UK Newswire Archive
U.S. Walkout of World Conference Against Racism Criticized by...
07-09-2001 09:30
Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Ron Daniels, executive director at the Center for Constitutional Rights, who examines the U.S. walkout of the World Conference Against Racism and the opportunities that may have been lost to promote tolerance and advance human rights.POLICE RIAD SQUATS AND MAKE 3 ARRESTS
07-09-2001 09:13
At approximately 8.30 this morning two squats, attended by bailiffs, have been raided by police.Tooley Street and Dentist Factory RAIDED!!!!
07-09-2001 09:03
Police are storming two social centres in south londonand have arrested several people. Urgent support needed at Tooley Street !!!!!!
Flashpoints Radio Sept 6: Belfast; Fred Ho; Palestinian reaction; Robert Knight
07-09-2001 06:05
KPFA Flashpoints Radio Sept 6, 2001 (link to audio in 'full story' text below)- Protestant militia attacks school girls in Belfast (10 min)
- Fred Ho: about the Tear Down the Walls Conference in Cuba (18 min)
- Palestinian reaction to the US/Israel flight from Durban (12 min)
- Robert Knight on the continuing violence at WBAI.. (more audio tapes of Clayton Riley a-go-go) (13 min)
Help! Me and my friends just want to smash things up.
07-09-2001 02:31
A lucid look at modern living through politically conscious eyes that roam for aesthetically conscious art. Written for the folks I knew who got all heated up during the anti-capitalist goings-on last year, with a couple ending up in court for vandalising the exterior of a well-known fast-food restaurant.THE BLAIR WITCH FINDER GENjane:)URAL
07-09-2001 00:10

September 6, 1955 The Kristallnacht of Hellenism in Constantinople (english)
06-09-2001 22:50
from us indymedia, of note to those interested in comparisons with modern turk/kurd relationsInternational Conference Global Civil Society Maintaining Public Order, A democr
06-09-2001 22:40
lifted from us indymedia, scary. ARE THE PIGLETS ORGANISING THE BACON?Additional Lomborg picture
06-09-2001 16:56

remember, there are pies for damn lies and statistics!
Is Zionism a form of racism - a look at the historical roots of the settlements
06-09-2001 16:55
For those of you unfamiliar with the Bible, a small sampling of the earliest Zionist settlement policies, to help people decide if there is anything racist here (enjoy)Have You Heard? 10 More G8 Activists are Freed!
06-09-2001 15:56
The last count of g8 prisoners totalled 17. If these 11 are free [ except from the one on house arrest] and 4 more went to court to seek their freedom on Monday, that totals 15. I believe there were also 2 Neo Nazis picked up [ they had photos of Neo Nazi rallies on their persons] so this should mean that all the Genoa anti-corporate globalisation prisoners are virtually free. How fantastic! I just hope these figures are correct.Bjorn Lomborg gets his just desserts
06-09-2001 13:45

Call for an EU-wide pupil- and studentstrike!
06-09-2001 13:23
All around Europe students are facing similar problems. The reasons can be found in EU-policy. For this reason students from Dortmund (Germany) are calling for an EU-wide pupil- and studentstrike from December 10th to December 14th 2001.Australian MPs and trade unionists support Irish Peace process
06-09-2001 13:14
"We are writing to express our concern that the peace process in Ireland should not be held hostage to the unilateral demands of Unionist political leaders. As supporters of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement, we believe that it alone provides the framework within which the peace process must be implemented and the present crisis resolved", began a letter to British and Irish Prime Ministers Tony Blair and Bertie Ahern.Say NO to LSSI. Freedom of Speech in Danger in Spain
06-09-2001 10:50
Freedom of expression is in real danger now in Spain. If the Electronic Commerce (Society of Information Services) Directive is approved, most websites that are not "properly" registered would be considered illegal and have to face enormous fees which will in fact paralyse their activity forever.Junk Journalism
06-09-2001 10:36
Sue Carroll, colunmist for the Daily Mirror says that the government won't broach the subject of refugees for fear of being branded "barking-mad-racists." She obviously has no qualms about that herself!