UK Newswire Archive
Al-qaeda-ology today...!
07-09-2006 21:16
Oh dear, looks like the bloke in the cave is still at it. We are all doomed! Crouch behind the couch and watch the latest in terror if you dare!
It must be true, why if al-jazeera sezit!
Slow reconstruction blamed on corruption
07-09-2006 20:09
It has been three years since the fall of the former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein’s government and Iraqis are still lacking basic facilities such as power, clean potable water and sanitation, problems some experts blame on corruption.SOCPA - report on tuesday's brian haw adjournment hearing
07-09-2006 19:19

Quinta MegaMarcha photos and SlideShow: Por un Oaxaca Mejor
07-09-2006 17:48

Day 7 of Mersey Fire Strike: More Delaying Tactics By Authority
07-09-2006 16:49

45 gays outed in Uganda witch-hunt
07-09-2006 16:46
The Ugandan tabloid newspaper, Red Pepper, has outed 45 gay and bisexual men, including army officers, priests, university lecturers, entertainers, bankers, students and lawyers. It also published details of five venues popular with gays and lesbians.22 Iraqi Kurds detained today
07-09-2006 16:23
Today, 22 Iraqi Kurds were detained at mainly reporting centres across the UK with plans to forcibly deport them next week to Northern Iraq in another high profile, media event. This follows the forced deportation two days ago of 32 Iraqi Kurds. The government is clearly now going for it big style on mass deportations.Time To Go! Public Meeting
07-09-2006 14:55
Nottingham Stop the War Coalition is organising a Public Meeting entitled Time To Go!Is History Repeating Itself in Afghanistan?
07-09-2006 14:52
What the hell are British troops doing in Helmand province of Afghanistan? I have just returned from nearly three years in Afghanistan and a year ago when the deployment was being planned it was obvious that the 'strategy' was a joke. Now NATO is claiming it has the Taliban trapped. Keep counting the body bags.Workplace Stress endemic
07-09-2006 14:42
There are according to the Health and Safety Executive 5 million sufferers of workplace stress.A recent court case has closed a loophole for employers when being sued for negligence and failing in their duty of care.
For a more in depth analysis of the case see:

(Some) Workshops at the Camp for Climate Action
07-09-2006 14:14
The recent Camp for Climate Action in Yorkshire got headlines for its audacious attempt to shut down the UK's most polluting coal-fired power station, Drax, but it also featured a packed programme of workshops.Propaganda Offensive
07-09-2006 13:46
America will be more secure the sooner Rumsfeld resigns.. In an historical sense, the term "Islam fascism" is absurd, a contradiction in itself.. The fascism reproach is not true for any of the Moslem groups resisting Anglo-American control of the Middle East.Protect the people of Darfur - UN peacekeepers now
07-09-2006 13:34
Calling on help in solving humanitarian crisis in Darfur.Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
UK-based coal company in Bangladesh might have been kicked out
07-09-2006 12:21
Further to an earlier newswire story about 30000 people demonstrating in Bangladesh's Phulbari district against Lonodn-based Asia Energy's plans to extract 15 million tonnes/year of coal for export (police killed 6 an injured 300) it appears the company has suspended its sharesUniversity of Oxford publication on Palestinian displacement
07-09-2006 10:53
The September 2006 issue of the in-house magazine of the University of Oxford’s Refugee Studies Centre includes a major feature on Palestinian
Blair war crimes arrest
07-09-2006 10:47
Faux terroir latest.."Since the Bush administration has violated
Common Article 3, officials could become defendants in war crimes
prosecutions. Bush is trying to prevent this by asking Congress to water
down our obligations under the Geneva Conventions."

Bush is trying retrospective legislation to avoid war crimes charges.

Current US deficit now at 3 trillion,
which is a pile of $1,000 dollar notes stacked for over 4,300 miles...
A lot of this has been given to arms/oil cartel..

Blair support zero as war crimes charges avoidance options are less in UK.. may seek refugee status in US puppet state.
(No offers yet)
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25th bulletin of the Basque Observatory of Human Rights – Behatokia
07-09-2006 09:55
The latest Basque Observatory for Human Rights - Behatokia Bulletin, is available on our web page,

NO Fortress Europe
07-09-2006 09:15
This is an appeal to join the campaign against Fortress Europe. It is a possibility to express your opinion against the legislation soon to be discussed in the European Parliament. How many times do you get to influence EU legislation? Please see the website: and join the 1600 people who have already signed. Please also circulate the petition. Thank you.Peace Cycle receives a frosty reception from Israel.
07-09-2006 07:40
After a full month of gruelling cycling, the Peace Cycle finally arrived in the West Bank tonight, September 6th.Pentagon report on Iraq reveals a deepening catastrophe
07-09-2006 07:14