UK Newswire Archive
Pictures of Birmingham's Strike Rally
24-04-2008 19:37

UN Forced to Suspend Aid Shipments to Gaza
24-04-2008 19:15
Which is exactly what Israel's ruling Extremists want.Please join the demos against this illegal seige - and the Government's shameful silence.
Amsterdam International Day of Autonomous spaces + RTS
24-04-2008 18:23

On April the 11th the Tekenschool (part of the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam) was squatted by the April 2008 Coordination Group. The building was used for socials and workshops and as a base for Indymedia NL. It was also the meet-up points for the RTS action on Saturday 12th April, which was attended by over 300 people: Video.
Not on the Label
24-04-2008 17:11
Not on the Label, an excellent book by Felicity Lawrence, exposes how big business destroys small business. When a small business tries to order ten copies to sell in their shop, they are told by the big business publisher Penguin their order is too small!Hamas offers Gaza truce with Israel
24-04-2008 16:26
What about a complete halt to attacks by Israel against HAMAS? These attempts at peace always break down because Israel will demand HAMAS cease fire, but continue to attack Palestinians, such as the 2006 Gaza Beach Massacre, under Operation First Rain, which reignited the conflict.Israel engineered this crisis, and does not want it to end.
However, if they refuse to accept these offers, eventually, the world will start publicly debating this fact.
Statement of Truth - Mr. Brian W. Haw
24-04-2008 15:17
what a tangled web they weave when first they practise to decieve... what a load of bollocksFull article | 1 addition | 4 comments
Photos of April 24 Strike in Nottingham
24-04-2008 15:00

Palestinian Today 042408
24-04-2008 15:00

Leeds Demonstration to end the siege of Gaza! Freedom for Palestine!
24-04-2008 13:29
.*End the siege of Gaza! Freedom for Palestine!*
*Saturday, April 26th 1pm Briggate*
Stories of (high) spies - the update
24-04-2008 13:21
Are you inspyring? Be inspyring to conspire with others to transform and make changes yourself. Transformation paradigms - do it yourself power ethics and yeast imagination of 'how it will' be politics. Undermine the 'empire mass' of complaint and polarisation: us and them thinking.Stop The Camden Danger Lab!
24-04-2008 13:04
The MRC are holding a "meet and greet" this Saturday at the Somers Town community Centre 150 Ossuslton street NW1 -nearest tube / rail St Pancras /Kings Cross / Euston.Protest against the "world's largest ever, high level, virus containment facility and animal testing lab" being built on a Camden council estate.
Protest - This Saturday betwwen 9am - 1pm against MRC.
24-04-2008 13:01
The MRC are holding a "meet and greet" this Saturday at the Somers Town Community Centre.Somers Town Community Centre 150 Ossulston Street Camden London NW1
Spies 'Imagine's' reflection of Alteringmatters
24-04-2008 12:43
Is Post Protest the New Punk?Conspiring to change dangerous places - being changed in the process.
New PDF pamphlet by Gabriel Pombo da Silva, anarchist prisoner
24-04-2008 12:04

Anti-Hunger Protests Rock Haiti
24-04-2008 11:31

Cardiff Border and Immigration Building Blockaded
24-04-2008 11:27

The Militarisation of Education in South Wales
24-04-2008 09:55
MARCH AGAINST THE NEW UK MILITARY ACADEMY BEING BUILT IN WALESAssemble 1.30 pm, City Hall, Cardiff. Saturday 26 April
Tuna traders shut down at world's largest fish market
24-04-2008 09:06
Five of the world's principal tuna suppliers were forced to stop doing business at the seafood industry's largest trade fair by almost 100 environmental campaigners this morning.What does the hunger strike by Belfast shop stewards say about the trade unions?
24-04-2008 07:30
After six years and repeated hunger strikes by two former shop stewards, a group of workers sacked from Belfast’s International Airport have finally extracted compensation from the Amalgamated Transport and General Workers Union (ATGWU) for the legal fees expended in pursuance of their claims of wrongful dismissal. Still contested is the workers’ other demand for the ATGWU to mount an inquiry into its own role in setting up the workers to be sacked in the first place.smash edo @ the Common place, sunday 2.00pm
24-04-2008 06:57
on the verge - the film they tried to ban- showing 2pm sunday