UK Newswire Archive
Mayday 'Pagan Block' - Green Park Pics
02-05-2002 17:15
pictures from the mayfayre 'terro-ist' pagan celebration and spontaneous ritual event in green park just after midday - people then headed off into mayfairTribute to Neturei Karta (cartoon by Latuff)
02-05-2002 16:18

Police Cavalry Charged Through Alleyway
02-05-2002 14:47
In one of the most bizarre scenes of this (or any) Mayday, police sent horses through "Porno Alley" in Soho just after dark.Mayday 2002 Pictures
02-05-2002 14:46
Pictures from mayday 2002: Critical mass, picnic, sex workers demo & police cordonsMovementoftheimagination Mayday projects in Trafalgar Square
02-05-2002 13:53

Put up an open-air exhibition of posters and banners on the back wall of Trafalgar Square, while the 15 foot high Bush-Blair-Berloscunni-Sharon puppet was marching down from Clerkenwell Green. (See pictures).
(article 1)
The Metropolitan Police Force is a sadistic genius
02-05-2002 13:42
New police tactics pay offANL: oppose BNP at local election counts
02-05-2002 13:31
The Nazi BNP will be sending their (few) activists out to local election counts/declarations tonight in the areas where they're standing, in hopes of getting on telly.The ANL is asking all anti-racists and anti-fascists in these areas to turn up and show that the BNP do not represent the majority anywhere. Full details on website:
Newham NUT: against segregated schooling
02-05-2002 13:12
Forwarded from National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns:what a great mayday
02-05-2002 12:59
I thought yesterday in Mayfayre was one of the best protests I've ever been on. We' weren't penned in till the end. We stopped traffic, went down streets where there was loads of 'ordinary' people and got to engage with them or at least make our presence felt.Colombia: May Day greetings from SINTRAEMCALI
02-05-2002 12:56
Forwarded from Colombia Solidarity Campaign:Wardour street / stop that party!
02-05-2002 12:31

Sex Workers Carnival
02-05-2002 12:23

Pictures from the union march
02-05-2002 12:20

02-05-2002 12:16
LEGAL DEFENCE & MONITORING GROUP: PRESS RELEASE: 2ND MAY 2002: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEDespite the predictions of the police and the media, the ‘Mayday in Mayfair’ protests passed off peacefully as the protestors intended. The massive police operation is now revealed as a total waste of money.
Tea & Cucumber Mayday Soiree
02-05-2002 11:40

02-05-2002 11:36
Today's largely peaceful Mayday protests degenerated into rioting as masked anarchists went on a rampage through central London, damaging property and attacking members of the public.Saddam is not the danger
02-05-2002 11:29
Israel is more dangerous than SaddamStarting a workplace Union
02-05-2002 11:21
I would like this opportunity to bring about a serious loophole in the lawTAX and NI Scam – Employment Agencies ‘Lie and Cheat’ for Client Business
02-05-2002 11:00
A leading UK TAX consultant has revealed this morning that employment agencies, ‘specialising’ in the IT and Telecoms contract market, are miss-leading clients in terms of the clients potential liabilities if they were to engage professional contractors direct.