UK Newswire Archive
London Calling - December
27-11-2002 13:03
Newsheet of London Class War.Includes meeting and demonstration dates, an interview with a Lambeth firestriker, and further afield Bratislava Anti-Fascist Action on the racism allegations following the Slovakia v England match.
WOMBLES: Days of Disobedience D20-21
27-11-2002 12:39
WOMBLES: Days of Disobedience [leaflet 2 txt]Amina Lawal
27-11-2002 11:32
Never before has the objectification of women in beauty pageants brought to home the glaring contradictions and startling similarities as to how women are treated in patriarchic societies, than the eruption of riots in Kaduna, Nigeria.Hereford Students Against War plan series of stalls
27-11-2002 11:11
Students From Hereford Colleges will be holding a series of anti war stalls in Hereford City Centre distributing leaflets and signing petitions, as well as promoting various actions. This follows a mass die-in that was held in hereford a few weeks ago.CBI Gate Crashed in Manchester - Video 128 Braodband
27-11-2002 10:28

Audio report from Baghdad
27-11-2002 06:40
Kathy Kelly is currently in Baghdad, and has just returned from Basra. She is speaking about the devastation facing civilians in Iraq after 12 years of sanctions and now the impending war. 17 minutes
britush colonialism, zimbabwes land reform and settler resistance
27-11-2002 05:46
for those thinking of attending the anti mugabe rallyCBI Gate Crashed in Manchester - Video 512 Broadband
27-11-2002 03:11

buy nothing day 2002
27-11-2002 02:25
info on this years buy nothing day celebrationsSunday 24th November- Storming the CBI
27-11-2002 01:37
(text only)On Sunday 24th November 600 protesters gathered outside the CBI conference to protest the arrival of Paul O'Neill US Treasury secretary.Over 50 were able to break into the GMEX building and disrupt the conference.(see Manchester Evening News website (manchesteronline) for pictureMeeting: Anarchist travelling circus London
27-11-2002 01:33
There will be a London Anarchist Tavelling Circus meeing on Thursday 28thNovember, 6.30pm @ The Radical Dairy, 47 Kynaston Rd, Stoke Newington, N16.
Zimbabwe Vigil
27-11-2002 00:58
NEWSFLASH The middle East isn't the only region in the world.voluntary servitude
26-11-2002 23:49
Why do we put up with this?An illusion perpetrated for our own containment.
CBI Gate-Crashed in Manchester - Video
26-11-2002 23:39

26-11-2002 23:02
FOOT IN MOUTH STRIKES TONY BLUR/alan b'stard. In a front page article the mirror, revealed Tony blur's stupid blunders. 'The Premier said every penny of any pay rise above four per cent would have to be funded by modernisation" of working practices as outlined in the Bain Review'. 'But a document leaked to the Mirror revealed that far from saving money the Review would cost an extra £41million'. FBU leader Andy Gilchrist said: "When you look at what Mr Blair said you realise it's all soundbites with no substance. He's added to the chaos and confusion in the Government's handling of the dispute."Fire rages on Japan cargo ship
26-11-2002 22:09
ANYONE FOR A SPOT MORE OIL ??? POLLUTION THAT IS !!!!A fire is raging onboard a cargo ship carrying almost
4,000 cars and thousands of gallons of fuel oil off the
coast of Japan. The fire has caused local people to flee
no sweat conference report
26-11-2002 22:06
170 young activists and trade unionists enjoyed the discussions, debates and planning at the recent No Sweat conference, held in London on Saturday 23 November.Mexican trade unionists Gaby Cabrera and Josefina Ponce were warmly received as they spoke about the battle to throw out a corrupt trade union organisation at the KukDong-Mexmode factory. The largely fermale workforce recently fought a massive and victorious battle to win recognition for their independent union,wage increases and an improvement in the factory food.
Top executives earn 600 times more than low-paid
26-11-2002 21:05
New figures have highlighted the yawning gulf between executives at Britain's top companies and those at the bottom of the income scale.
26-11-2002 20:47
Hackney Council are secretly trying to sell off theYorkshire Grove basketball court and grassy play area
to property developers. If they are successful, the
area will be bulldozed and used to build housing.