UK Newswire Archive
Sarkozy strives to establish French-British axis
31-03-2008 14:28
In a two-day visit to Britain last week, French President Nicolas Sarkozy worked for a closer alliance between the two countries.Repeated US air strikes in Basra and Baghdad
31-03-2008 14:13
Hundreds of people have died in six days of fierce fighting as the US puppet regime in Baghdad has sought to stamp its control over the port city of Basra, centre of Iraq’s southern oil fields. As operations by some 30,000 Iraqi security personnel stalled, US and British air strikes repeatedly hit densely populated areas of Basra, as well as other strongholds of supporters of Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr in Baghdad and southern towns and cities.Sounding Out Tony Blair
31-03-2008 13:13
SOUNDING OUT BLAIR: Westminster Cathedral : 42 Francis Street: London SW1Thursday 3 April 2008 at 7.00 pm (assemble from 6.30 pm)
Fossil Fools day - Banner hung
31-03-2008 13:01

Shutdown Zombie Banks
31-03-2008 12:15
The walking dead still stalk Canary Wharf and the Square Mile. Propped up solely by the support of the central banks how long will it be before they admit their condition. The credit implosion is not about a few overstretched borrowers- at it s root is systematic global mortgage fraud.The Martians Are Coming...
31-03-2008 11:51

Emergency protest at Downing street: Stop the Basra Attacks, Wed 2pm
31-03-2008 10:59
Stop the Attacks - End the Occupation - No Blood for OilCanadian Coast Guard Rams Sea Shepherd Ship (twice)
31-03-2008 09:21

The Coast Guard had ordered the Farley Mowat to not approach the area where seals are being slaughtered. When the Farley Mowat did not comply, the Coast Guard rammed the vessel near the port aft stern area. After the Farley Mowat stopped in the ice, the Coast Guard rammed the ship a second time in the same area of the ship causing damage to the plates in that area.
The Coast Guard has demonstrated extreme recklessness with this move. The crew of the Farley Mowat were engaged in documenting the slaughter of seals. They were not interfering with the hunt. The annual slaughter of baby harp seals has started off the east coast of Canada in Newfoundland last week. The slaughter of over 325.000 baby seals has been widely condemned around the world, but the Canadian government is ademend in its continued support for it.
Kerala Declaration on Irresponsible Tourism
31-03-2008 06:44
The Kerala tourism events last week can be considered as an important milestone in the Third World tourism debate as an alliance of local civic organizations and activists vigorously pointed out to participants of the Second International Conference on Responsible Tourism in Kochi the vast difference between theory and practice of `responsible tourism'. The Declaration of the official conference is posted at
This is the Declaration of the People's Declaration on Tourism adopted by the civil societygroups in parellel convension on Irresponsible Tourism
London Critical Mass visits the Chinese Embassy on its March 2008 ride.
31-03-2008 05:46
Ruling Against Mumia Shows: No Justice in the Capitalist Courts
30-03-2008 23:52

Religious extremists operating inside the House of Commons
30-03-2008 22:50
A newspaper has reported today that 12 members of the right-wing religious charity CARE (Christian Action, Research and Education) are operating inside the House of Commons.Brutal arrest of 23 anti-militarist activists in Poland
30-03-2008 22:24
23 Polish antimilitarist activists were violently arrested on Sunday (30/03/2008) at a private flat of one of them morning after coming back from a demonstration after-party in Slupsk in nothern Poland.Sea Shepherd Moves In On Canadian Seal Slaughter
30-03-2008 21:56

The annual slaughter of baby harp seals has started off the east coast of Canada in Newfoundland. The slaughter of over 325.000 baby seals has been widely condemned around the world, but the Canadian government is ademend in its continued support for the barbaric mass killings. The EU is said to pass legislation this year to ban the sale and/or export of seal products within its borders.
Last week, the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society ship 'Farley Mowat' set off from Bermuda to make its way to the killing fields. The last time the Sea Shepherd went out to confront the seal hunt was in 2005 when eleven Sea Shepherd crew were arrested. The aim of this year's 'Seal Defence Campaign' is to try and document the atrocities. In Canada it is a crime witness a seal being killed. Never mind going out there purposefully to document whats going on " It is a crime to take a photograph of a dying seal. It is a crime to video tape or film a sealer doing his grisly work. Unless you have a permit and the government is not granting permits. And the regulations that ban anyone approaching the slaughter are actually called the 'Seal Protection Regulations'."
Anti-Arab Racism and Incitement in Israel
30-03-2008 20:51
For more on this subject, the excellent documentary "Lessons In Hate" is required viewing. I thought it would find Palestinian schools disseminating hateful material, as the Israeli line goes.However, the producers found that, whereas Palestinian schools teach the reality of the conflict (what the Zionists refer to as 'spreading hate'), Israeli curriculum disseminates Revisionism to Israel's children, breeding misunderstanding and perpetuating hatred. This is designed, of course, to allow the Extremists who design this curriculum, to fool its population into allowing it to perpetuate its war to eliminate Palestine.
The 'Rogue Entity' - 20 Questions Media Avoids on Israel
30-03-2008 20:36
Please take some time to download this excellent documentary, as share (or screen) it with friends and family. Then, act on what you've learned. After all, this only succeeds because the people aren't informed, and don't do anything to demand change.Peace, Propaganda, and the Promised Land

SOCPA: The GLA's campaign against Brian Haw
30-03-2008 19:03
Having failed to get rid of Brian Haw by force (see:

Time for a protest outside City Hall?
UK government deports 60 Iraqi Kurds; no one notices
30-03-2008 16:53
Andy Worthington reports on the forced deportation of 60 Iraqi Kurds from the UK last Thursday, which has not been reported in any major media outlets at all.The "imperial project" hangs by a thread
30-03-2008 15:30
"The only real power the US holds in this situation is to divide and conquer. That’s a position of extreme weakness.""Nouri al Maliki, at the behest of his American masters, has thrown the new Army of the Republic of Vietnam against the militias of the most powerful and cohesive popular movement in Iraq, that of Muqtada al Sadr. By all accounts, even with their American advisers, tactical air and intelligence support, this operation appears to be a stupendous failure; the Mehdi Army of Sadr is reported to be routing the Iraqi “government” forces at every turn."
"The same US press, which has parroted the absurd claims of “surge success” for months now, a success that was based on successful ethnic cleansing in Baghdad combined with the Mehdi Army’s ceasefire, will now have to tie itself in rhetorical knots to explain how this success is now adrift in the columns of black smoke rising from one of the two main oil pipelines passing through the port-transit city of Basra, and why rocket-propelled grenades and mortar rounds are splashing onto the Green Zone like a storm."
"Now the US has plunged the knife into the back of even the obedient Kurds, allowing Turkish forces to rampage through Iraqi Kurdistan. The list of allies is shrinking; and the myth of “surge-success” evaporates."
"There is a climate of hate and fear in the Netherlands"
30-03-2008 15:25

"We can no longer remain silent. There is a climate of hate and fear in the Netherlands," said Rene Danen, a spokesman from anti-racism organisation Nederland Bekent Kleur (The Netherlands Shows its Colours), which organised a protest against the film.