UK Newswire Archive
Hamedullah Hassani Must Stay
15-11-2007 13:17

Action to mark sixth anniversary of Guantanamo
15-11-2007 12:11
11 January 2008 marks the sixth anniversary of the opening of Guantánamo Bay on 11 January 2002. The London Guantánamo Campaign is holding a day-long action on that day to mark this sad anniversary. Your help would be appreciated!Unfettered capitalism is not the globalisation people want
15-11-2007 10:52
Expressing regret that the European Parliament's joint resolution on globalisation doesn't address the interests and concerns of the people of Europe, Czech GUE/NGL MEP Jiri Mastalka said that MEPs had "absolutely failed to recognise the negative impact of globalisation" and that they were "offering people nothing but propaganda on how to resolve the dilemmas associated with globalisation".ITS finished! - Extreme-right group splits
15-11-2007 10:49
The extreme-right ITS group in the European Parliament split today after an internal spat between Romanian MEPs and the Italian MEP Alessandra Mussolini, granddaughter of former dictator Benito Mussolini.Scientific facts leave no room for delays and empty words on climate change
15-11-2007 10:47
Calling for a multilateral political approach to climate change during the debate on the upcoming climate change talks in Bali*, GUE/NGL Italian MEP and Vice-President of the European Parliament's Climate Change committee, Roberto Musacchio emphasised the role of the UN and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in formulating future strategies to tackle global warming.Our key legal principles must not succumb to witch hunt mentality
15-11-2007 10:43
"This debate is not about Italy or Romania it is about Europe and the life of its citizens" Italian GUE/NGL MEP Roberto Musacchio told Commissioner Frattini during tonight's European Parliamentary debate on Directive 2004/38/EC on the mobility and residence rights of EU citizens and their families.Protest: UK Deports 14-Year-Old Kurdish Girl Via Germany
15-11-2007 10:23

A protest was called yesterday by SOAS Detainee Support Group outside the German Embassy to call on German government to refuse entry to Meltem.
New Net Privacy threat - sale of activists details and history
15-11-2007 08:11 introduces Registrant Search, selling full lists of the internet domain names which people own together with their address, email and telephone. This is a major threat to privacy, and a direct threat to the physical safety of many who run websites of any kind. Even entering just an email address yields someone's name, address, telephone, and from 2004 SOA (School of the Americas) gathering
15-11-2007 06:54
3 days in Columbus GeorgiaThe USA PATRIOT Act: Redefining American Principles
15-11-2007 06:49
What is the USA PATRIOT Act doing to our country? It is obvious that the Democratically lead Congress will not stop the Administration. It is time for the citizens of the United States of America to start fighting for what is rightfully theirs: their freedom.A New Dark Age is Upon Us
15-11-2007 04:32

Full article | 4 additions | 12 comments
Video of Monbiot & others at recent climate change public meeting
15-11-2007 00:28

Speakers were George Monbiot - author and journalist, John Sauven - Director of Greenpeace UK, Sophie from the Camp for Climate Action and Phil Thornhill - National Coordinator of Campaign against Climate Change.
URGENT: Manchester NO2ID promote Identity Fraud Protection TOMORROW, 1:30pm
14-11-2007 23:40

U.S. Secret Air War Pulverizes Afghanistan and Iraq
14-11-2007 21:04
News from the 4th Reich military forces: According to Associated Press, there has been a five-fold increase in the number of bombs dropped on Iraq during the first six months of 2007 over the same period in 2006. More than 30 tons of those have been cluster weapons, which take an especially heavy toll on civilians. Balad, which currently conducts 10,000 air operations a week, is strengthening runways to handle the increase in air activity.Queen’s Speech signals attack on civil liberties
14-11-2007 20:39
When Gordon Brown became Prime Minister five months ago, he sought to distance himself from the unpopularity of his predecessor Tony Blair by pledging “a new kind of politics.” On counter-terrorism legislation, he talked of a consultation period of “good will” rather than an immediate rush to pursue Blair’s repressive legislative agenda. Sections of the liberal establishment gave credence to Brown’s claims that he would “strengthen our liberties,” even though Home Secretary Jacqui Smith made it clear that new anti-terror legislation would be presented later in the year.Uk activist update from USA/Mexico No Borders camp
14-11-2007 18:19
2 people released from custody.1 person remains in custody.
Facing life in prison or deportation to Colombia, was also denied medication in solitary confiment.
Oh, That's Just Frickin Great!
14-11-2007 17:39
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC) is using out-dated data to form it's report.
The deadline for data was over a year ago for info
from scientific research. That means all of their
predictions are too rosy.
Palestinian International Campaign - End Gaza Siege
14-11-2007 15:29
Nov 29th will see the 60th anniversary of the partition of Palestine which immediately led to the ethnic cleansing of the indigenous populations, culminating with what Palestinians call, ‘al Nakba,’ or ‘the Catastrophe'. Given the worsening humanitarian crisis in Gaza and beyond, what better time than NOW and during the next six months to raise awareness and help towards Ending The Siege?Palestine Today 111407
14-11-2007 14:26

Activist Academics Call for Resignation of Sir Ian Blair
14-11-2007 14:11
NASPIR, a network of over 400 academics, students, activists and interested citizens, has joined calls for the resignation of Sir Ian Blair as Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police.