UK Newswire Archive
When Facts and Propaganda Collide - The BBC and Israel
23-03-2010 15:19
When a Thai kibbutz worker was killed in Israel by a rocket launched from Gaza last week, BBC News online gave the incident headline coverage flagged up on its home page. (BBC news online, ‘Rocket fire from Gaza kills man in southern Israel’, 23:42 GMT, Thursday, 18 March 2010)
By contrast, the killing of two Palestinian teenagers, Mohammad Qadus and Osaid Qadus, by Israeli soldiers on Saturday was buried at the end of a short news report on UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon's Middle East visit. Even worse, the BBC’s footnote simply echoed Israeli propaganda that “no live bullets were fired, only tear gas and rubber bullets”, despite ample evidence to the contrary. (BBC news online, ‘UN chief says Gaza suffering under Israeli blockade’, 11:26 GMT, Sunday, 21 March 2010)
Police get UAF & EDL to 'discuss'? WTF is goin on here then
23-03-2010 14:50
Taken from EDL stewards thread on facebook, some sort of bargaining going on today(yes trolls, of course you have grasses and moles in your ranks)
UK left refusal to debate about right-wing Islam
23-03-2010 14:00
In light of the debate on the tactics of UAF in response to the rise of the EDL, here is something I wrote earlier about the left's refusal to be critical about right-wing Islam and not make the distinction between left-wing Islam and right-wing IslamSupport Gaza protesters at Court - 9:30, 26th March, Isleworth
23-03-2010 12:18

Following these protests 119 young people were arrested. They were predominantly Muslim and aged between 16-19 years, the youngest was 12. So far 78 people have been charged with offences, the vast majority of these are public order offences which hold a maximum of 5 years imprisonment.
Abahlali: "We have a message... We will march"
23-03-2010 11:52

Cabaret night in bristol for a community gym 26th march
23-03-2010 11:30

Police Stop Strawberry Fair
23-03-2010 11:13

The annual Cambridge Strawberry fair has been cancelled for this year, after police appealed the decision by councillors to grant it a licence to run in 2010.
Free film night at Bath Black Cat Centre - This thursday!
23-03-2010 10:58
Hi AllJust a reminder that the Black Cat film night will be returning this Thursday, starting at 7pm.
(G20) Met Police to pay compensation after illegal raid.
23-03-2010 10:54
Met Police raid 'over the top, unnecessary and disproportionate'.Leaders with a Common Purpose
23-03-2010 10:30
Here in the UK, there are many who believe that there are those who are working behind the scenes to weaken the UK from within, while also preparing new government structures and putting in place new leaders via a quasi secret society that doesn’t declare itself to ordinary people.Protest in Support of the Haitian People
23-03-2010 09:58
The Haiti First! Haiti Now! Reparations Campaign to invite you to protest insupport of Justice for Haiti
Black Cat occupied social centre - eviction resistance callout
23-03-2010 08:36
Come down and help save Baths best (and obly) occupied community social centreDepleted Uranium: A War Crime Within a War Crime
23-03-2010 08:32

The U.S. has illegally conducted four nuclear wars in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and twice in Iraq since 1991, calling DU "conventional" weapons when in fact they are nuclear weapons.
DU is the Trojan Horse of nuclear war – it keeps giving and keeps killing. There is no way to clean it up, and no way to turn it off because it continues to decay into other radioactive isotopes in over 20 steps.
updates elleniko
23-03-2010 00:00
swiftstrikes continue, copssuq, greek state kills baby, kills comrade, killed one year ago KATERINA and faces urban guerillasEU Stability Pact for Greece (by Latuff)
22-03-2010 22:31

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Brief Report from Bolton
22-03-2010 21:42
A report pulled together from various Nottingham UAF sources. (This is not intended to be complete or authoritative, hopefully others with better stories will post too)Fighting Job Cuts at MMU
22-03-2010 20:31
A summary of upcoming actions opposing cut cuts at Manchester Metropolitan UniversityCampaign launched against Jacqui Smith MP for Redditch
22-03-2010 20:20

Sequani Evacuated due to suspect package
22-03-2010 18:01
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