UK Newswire Archive
Twelve Things You Can Do To Support The Cause Of Palestine
21-06-2002 10:38
Here are 12 suggestions of things you can do for Palestine. Try to just one of them today.Indymedia NL lose court case
21-06-2002 09:58
Indymedia NL is summoned to take down the page with links to mirrors of the Radikal website, that several clicks away contain illegal material. The verdict poses immediate threat to the possibilities of the internet and freedom of speech, since it rules that not only direct but also indirect links to illegal material are forbidden.ISRAEL: Two more refuseniks jailed
21-06-2002 09:42

Badger killing to start
21-06-2002 07:05
21-06-2002 06:03
What is blairs plan for state pensions.Can anyone please inform me of his true policy .Also what are the EU policy directives on this issue.Invitation to GM crops protest, Essex
21-06-2002 03:37
All are welcome to a carnival protest parade and village fete against GM crops growing in North Essex.No, Nay, Never ... Neo-nazism in Burnley, Lancashire
21-06-2002 03:17
On the 2nd May, the British National Party gained three seats in the town in the biggest electoral victory for British neo-Nazis for two decades. And along with the photographs of fascist leader Nick Griffin, grinning and flashing victory salutes around Burnley town centre, there are debates and editorials and phone-ins and questions in the House and interviews and commentaries and they’re suddenly all using the word Burnley."Virtual" Sit-In Against Right-Wing Media Hosts
21-06-2002 03:05
Rush Limbaugh, Dr. Laura Schessinger, Oliver North-these are the nazi-like scumballs that pollute the airwaves of the U.S. and other countries with right-wing bilge. Let's shut them down!Photos of Seville general strike demonstration
21-06-2002 01:21

pictures from seville protest
21-06-2002 01:08

I give up to pro-Israel racists! (cartoon by Latuff)
21-06-2002 00:48

Excellent Seville pictures (and news) from IMC NL
20-06-2002 23:19
9 pictures of the demonstration and police violence + articleHas one noticed the British Media are becoming more and more pro-Bush/War/Israel
20-06-2002 21:41
Has one noticed the British Media are becoming more and more pro-Bush/War/IsraeliConfict of interest! **Four Stars**
20-06-2002 19:22
Christian principles hold fast as an unlawfully formed system of law go's head to head with a minister of God who knows more about "The Law" than the lawyers do and is prepared to sacrifice his life for faith, beliefs and to save his sanctuary and temple from unlawful usury and fraudHow the Corporate Media Giants Collude with Bush to Wag the Dog
20-06-2002 17:34
The corporate media giants like VIACOM are using their monopolistic resources to help the Bush administration fabricate "national trends" where none would naturally exist.G8 imports of illegally logged wood condemned
20-06-2002 17:21
Goverment use 18% of illegally logged timber...