UK Newswire Archive
Private GP surgery criticised in Liverpool
26-06-2006 19:33
Merseyside's first private GPs surgery represents "one more nail in the coffin" of the frontline NHS, which was 'free at the point of use' when it was set up after World War Two.Liverpool Care Home Crisis Grows
26-06-2006 19:19

26-06-2006 18:59
"CITY" OF LONDON MANSION HOUSE SPEECH provides cover for two more "british" bankers to get dragged into the vortex of the NRN case, distracting from the 700 bn$ the taxpayers + pensioners of the world had stolen from them (350 bn$ got payed back) - yet pushes world over nuke brink?CALL TO ACTION AGAINST THE EDUCATION MINISTERS SUMMIT IN ATHENS (27/06/06)
26-06-2006 18:55

Cheney Spoke of Need to Establish US Presence in Mid-East
26-06-2006 18:45
By D. BurbeckMike Malloy of Air America Radio said a few nights ago that in the
'90s Cheney used to speak of the need to establish a U.S. presence
in the Middle-East. I had never heard this before, but it came as no
Sunrise Summer Solstice Festie Pics + Report
26-06-2006 17:32

The Sunrise festival was held for five main days over the summer solstice period. This was a massive undertaking, pulling off the first 24hr music license for such a long festie here in the uk and setting out to have the site served entirely by compost loos (more on that later...)
Pulling out of Iraq is Prodi’s first test
26-06-2006 16:47
Massamiliano Sfregola and Jason N. Parkinson expose Italian Iraqi oil interests, protected by Italian troops for the last three years, to be policed by UK troops after 2006 withdrawal.US Collusion with Iraqi Death Squads
26-06-2006 16:32
Max Fuller, member of the B Russells Tribunal Advisory Committee.
A recent case study in the dynamics of occupation and sectarianism
Part 1: Operation Knockout in Diyala Demonstrates US Collusion with Death Squads Death Squads
In November last year Sunni members of the Diyala provincial council began to boycott meetings in protest at a 13 November raid on the provincial capital Baquba and surrounding towns, according to a report [Google cache version] by UPI's Pentagon correspondent, Pamela Hess. According to a US military official, the boycotting council members sent a letter to the chairman of the council in which they alleged that that raid had been orchestrated by the Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI) as part of a plan to disenfranchise Sunnis during the upcoming elections.
Mexican ex-political prisoners speak in Reading, 27/06/06
26-06-2006 16:25
Taking Impeachment on the Road
26-06-2006 15:56
Impeachment can play a vital role in building resistance to dictatorship, both in the electoral politics and on the street. It’s not an either/or proposition.Pulling a fast one - Monbiot champions nuclear
26-06-2006 15:50
while creating an eco-geddon picture of climate change Monbiot espouses nuclear new-build as the only possible answerAbsurdist Manchester Comedy Writers Wanted
26-06-2006 15:36

EU environment ministers urged to introduce tougher food safety rules
26-06-2006 14:52
The European Food Safety Authority is pro-business and works against the interests of the individual. There is still no mandatory safety testing for new GM crops or GM foods.FoE is urging EU environment ministers to ensure tougher safety standards for proposed GM crops or GM foods.
Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Sheffield Indymedia's "Summer of Truth" Film Festival
26-06-2006 14:16

These films have never been seen on TV or screened in the cinema.
One of the central themes of many of the films is the proposition that the attacks in New York and Washington on 11th September 2001 were actually an inside job organised by elements within the US administration in order to win public support for an offensive war to gain control of oil resources in the Middle East.
The films are screening every Sunday evening in July at SIF (Sheffield Independent Film) on Brown Street, entry is a suggested donation of £1 and there will be time for discussion about the issues raised in the films after each screening.
The titles, times and further information about the screenings follow, there is more details on the Sheffield Indymedia web site including links to download many of the films:

The films were due to be screened at the Matilda Social Centre but have had to be moved to SIF due to the eviction, more details on this story:

Please send any enquiries about the screenings to:

OCTOPUS CAUGHT AGAIN - - - - CACK - TENTACLED . . . . it unravels
26-06-2006 13:59
With the publication, this month, in the main mid-american cultural magazine of ROBERT F KENNEDY (JR)s ( - yes .... some relation! ) piece "WAS THE 2004 ELECTION STOLEN?"- from "outside" into the mainstream - breaking "perception management " barriers - certain awkward facts are surfacing.
European Caravan for Freedom of Movement: 57 people are still under detention
26-06-2006 13:39
Last Saturday, the 24th of June, at 10.30 AM more than one hundred people from different European cities, congregated at the doors of the future Migrant Detention Center, which is in the course of being constructed in Zona Franca in Barcelona.Sheffield Keep Our NHS Public Protest
26-06-2006 13:38

Stop Privatisation and Cuts in services
Wednesday 5th July 5pm
Sheffield Town Hall
OutRage!: 19 July- Intl Day of Action against Homophobic Iran
26-06-2006 12:56
OutRage! launches an Intl Day of Action against homophobic persecution in Iran. Several cities worldwide already setting up demo's. Email and letter actions also.Free the Barcelona 59!
26-06-2006 09:43
Saturday 23 of june, one hundred of activists from Spain and many other european countries entered, in a peaceful but determined way, the detention centres being built for immigrants in the neighbourhood of Zona Franca, Barcelona. This centre will a racist jail into which will be rounded up the immigrant citizen “guilty” of not having the “right” papers.