UK Newswire Archive
A World in Waiting
21-01-2011 14:22
Five Stepping Stones to a Fairer FutureThere’s a rare chance for Bristol’s citizens to influence the shape of their world on Thursday 10th February. A free workshop at the Colston Hall lets you share your experience and feed your ideas into 5 “policy asks” being presented to central government. Could this be the Big Society in action?
A World in Waiting asks the question: What courageous changes must we make to forge a Fairer Future? It brings together a diversity of people: ordinary Bristolians, policy makers from both Brussels and the UK, organisations working with the disadvantaged and, crucially, those who have direct experience of poverty and exclusion. The structure of the day, using an Open Space approach, means that everyone has the same standing. There is no panel of experts answering points or fending them off. The people are the experts – expert in their own experience and expert in their vision for the future.
The day will review the achievements of the European Year for Combating Poverty & Social Exclusion, and it will look at the Bristol Partnership’s 20:20 Vision and how we can make Bristol one of the top 20 cities in Europe. But what will fuel the day will be the energy and ideas of the 1000+ people attending. It is a genuinely democratic forum for debating and formulating policies for our future. And it is a lot more than just a talking shop. Julien Van Geertsom, Chair of the Federal Public Service for Social Integration, is coming from Brussels, and a team from the Department for Work & Pensions will be taking part. And we have been asked to produce 5 “policy asks” from the day’s deliberations to present to central government.
General Elections come round once every 4 or 5 years – and often the choices seem limited. A World in Waiting gives you the chance to focus on policy rather than personality; and to create the agenda yourself rather than just putting a cross by your least worst choice. If you think our world is too important to be left only to politicians, then this day is for you. Politicians need us. They need contact with the real world – and they need to hear the impact of their policies. If you want a fairer world, come to the Colston Hall on February 10th and share your experience and your ideas. It’s free, it’s exciting, and it’s important!
Tickets cost nothing – but must be booked from the Colston Hall’s box office on 0117 922 3686. You can either buy lunch there or bring your own. A World in Waiting is 10am–5pm on Thursday 10th February – and it is followed from 5–7pm by A World Beyond, a feast of free performance in the foyer and bars of the Colston Hall. So book your ticket now! Citizens have fought for hundreds of years for a say in how they are governed. You only need pick up the phone!
A World Beyond
21-01-2011 14:22
An evening of magic, music and surprise!A World Beyond follows the serious business of A World in Waiting with a dizzying display of talent. Professionals, young people, performers from the community, acts from all over the UK, fill the foyer and bars of Colston Hall! It starts at 5pm and finishes at 7pm – but you’re welcome to drop in for as long as you like. It’s free, and it’s open to everyone. So come along – sip a drink, relax and enjoy the show!
Drop in for as long as you like – A World Beyond is free and open to everyone!
Thursday 10th February, 5–7pm: Colston Hall foyer
EDL Supporters Fined for On-Train Racist Abuse
21-01-2011 13:35
Three English Defence League supporters have been ordered to pay more than £350 each after being found guilty of subjecting rail passengers to serious racist abuse.An email thanking Nottingham City Council....
21-01-2011 13:24
Hello all, and a happy new year to you.
I would like to take this opportunity for wasting the money that I and all the other people who live in Nottingham, have paid you in "council tax" over the past few years.
Thank you for the beach in the square, that was money well spent! It really did get people spending, which is essential in the current financial climate. For all the good it did, you may as well have paid a chorus line of bankers to stand on a platform in the market square and tickle their testicles for all to see for the entire summer.
Thanks for the "Dickensian" Market that you put on at christmas,it really did get people spending, which is essential in the current financial climate. Although, I seem to remember in previous years it was known as, "The Traditional German Market". I wouldn't imagine for one second that you bent to the will of xenophobia in making the decision to change the name and format, I mean, after all, we are a cultured city!
So cultured in fact, that you took even more of that "council tax" money you collected from us all, and put up a massssssssive erection (the nottingham eye?) so we could all pay £5.00 (hang on, havent we already paid for this out of our council tax?) to see the splendour of the city from a birds eye view. "Oh look...there's Maid Marion way, look how awful it looks from up here"..."look over there, you can see EXACTLY how much bird poo accumilates on top of the council house...they'd better use our council tax money to clean all of that off soon!".
And speaking of splendour....Thank you for paying for all of those new, relevant and vibrant acts to come and play at Woolaton Park for us! I mean, the "Pet Shop Boys"? They really do capture the zeitgeist of todays music culture. Also, it really did get people spending, which is essential in the current financial climate. And you priced the tickets so reasonably too! Only £15 for an adult city resident (hang on....haven't we already paid for this with our council tax?). I mean, you could argue that with us being such a cultured city, it might've been more productive to give the opportunity of playing such an event to some of the hungry, raw, relevant and naturally talented artists and musicians that are languishing away in the vacuous, fund-starved blackhole that is Nottingham's art and music scene, but no...we won't open that particular can of worms this time around.
