-11-2009 16:44

SchNews 699 - MEXICAN WAVE
14-11-2009 16:00
Around 200,000 workers, teachers, students, unionists, farmers and social campaigners shut Mexican cities down on Wednesday (12th) in a national strike... plus, importer of Israeli produce grown on occupied Palestinian territories sees sustained protests, ex-soldier who served in Afghanistan is arrested over his opposition to the war, protests against the NATO meeting in Edinburgh begin as anti-militarist convergence space is opened, and more...Hundreds protest against downland sell-off
14-11-2009 15:05
HUNDREDS of residents have protested in Worthing against controversial council plans to sell off downland next to Cissbury Ring.Searching for a Miracle: ‘Net Energy’ Limits & the Fate of Industrial Society
14-11-2009 12:46

Unite Against Fascism (UAF) stewards collaborate with police on anti-EDL protest
14-11-2009 11:46
Statement of the Anarchist Federation regarding the recent state collaboration of UAF members.Legal Support for SDL demo Glasgow 17th Nov
14-11-2009 11:14

25ft Gun Demo A Success
14-11-2009 11:10

14-11-2009 10:59
Swan Hotel 737 Atherton Road, Hindley Green, Wigan, WN2 4SB