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Information on the 2010 World Cup
09-06-2010 11:06
Extensive archive of World Cup 2010 related material including: News, Analysis, research papers films & other multimediasee also our Analysis

New contracts strictly imposed on Manchester College staff as principal raises o
09-06-2010 10:20
Staff at The Manchester College (TMC) are having new contracts imposed under little or no consultation, with significant changes to working conditions. Meanwhile, much criticised principal Peter Tavernor has awarded himself a 10 per cent pay rise and now earns more than the Prime Minister.Iran's disappeared nuclear scientist: Video points to unlawful US abduction
09-06-2010 09:34

Israel Is Fueling Anti-Americanism among U.S. Allies
09-06-2010 05:16
Biden is the least qualified to allay Arab anger for being the most vocal among U.S. officials in “legitimizing” Israel’s blunder. The Gaza flotilla episode has dispelled the benefit of doubt the Arab allies have given to President Barak Obama’s promises of change in U.S. foreign policy in their region.2nd Humanitarian Caravan Turns Back 1km From San Juan Copala Due To Lack Of Secu
09-06-2010 01:49
Background information:

19 Political Prisoners Executed in Iran in Advance of One-Year Anniversary of Ir
09-06-2010 01:30

The Gaza Freedom Flotilla and Al Qaeda: Israeli propaganda exposed
08-06-2010 22:59

update on the caravan directed to San Juan Copala
08-06-2010 21:04
links to the timeline of the caravan directed to CopalaGovernment solicitors tell High Court to facilitate Baghdad deportations
08-06-2010 19:54
A letter from the government solicitors has asked High Court judges to facilitate a mass deportation flight to Baghdad, scheduled for Wednesday, by not considering last-minute Judicial Review applications by detainees due for deportation. [1]A Jew in Bristol
08-06-2010 19:22
For years the small Jewish community in Bristol has kept a low profile. In recent years a real feeling of unease has prevailed as a result of the viciousness in which the media and so called local 'peace activists' have potrayed Israel.In 2008 Israel invaded Gaza to stop the relentless missile attacks against Israeli cities and civilians. Since 2001 over 12000 missiles were fired from Gaza. That’s twelve thousand! During this long overdue action the media (which ignored the plights of hundreds of thousands of Israelis living in fear and bomb shelters for years) and peace activist immediately went into overdrive to condemn and demonise Israel.
In Bristol a protest match was organised against Israel. I was obviously upset at the vicious one sided nature of these so called peace activists and decided to gather my Israeli flag and print out a fact sheet to hand out to better inform those that were interested.
My arrival was at first met with confusion and curiosity. As soon as they realised what I was doing things changed. I was soon met with angry looks and when I tried to engage the participants in a calm and reasoned manner I met with anger and hostility. As the march began and I followed the hostility grew to a truly disturbing level. I was accused of being a 'dirty Jew baby killer' and a 'cockroach'. As the police witnessed this hostility they were forced to escort me alongside the protesters.
What I met that day was not a reasonable act of protesting a war. I saw the face of deep-rooted and vicious anti-Semitism. I was there to show my support for Israel and the material I was handing out was not inflammatory it was a simple list of facts pertaining to what Israel had and was willing to sacrifice for Peace and what they endured at the hands of the Hamas terrorist organisation who took over Gaza in a bloody coup and were using it as a base for terror against Israel.
After the recent flotilla incident once again we saw this explosion of condemnation and vilification of Israel with no regards to the facts of the situation. It is a very scary time for those of us who understand what is happening and its roots. We are being pushed into a corner as the media and activist can do and say what they want against Israel with impunity. It is so blatantly one sided and inflammatory and at times is reminiscent of the anti semetic blood libels that resulted in a bloody history for the Jews.
I want Peace in Israel as do the vast majority of Israelis. We have shown our willingness to compromise again and again for peace and each time have been met with cynical violence. The fact is that a large part of the Islamic world still does not accept the nationhood of Israel. Only the complete annihilation of the Jewish people will change that fact. Unfortunately some of our neighbours still publically state that desire.
I feel obligated as a Jewish Israeli in Bristol to take a stand and not let this dangerous attitude go unanswered. If you are a peace activist in Bristol and would rather have a level and informed understanding from someone who has lived and worked with both sides I welcome you to contact me and we can talk. If you prefer to propagate sifted truths and hate filled libels then that is your choice but if I can I will answer that as well. Shalom.
caravan to Copala - proceedings
08-06-2010 17:25
the solidarity caravan is in the road to San Juan CopalaPalestine Today 06 08 2010
08-06-2010 17:18