And finally (because I'd hate to take up too much of your time, you probably have puppies to drown and kittens to kick), thank you for withdrawing essential funding for organisations that house and support the most vulnerable people in our communities.
Thank you for the short sighted decisions that you have made that will lead to the decommisioning of essential city services that house homeless men and women. Men and women that will ultimately become homeless once more, and put your rough sleeping stats through the roof. Thank you for costing hundreds of people like me their jobs, people who made it their lives and jobs to care for our communities everyday. People, who instead of recieving thanks for their efforts, will receive redundancy notices.
So thanks for wasting all of that money on all of those irrelevent events, when it could've been put to use in keeping essential social care services alive.
Still, now that im going to be unemployed, at least you'll be paying my council tax for me eh?
I am one of the many workers in Nottingham's voluntary sector facing redundancy after the proposed draconian cuts to the supporting people budget. My colleagues and i work for one of Nottinghams leading housing associations who house the vast majority of the most vulnerable people in our community. people who now face homelessness and hopelessness because of a myriad of appalling decisions made by those who we elect to "represent our interests".
I sent this email to the "have your say" email address listed on the city council's website because i wanted to vent my spleen at them, and i am sharing it with you because i feel the need to highlight how our local government has insulted and appeased its people.
Now, just bare in mind that the supporting people budget had its ring fence removed last year. this means that rather than that pot of money being soley used to fund social care in nottingham, the removal of the ring fence means that the council can spend it however it pleases on whatever it pleases. Also bare in mind Jon Collins, the leader of our local (labour) government has also apparently lied about the amount of money that has been cut. He is telling us all that a figure of 45% needs to be cut, when in reality, it has been found that the actual figure is only 11%. I ask you....what designs does Jon Collins have on the remaining 34%?. well...He certainly doesnt want it spent on housing the homeless, who will once again be back on our streets as of April.
*Governments should be afraid of their people, and not the other way around*
Stroud Views & Burblings Issue 2
21-01-2011 12:44

United States Has a Choice in Tunisia
21-01-2011 12:31
The Tunisian Intifada has proved that democracy and regime change can be homemade, without any U.S. intervention. Ironically any such U.S. intervention now is viewed in the region as a threat of a counterrevolution that would preempt turning the Intifada into a revolution. U.S. hands-off policy could be the only way to democracy in Tunisia. But a hands-off policy is absolutely not a trade mark of U.S. regional foreign policy. However, the United States has a choice now in Tunisia, but it is a choice that pre-requisites a U – turn both in the U.S. approach to Arab democracy and in its traditional foreign policy.Another spy, another time - Anyone seen Alan Fossey lately. BAE spook! 14 Intel?
21-01-2011 09:04
Last week was the 20th. anniversary of the opening shot of this ongoing war on the people of Iraq. I put out a press release, hoping their would be some bites that would promote the events we were organisng to mark the occasion.Former Commander of Headquarters Company at Quantico Objects to Treatment of Bradley Manning
21-01-2011 07:31
From DAVID C. MACMICHAELTo General James F. Amos
Commandant of the Marine Corps
3000 Marine Corps Pentagon
Washington DC 20350-3000
They’re all at it!
21-01-2011 07:12
Another police officer is caught having sex on duty.Our Enemies Discuss How to Squash Us
21-01-2011 01:57
An Irish former-revolutionary now sell-out / former police chiefs who dealt with Miners Strike, Poll Tax and Brixton etc all discuss how to beat us, politically and literally. So so much interesting stuff in here, needs close study and lessons learnt on the basis of.Bristol City Council Attempt To Ban February's Anti-cuts Rally
20-01-2011 23:22
from the desk of the Director General, Bristol Anti-Cuts Alliance Towers
Bristol City Council has banned a rally that Bristol & District Anti-Cuts Alliance intends to hold on Saturday 19 February.
Our plan is to follow the traditional route of assembling at Castle Park and marching to a rally on College Green in front of the Council House. When we applied for permission to use Castle Park and College Green they refused, saying we were out of the six weeks notice the require for an "event". This did not stop them last time and, in discussions we had with the LibDem Leader of the Council, Barbara Janke, she agreed that this notice period should not apply to political rallies which have to respond to events.
The date of our next march is the Saturday before the Council sets its cuts budget on Tuesday 22 February. It seems that the LibDems are getting a bit nervous and abandoning any commitment they might have had to civil liberties and the freedom of assembly after all, the only places you can assemble in central Bristol are owned by the Council.
We will not abandon our right to protest at times which are appropriate. We have complained directly to Cllr Janke. The march and rally will go ahead; the question for the Council is whether they want it organised or not. In contrast, the police seem quite relaxed about it all and have not stated any objection. There will also be a lobby of the Council's budget meeting on the afternoon of 22 February which as many people as possible should attend.
