UK Newswire Archive
Australia Votes The Lying Rodent and other Bastards Out
25-11-2007 12:27
The Australian Labor Party (ALP) were elected in a landslide win in the Australian Federal election on Saturday, November 24. The 'bastards' of the Liberal and National party coalition Government have been voted out. And the Prime Minister, John Howard, once called by a Liberal Party colleague 'the lying rodent', is likely to lose his own seat in the swing against the conservatives, only the second Prime Minister to do so in Australia's short political history since federation in 1901.British State in baby snatch attempt
25-11-2007 11:30
Decided to link from usenet so any discussion can happen in that uncensored environment:Full article | 2 additions | 8 comments
Anti-Fascist Memorial Rally.
25-11-2007 10:41

Total Oil: Pull Out of Burma Now - Pictures
25-11-2007 10:22

Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Carlos Presente Memorial Rally pictures
25-11-2007 10:12

Bush Ally Howard Defeated
25-11-2007 08:34
New Austrian Liberal Prime minister Kevin Rudd, who defeated PM Howard in the Australian General Election and vociferous opponent of former Prime Minister Howard’s controversial Labour Laws, has pledged to Sign the Kyoto treaty and Withdraw from Iraq. Accused of attempting to introduce a fascist police state in Austrian, Howard might even lose his own parliamentary seat after the full count is comleted.Imperial wars and genocide, Petrodollar Recycling System and meltdown
25-11-2007 04:59
Imperial wars, crimes and genocide, Petrodollar Recycling System and meltdown of financial world order.Articles, analysis and video documentary
Olympic Fire Covers London In Smoke - sound and pictures
25-11-2007 01:10

Olympic fire:BBC Pictures page

In defence of the diverse: Mill road residents take to the streets.
25-11-2007 00:30

Manufacturing Consent for World War III
24-11-2007 23:18
“When President Bush used an October 17 [2007] White House press conference to threaten that the escalating US confrontation with Iran posed a danger of ‘World War III’ his remark was passed over in silence by most of the media. Those that did report it seemed, for the most part, to accept the White House claim that the president was engaging in hyperbole and merely making a ‘rhetorical point.’” Bill Van Auken (2007).Midsummer House – Fighting Back for the Animals!
24-11-2007 22:43
A low food hygiene rating, supporting cruelty and the site of regular demos, Midsummer House isn’t the sort of place for a nice Christmas meal!Iran: The Neocon Agenda to Sacrifice the Fifth Fleet – The New Pearl Harbor
24-11-2007 21:23

16 Reports - 9 Countries - 5 Days - This is Animal Liberation
24-11-2007 21:16

Since October / November 2007, the number of actions have increased to an average of two reports a day, although in the past five days there have been 16 reports - an average of three reports a day.
Dialect - Today's Stop The War Rally in Bristol and Northern Rock
24-11-2007 21:00

Islam in Venezuela?
24-11-2007 20:16
Greetings, I’m sending you this to clarify what the Wayuu + Islam is. The Wayus have for years been sharing and having interaction with the people originating from the Middle East. Evidently, the fact is that human beings can modify common impressions – what people are saying -- and transform them into convictions.Total out of Burma Protest in Surrey
24-11-2007 20:14

Free Stall in Leeds for Buy Nothing Day
24-11-2007 20:00

Campsfield IRC Anniversary demonstration / Saturday 24 November 2007
24-11-2007 19:58

Close all detention centres! Stop all detentions and deportations!
For freedom of movement and the right to stay!