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ISRAEL: Two more refuseniks jailed

CONCODOC | 21.06.2002 09:42

Two more refuseniks have been jailed in Israel recently.

ISRAEL: Two more refuseniks jailed
ISRAEL: Two more refuseniks jailed

21 June 2002

ISRAEL: Two more refuseniks jailed

Infantry First Sgt. (res.) Guy Rozin, (ISR12135) (Military ID 3777618) was sentenced on June 16 to 28 days. Guy Rozin (28), an independent caterer from Tel Aviv, is the brother of refusenik Eyal Rozin; he is married with 2 children.
Guy was called to duty in the April emergency call-up. On reporting, he told his superiors he refused to serve in the territories, and was sent home. Some days later, his officers contacted him and tried to talk him into joining the unit at Psagot. Guy reiterated his refusal to serve in the territories, though adding that he'd consider an alternative posting. Last Thursday his unit made contact to notify him he was a deserter and would stand trial for that offence. At his trial on Sunday, Guy did not admit the desertion charge, but was found guilty and sent to jail. He has appealed his sentence but has received no reply to date.

Also sentenced to 14 days in Military Prison 4 on June 17 was R.B.N. (ISR12136 - at his request, his name and particulars are withheld).

Guy's address:
First Sgt. (res.) Guy Rozin, (Military ID 3777618)
Military Prison 4
Military Postal No. 02507,
IDF, Israel

Guy can also be contacted via:

War Resisters' International calls for letters of support to all imprisoned conscientious objectors.

War Resisters' International calls for letters of protest to the Israeli authorities, and Israeli embassies abroad.

War Resisters' International calls for the immediate release of all imprisoned conscientious objectors.

Andreas Speck
War Resisters' International


Mr. Binyamin Ben-Eliezer,
Minister of Defence,
Ministry of Defence,
37 Kaplan st.,
Tel-Aviv 61909,
e-mail: mailto: or mailto:
Fax: ++972-3-696-27-57 / ++972-3-691-69-40 / ++972-3-691-79-15

Commander of Military Prison No. 4,
Military Postal Code 02507
IDF, Israel
Fax: ++972-3-957-52-76

Commander of Military Prison No 6
Military Prison No 6
Military postal number 01860,
FAX: ++972-4-869-28-84

Addresses of Israeli media:
2 Karlibach st.
Tel-Aviv 67132
Fax: ++972-3-561-06-14

Yedioth Aharonoth:
2 Moses st.
Fax: ++972-3-608-25-46

Ha'aretz (Hebrew):
21 Schocken st.
Tel-Aviv, 61001
Fax: ++972-3-681-00-12

Ha'aretz (English edition):
21 Schocken st.
Tel-Aviv, 61001
Fax: ++972-3-512-11-56

Jerusalem Post:
POB 81
Jerusalem 91000
Fax: ++972-2-538-95-27
e-mail: or

Jerusalem Report:
Fax: ++972-2-537-94-89

Radio (fax numbers):
Kol-Israel ++972-2-531-33-15 and ++972-3-694-47-09
Galei Tzahal ++972-3-512-67-20

Television (fax numbers):
Channel 1 ++972-2-530-15-36
Channel 2 ++972-2-533-98-09

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