Full Story | Hands Off Our Forest Cycle Rally | The Cutz: This Week In Bristol and Beyond | Bristol Against the Arms Trade Demo Against the Banks
Everyone To Southwark Town Hall - Anti-Cuts, 25th Jan, 3pm
20-01-2011 20:11
EVERYONE TO THE TOWN HALL!!Tuesday 25th JANUARY 3pm – Protest at Southwark Council meeting re: cuts
Assemble 3 pm at Southwark Town Hall, Peckham Road SE15 (Junction of Havil St and Peckham Rd)
Lib Dem Scientologists
20-01-2011 19:09
Lib Democrats influenced by entryist ScientologistsRBS Offices Occupied in Glasgow
20-01-2011 18:23
Around 20 supporters of the Citizens United group - encompassing pensioners, students, environmental campaigners and workers - held an occupation of an RBS office building in Glasgow earlier today.
1000 March in Haringey Against Austerity Cuts
20-01-2011 18:23
Haringey Alliance for Public Services, the National Union of Teachers and Unison came together on January 17th for an extremely lively march and lobby of Haringey counciil.
The demonstration was considerably larger than previous protests, with around 1,000 stopping the traffic on Wood Green High Road before hearing speakers denounce the Tory-led Government’s savage cuts to essential public services.
Speakers from HAPS also called on councillors and council leaders to resist centrally imposed cuts by any means necessary. Following the rally a deputation from HAPS attended the full council meeting and made a powerful presentation to the assembled council representatives and a packed public gallery, asking local councillors to either vote against the cuts and to refuse to impose an austerity budget, or to stand aside and allow others to take their place.
Next Haringey Alliance for Public Services meeting
Thursday 10 February 2011 7.15pm
HARINGEY: HAPS General Meeting
North London Community House, 22 Moorefield Rd. N17 6PY (Behind Bruce Grove Station)
Open to all Haringey residents and workers. Come along and add your opinions and ideas for the next stage of the campaign.
The Government is threatening Haringey with over £87m cuts in the next 3 years (£46m in the coming year alone) to our libraries, schools, health services, old peoples homes, youth centres, community centres and facilities, green spaces, public service jobs (1,000 under threat), voluntary projects, welfare benefits, housing rights and much much more... In addition £17m of money promised from central government has already been axed or frozen. If these cuts are allowed to go ahead they will be the worst in our borough's history. The Council are currently consulting to find out what local residents think about all this - so now is the time for everyone to speak out and to join the protests.
The Haringey Alliance for Public Services has already held rallies and a 250-strong demonstration to show that people do not have to accept these cuts. Together we can defend our vital public services from cuts, closures and privatisation threats! The full Council will be meeting on the 17th January to discuss what to do next. Councillors must demand adequate government funding, reject privatisation, oppose and refuse to implement cuts - or stand down in favour of others who will resist cuts.
CUTS: Unfair, unacceptable and unnecessary
Good public services, and a universal welfare system, are central to what's good about Haringey and our lives. We all need good health care, schools and nurseries, community centres, well-run parks and libraries, social services, affordable housing, safe and attractive neighbourhoods, decent jobs, and an adequate and reliable income for unwaged people. Previous generations fought hard to win such improvements.
Devastating - and unjustifiable
The Council estimates it will have to make up to £87m cuts over the next 3 years, and the NHS faces similar threats. If not countered, the cuts will be devastating for all our local communities, for those working in the local public sector and other jobs, for many vital public, voluntary and community projects, services and facilities - and for the most vulnerable, including those reliant on housing and incapacity benefits.
All in it together?
This is a wealthy country, but the Government has chosen to take away £billions of public funds from essential public services whilst propping up greedy and irresponsible banks with public money. According to the Sunday Times 'Rich List' the richest 1,000 people in the UK have a combined hoard of £330billion - just for themselves. Annual corporate tax evasion is estimated at over £100billion. Enough is enough. Our public services are entitled to adequate resources and improvements!
Doing nothing is not an option
The Government was forced to back down after 5,000 people marched to save the Whittington Hospital. Students have held a number of massive demonstrations and occupied many colleges to defend public access to further education. 1,000 local teenagers have formed a campaign to defend local youth centres. Local trades unionists are mobilising to defend local jobs under threat. Local alliances and campaigns are springing into action all over the country - other countries facing the same threats have already seen mass strikes and millions protesting on the streets. Doing nothing is not an option...
What can we do together?
Together we can reverse the cuts programme if we take action and say NO. We call on all Haringey's residents, community groups, workers and trades unions to link together and stand up for what's right. We call on Councillors to reject privatisation, oppose all cuts and refuse to implement them - or make way for others who will join the fightback.
The Haringey Alliance for Public Services (HAPS) is a network of community and residents groups, trades unions and political organisations, and many concerned individuals. It is open to all those living or working in Haringey. We support opposition to the running down, closure or privatisation of any local public services, and support campaigning for improvements. We promote communication and co-ordination, mutual aid and solidarity among all those affected. Why not get involved?
Preventative Arrest Used Against Anti-Racists in Leeds
20-01-2011 16:36
Reporting on the abuse of civil liberties by West Yorkshire Police.