UK Newswire Archive
British ISM Activists Still Under Arrest (Photos Of Arrests Yesteday)
11-07-2003 17:45
Pictures Have Now Been Released Of The Arrest Of Six ISM Activists (incl. TwoFrom Britian.
how british do you feel?
11-07-2003 17:09

They are the Orange Men.
11-07-2003 16:39
Letter recived from Simon CHapman from Thessaloniki's prisonBVEJ News July 2003
11-07-2003 16:03
Latest BVEJ newsletter now on-line.BVEJ - BVEJ mail server - BVEJ website - Iraq -
DU munitions - 9-11 - Brian Downing Quig - Evian G8 -
Amazonian indigenous communities face violent military repression -
Wichi under threat - Argentina - Argentina Autonomist Project - Piquetera Tour -
Iceland - BP National Portrait Awards - Eight facts BP would rather you didn't know -
EU Food Supplements Directive - Vitamins can seriously damage your health -
EU Constitution - Criminal (in)Justice Bill - Farnborough Airport -
Farnborough town centre - Pavilion - Rotten Borough of Rushmoor
an inspiring Sheffiled tale
11-07-2003 15:33
Working Class Sheffield lottery winners display unbelievable generosity to others andput our rulers and the rich to shame...s
Baku-Ceyhan Campaign
11-07-2003 15:29
PROJECT ENTERS THE FUNDING PIPELINE : The countdown starts now! 120 days tostop banks using YOUR money to pay for big oil.
BP has now formally asked for funding from the World Bank (IFC) and the European
Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) for its controversial new Caspian
oil pipeline (BVEJ newsletters passim). This means there are just 120 days
before their decision is made. The banks call this 120 days the public
consultation period so we all get a chance let them know what we think of the
BTC pipeline.
SchNEWS on UK Arms Industry and Indonesia + lots more (11th July)
11-07-2003 14:44
Latest weekly edition of the ace SchNEWSSee it on the web, print out the pdf + distribute! Easy!

ps they need to sort out about three and a half grand for the next years running costs (see below)
Nuclear war head convoy on the move
11-07-2003 12:53
A nuclear war head convoy is due to arrive in Scotland on Friday 11th July. On it way from AWE Burghfield near Reading to Faslane navel base.Request for Info Re: Thessaloniki Solidarity Actions
11-07-2003 12:45
Please post info about actions that took place yesterday (Thursday 10th July) in solidarity with those imprisoned in Thessaloniki because of their alledged role in the actions against the EU Summit last month.Iraqi Quag-o-Meter (by Latuff)
11-07-2003 12:29

Play WMD to feed starving children
11-07-2003 12:25

The foundations of Nazi justice, US/UK style
11-07-2003 10:57
Both America and Britain have rewritten legal bases resembling closely German legal definitions from the mid-1930'sFirst they came for the Muslims...
Israel bans BBC for telling the truth
11-07-2003 10:53
Israel bans BBC over documentaryFound this on the cia website dated 26th June 2003
11-07-2003 01:53
I think we are all going to have to get used to this. As the two governments begin to shift their language away from finding actual weapons in Iraq, towards finding mere evidence of weapons programs, they will be preparing us more little treats like the following. Which seems to tell us nothing more than that Iraq didn't want to destroy all its options, and wanted to retain the possibility of maybe starting down the long road of centrifuge construction at some indefinite time in the future.Moving Fowards or Backwards?
11-07-2003 00:34

New London Social Centre - Benefit Night!
11-07-2003 00:07
@ A New Central London Social Centre™Venue details please call 07814 629780, or email

IDF Prevents Farmers from Accessing Crops Beyond the Apartheid Wall
11-07-2003 00:01
Despite Promises:IDF Prevents Farmers from Accessing Crops Beyond the Apartheid Wall:For more information on the Wall of Apartheid see
The SHORTWAVE REPORT 7/11/03 ¡Listen Globally!
10-07-2003 23:21
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.0MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Spain, Netherlands, Russia, and Cuba.