UK Newswire Archive
'Aryan Unity' Scum Update 'Liverpool Reds' Page
27-06-2006 14:09
With pressure growing to shut down 'Aryan Unity' site Redwatch since Mersey TUC leader Alec McFadden was knifed at his Wallasey home, the fascist scum have updated their 'Liverpool Reds' page with new photos and implicit incitement to violence against Merseyside activists.New Mark Thomas website
27-06-2006 12:38
A new website is launched where you can get involved helping Mark out in his campaigns and demos.Wildcat Walkout in Ellesmere Port!
27-06-2006 12:19
Production at Vauxhall’s Ellesmere Port factory was stopped on Monday after staff walked out at neighboring TDS Automotive Logistics.Rebel Clowning in Albania
27-06-2006 11:49
The following article is written by Johan (Belgium) one of the rebel clown trainers in the caravan and reports on the visit of the caravan and some of the events that took place in Tirana (Albania) between June 21 and 26.First Bus oppose Workers Rights Proposal
27-06-2006 11:39
Worker shareholders at FirstGroup have a resolution the company should respect International Stadards for workers and human rights. The company are opposing it! Then this is a company that is opposing Union organisation and the freedom to association.BRISTOL IS NOT A PART OF ENGLAND! Bristle 22 out now
27-06-2006 11:38
A warm greeting from your brothers and sisters at Bristle magazine.
Australian-led campaign pressures East Timorese prime minister to resign
27-06-2006 11:29
About Palast: 'Was the Invasion of Iraq A Jewish Conspiracy?'
27-06-2006 11:15
An article now published by journalist Greg Palast reads more like a failed attempt at shifting the blame. Or a survival act by the writer. It's not the journalism we are used to from Palast. Now the 'goys' are to blame? This item, which anyhow was published under his name, is definitely not kosher.Villagers in North India begin Hunger Strike in protest against Coca-Cola
27-06-2006 09:30
Villagers Begin Hunger Strike to Demand Government Action Against Coca-Cola9/11 - The Trigger
27-06-2006 05:34
I'm not going to go into too much technicaldetail on why it's all a lie. There are too
many well researched sites by professional
smart guys for that.
Instead, let's step back for an overview
and put some puzzle pieces together.
Ben Seattle's Annual Report for 2006
27-06-2006 04:26
Ben's annual report summarizes his work in the antiwar movement, the Media Weapon community and SAIC as well as his plans for work in the coming year on the Attention Refinery.Philippines: Freedom from Gloria, Freedom from tyranny
27-06-2006 01:18
Pentagon report on China highlights danger of nuclear war
26-06-2006 23:56
One sinister aspect of the US Defence Department’s 2006 report on the Chinese military released last month is its discussion of nuclear policy.Overall, the document entitled “Annual Report to Congress: Military Power of the People’s Republic of China” marked a more aggressive US military stance toward China than in previous years. It identified the Chinese regime as a military rival and highlighted its growing defence spending, particularly its investment in advanced military technology (see: “Pentagon report targets China as a military threat”).
26-06-2006 22:31
And then they brain wash us with one israeli soldier captured....Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
RIP Matilda
26-06-2006 22:27
A few folk have written about MATILDA and what it meant to them so here are my thoughts.The Status Quo
26-06-2006 21:59
Perhaps the only question is whether the people or corporate elites should regulate and plan. Perhaps businessmen are not the only ones who understand growth and development. Perhaps profit worship, trickle-down economic and the self-healing market are myths.Art Not Oil at The Foundry, London, June 29-July 1
26-06-2006 21:56
oil industry sponsorship of the arts *
Art Not Oil at The Foundry, 84-86 Great Eastern St, London EC2A 3JL, (Old Street tube)
Zapatistas challenge the sanctity of the presidential elections
26-06-2006 20:51
straw bale building in Nottingham
26-06-2006 20:07
How come Galloway's RESPECT group has teamed up with Tories and lib Dems !
26-06-2006 19:34
While Tony Blair teams up with all known factors against democracy and fairness in society in his new programme of attacks on society in Britain, the last thing we needed was the group of local politicians representing the RESPECT Party of George Galloway, teaming up with Tories and lib Dems and pleading for the guidance of Ruth Kelly on what to do about democarcy !