UK Newswire Archive
st pancras eurostar cycle protest
14-11-2007 14:07

they were highlighting the poor facilities and planning for bikes in contrast with the much-publicised claims of carbon-neutral travel to paris
the st pancras opening was also targetted by a greenpeace action against the third runway at heathrow
'Hands Off Iraqi Oil' speaker tour - Monday 19th Nov - University of Birmingham
14-11-2007 11:31
The 'Hands off Iraqi Oil' speaker tour comes to Lecture Theatre G33, School of Education, University of Birmingham on Monday 19th November @ 6pm.England's Core Cities make Climate Pledge
14-11-2007 10:05

Government must now strengthen climate bill says Friends of the Earth
Notts MPs talk tough on climate
14-11-2007 09:32

Come back to Genoa on 17th November
14-11-2007 09:13
This is the call of the Italian antagonist area about the demonstration in Genoa on 17th NovemberInquiry to be held into Stockline factory blast
14-11-2007 03:19
Over three years after the event, there is finally going to be an inquiry into the Stockline factory explosion in Glasgow that killed nine people and injured over thirty on May 11, 2004.Israel Preps for Nuclear Strike on Iran
14-11-2007 01:39
Hold it.Iran is building power stations, which it is allowed to do under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, which the United States and Iran (but not Israel) have signed. Under the NNPT Iran has the right to produce their own fuel rods.
Nobody has found any proof that Iran is doing anything other than building a power station.
They do not have a weapons laboratory hidden underneath their reactor (unlike Israel, which has a no-longer-secret weapons plant underneath the reactor at Dimona).
The IAEA has declared that Iran is not making weapons. (And Israeli Extremists have stated their desire to get rid of the IAEA's head as a result.)
So, Israel is getting ready to carry out an unprovoked attack on another nation using nuclear weapons, weapons of mass destruction.
Which is ironic, because that is the VERY crime Israel is claiming Iran is supposed to be planning, in order to 'justify' its long-held intentions.
But in the end, Israel is the Aggressor.
If they carry out this plan, they will join the United States as the only nations to actually use nuclear weapons against other countries.
Israel, in her cultural paranoid delusion, cannot admit that they are alone in creating clandestine weapons laboratories underneath reactors. For Israel to be comfortable with her own deceptions, she must believe that every other country is doing the same. So, in her paranoia, Israel bombed the Oseric reactor in Iraq, which turned out to be a power station and nothing more. Now Israel wants to bomb Iran's power station, and after they do, who will be next, because it is obvious that Israel is in a total state of denial over the facts on the ground at Oseric, and in Iraq in general.
15 Nov, London: Battlefields Without Borders - Iraq's Refugee Crisis
14-11-2007 00:38
Public meeting and film premiere with renowned US peace activist Kathy Kelly.Safety Fears After Nuclear Warhead Convoy Gets Lost
14-11-2007 00:17
Campaigners have expressed alarm after part of a nuclear warhead convoy containing vital safety equipment got lost in the early hours of this morning en route to a military base in Stirling for a rest stop.Full article | 1 addition | 5 comments
Alter-idea from France
14-11-2007 00:03
To combat néoconservative politic in Europe : emergency !Full article | 5 additions | 3 comments
9/11 Truth: Global 11th Day Truth Action Protest Photos: November 2007
13-11-2007 22:48

Load of WANC at rampART
13-11-2007 21:15

The Womens Anarchist Nusiance Cafe is held every penultimate wednesday of the month at the RampART creative centre and social space in Rampart St, E1 2LA ( open from: 7.00pm-11.30pm. Free admission.
The next cafe is Wednesday 21st November 'Goodness Gracious Ghee Cafe'. More than just Bollywood, Shilpa and vindaloo... A celebration of South Asian culture. Qweer/feminist activism, Diwali and Eid, sari wearing instruction, dance workshop, fantastic food and guest speakers.
( to Sea - New 10-minute film - Policing The Pollution
13-11-2007 20:59
Another gig, this thursday
13-11-2007 20:43

Greece: Simultaneous protests outside prisons in 8 cities
13-11-2007 20:43

Shell to Sea stop early pipeline work (late october)
13-11-2007 19:38
accounts posted on Irish indymedia several weeks ago.Day of action against Shell- Bellanaboy, Ireland- 9.11.07
13-11-2007 19:31
Brief account of the day's events