UK Newswire Archive
grabaciones de declaraciones, BCN
02-07-2001 12:50
Queriamos grabar declaraciones sobre las acontamientos de la manifestación contra el banco mundial el domingo pasado. Todos que han visto algo a que le ha pasado algo y que queren declararlo delante de la cámara son bienvenidos. Somos particulares pero colaboramos con indymedia y el grupo antirepresivo.Hoy empezamos, lunes 2 de julio, a partir de las 18 horas. Donde? Información boca a boca. Contacta:

Scum of England
02-07-2001 08:25
Bank of England to support Huntington Life Science.WEF: Salzburg section 60 stylee
02-07-2001 00:03

Action days against the European summit of the World Economic Forum
01-07-2001 22:00
Timeline of events and actions in Salzburg in protest at the World Economic Forum, July 2001.BLOOD IN THE ALTIPLANO
01-07-2001 20:15
In complicity with the union bueracracats, thegovernment has initiated a military operation of
genocide, has accused the peasants of drunkenness,
Because they say that one cannot concieve how there
could exist people in their right mind who defy
bullets with sticks and rocks. To their murderous
troops, they have added military aircraft and have
announced that that will shoot to kill if the
roadblocks are not lifted.
Britain's secret (Kenyan) killing fields
01-07-2001 09:50
In north Kenya, the British Army trains with live ammunition - and Masai children are maimed and killed by the ordnance our troops leave behindNew Discussion Email List for Activists
01-07-2001 00:43
30-06-2001 21:37
Six people have been arrested during a 100-strong demonstration against genetically modified free transport to tarifa
30-06-2001 20:44
Barcelona. Nearly 40 people are trying to get free public transport to the bordercamp in Tarifa.WEF Update from Salzburg: 2100 hrs
30-06-2001 19:11
The police have a massive presence now with what must be over 100 roadbloacks around the centre.Send in the Clowns
30-06-2001 18:26
Discussion of Blair's comments afterGothenburg and why "undemocratic anarchy"
is far more democratic than any state.
30-06-2001 16:39
It could be your son or daughter being pulverised for daring to be different, condemn homophobia!Salzburg: WEF Protests: Saturday 30th UPDATE
30-06-2001 15:19
Thousands of police officers from around Austria roam the streets of Salzburg today in cars, vans, and coaches, on motorcycles and with dogs.Fighting the Organized Rape of Our Daughters and Sisters: The Flesh Trade War
30-06-2001 00:57
A wave of attention and criticism has been accumulating around the issue of trade. Now another type of trade, that of children trafficked into the military and prostitution has also begun to raise questions within the mainstream consciousness. Slavery, a supposed relic of the past, still exists in many forms all over the world.Insiders - outsiders
29-06-2001 23:36
we were wondering how possibly and usefully activists working in different and sometimes opposing ways - radical and reformist - can collaborate to make a real difference... please comment/be really rude about somebody... whadddayareckon? have a rant...'Oil On Mars' Probe Creates Worries That The VP Really Is THAT Fucking Stupid
29-06-2001 22:58

Police will shoot, Salzburg summit protesters warned
29-06-2001 22:11
"Police will shoot, Salzburg summit protesters warned" -Telegraph"Police threaten to use guns in Salzburg rally" -The Times
*The Telegraph*
Police will shoot, Salzburg summit protesters warned
By Michael Leidig in Vienna
Salzburg: WEF Protests - OVERVIEW
29-06-2001 21:29
European summit of the World Economic Forum in Salzburg, Austria, 1/7-3/7After a day on initial street theatre, border actions and increasing police activity on the streets the WEF protests in Salzburg, Austria are hotting up.
Below is an overview of the demonstrations etc