Anti-capitalists attack in Bristol - liberation for Palestine, and not only.
08-06-2010 15:25
Last night, a group of individuals decided to turn their anger into action - striking a number of targets on Whiteladies Road. The list is this:HSBC bank, windows smashed with hammers, red paint thrown inside
Morgan Beddoe estate agent, every window smashed in reach and damage to door
Conservative Party office just off Whiteladies Road, window smashed
Territorial Army, windscreens smashed on their civilian vehicles in the car park.
What do we need to learn from capitalists?
08-06-2010 14:54
Activist authors such as Derrick Jensen remind us that by any objective measure, the environmental movement has been a failure. The past forty years have seen an increasing rate of destruction of the living planet despite increasing awareness of the problems has grown. We may have been trying hard, but we have been losing harder. Perhaps it's time to ask how our opponents learned to be so successful?The end of ID cards?
08-06-2010 13:36
The incoming Con-Dem government has confirmed its commitment to scrap the National Identity Register (NIR) and ID cards for UK citizens. Whilst those who have been campaigning against the ID database naturally welcome the end of these particularly unpleasant and invasive aspects of the surveillance state, there is plenty to be cautious about.Bristol Police Harrass Climate Activists
08-06-2010 13:22
The arrest of one of the Merthyr Train Blockade activists for alleged breach of bail on sunday leaves others open to similar harassment.One of the train blockaders was arrested following a random stop check in Bristol on sunday. He was arrested for breaking his bail, in particular the condition requiring him to live and sleep at an address in Frome. After 28 hours in custody, he was finally released, to reappear before a court on the 7th of July.
The "Residence" bail conditions given to all 18 defendents - in some cases requiring them to also sign in daily at police stations over a hundred miles away - were all varied at the first court hearing, with the District Judge explaining that there was no need for anyone to spend every night at those addresses, so long as they could receive post there. With several of the defendents homeless or itinerant, this was a great relief to us all.
On Sunday, however, it emerged that the policed force hold a very different view of these things, and still consider the original bail condition to be in place, exactly as they specified it. Even more worrying, they arrested the activist in question for being in a different town to his Residence address, just an hour's train ride away, at midday. Contrary to the arresting officer's statement - a work of creative fiction worthy of a prize - the activist has yet to comment to the police on whether or not he is "living and sleeping" at that address.
Until the issue (hopefully) gets resolved at the next hearing, a precedent has now been set for the arrest of the defendents at any time for the alleged breach of a condition that has been overridden by a judge, with a second judge affirming this at the second hearing. As demonstrated by this first case, these potential arrests wouldn't require actual breach, nor even reasonable grounds for suspicion.
It's also a flying start to the new job of the arresting officer, PC 2004, the new Beat Manager for St Paul's, Bristol. His personal motives for the arrest remain obscure, but may be connected to his muttered comment at the custody desk of-
"Don't know what judges think they're doing changing bail conditions. Someone should sort them out."
Goldstone Report to be used as defence at Decommissioners Trial [1]
08-06-2010 10:22
Bristolians on trail for decommissioning weapons factoryNearly 17 months after anti-militarist activists decommissioned the EDO ITT/MBM weapons factory in Brighton, their trial has started. 6 people from Bristol, and 3 from Brighton, are on trial. What is interesting is that the judge has asked the jury to receive a short summary of the UN report (aka the Goldstone Report) on the Gaza conflict during the winder of 2008-2009 as context for the decommissioning action of the protesters.
Supporter - Bristol Stop the War/ Bristol PSC writes: The judge in the decommissioners trial at Hove Crown Court stated today that the jury would need to know the historical background to the trial. He recommended that a short summary of the Goldstone Report be submitted to the jury as part of the evidence for the defence. This is a highly significant decision as the report is extremely critical of both the Israeli Defence Force and Hamas. Of particular relevance to today's trial is that it finds that war crimes were committed by Israel in its attack on Gaza in 2009. This strongly supports the defendants' case and is of world significance for future trials.
Today the judge in the opening stages of the decommisioners trial at Hove Crown Court stated that the jury would need to be aware of the present situation in Gaza and of the circumstances during the Israeli attack in January 2009. He recommended that a short extract of the executive summary of the Goldstone Report be allowed as evidence for the defence and be presented to the jurors. In passing he mentioned the attack by the Israeli Defence Force(IDF) on the UN Relief and Works building during the conflict.
This is a highly significant development as the Goldstone Report is extremely critical of both /the IDF and of Hamas. Of particular relevance to the trial today is that the report states that war crimes were committed by Israel in its assault on Gaza. This strongly supports the fundamental argument of the decommissioners who have consistently said that they acted to prevent such crimes from being committed by the IDF. If this line of argument is accepted by the jury then the outlook is bright for the eight defendants in court today. It also has potentially historical significance for future trials both in th UK and the rest of the world. Full article.
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Stop the Great Nuclear Rip Off! - Demo 15 June, London
08-06-2010 10:07

World outrage as 600 killed by government forces in occupied Darfur
08-06-2010 09:59
About 600 people died in fighting in the Sudan region of Darfur in May, the highest monthly toll since peacekeepers were deployed in 2008, officials say.