UK Newswire Archive
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Second UK Wide Day Of Action Against Immigration Snatch Squads Press Release
24-04-2008 04:56

Immigration Reporting Centre is blockaded to protest forced deportations.
24-04-2008 04:20

BBC1 /ITN / Ebola lab. "Open meetings" to be held this week by MRC.
24-04-2008 03:24
The MRC are to be holding "open meetings" this week in "a community centre" they state on their website. When and where then are these "open meetings".?They also claim that local people are "very interested" in the lab plans. Interested? We are ANGRY!
Kidnapped Tibetan Lama's Birthday April 25th - Petition Linked Please Sign
24-04-2008 01:19

London Zine Symposium 2008
23-04-2008 23:24

Sunday April 27th - 12pm-6pm
The Rag Factory, 16-18 Heneage Street, London E1 5LJ
Support Mel Broughton - For SPEAK's sake!
23-04-2008 23:04

Help break the cycle of mass destruction
23-04-2008 22:20
Footprints for Peace (Australia), with the active support of the French network for nuclear phase-out, will walk from London to Geneva (April 26 - July 18) via France for a nuclear-free world.Cannabis Campaigners say "Stick it to them"
23-04-2008 22:02

Autonomous Bloc for SHAC march this Saturday
23-04-2008 21:51

Birmingham Council workers strike against the imposition of a new contract
23-04-2008 21:40

Around 4,000 people protested in Victoria Square Birmingham during the previous strike and given the potential size of the dispute tomorrow, with teachers and civil servants joining the strike, there could be around 10,000 people protesting against Birmingham City Council. This is set to be the biggest public service dispute in the last 20 years.
Labour Incompetence.
23-04-2008 21:21
Some say this Economic collapse in UK started with Thatcher's Tax Cuts.Greyhound demo in Leeds, Sunday 27th April
23-04-2008 21:04
The Northern Greyhound Killers awards arrive in Leeds.Will David Smith be there?

"We Will Not Be Moved"
23-04-2008 20:18
El Barrio Fights Back Against Globalized GentrificationBy Michael Gould-Wartofsky
28 Days Later(ish) - Social Centre opening party
23-04-2008 20:02

Sonae and the high incidences of cancer in Kirkby.
23-04-2008 19:20
Time to get rid of this filthy polluting factory owned by criminals.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
habeus corpus - round 2 - challenging bail, prison license, docks and bollocks
23-04-2008 18:57
Justice Owen ordered an answer be given as to why Babs was in Holloway and you guys called your mate, the Governor, down at Holloway to release Babs, then you decided that there was nothing to talk about as Babs was released?Bollocks!
Chernobyl Day Event - Saturday 26th April 1pm
23-04-2008 18:31
Merseyside Campaign for Nuclear DisarmamentChernobyl Day Event - Saturday 26th April 1pm
In The Peace Garden
St.Johns Gardens
(Back of St.Georges Hall)
BBC1 / ITN / UK Major Safety Alert issued today as Camden contracts exchanged.
23-04-2008 18:16
On the front page of today's thelondonpaper {} a "Major safety alert was announced as the MRC admitted 'having exchanged contracts' and it was announced that the centre will hlod deadly viruses such as ebola, anthrax and rabies". Scientists and MP's are criticising the project as residents are planning to fight 'in any way necessary' to protect their families.