UK Newswire Archive
Postal union agrees to sell-out deal with Royal Mail
15-10-2007 16:46
By means of legal threats and with the connivance of the trade union bureaucracy, Royal Mail hopes to end the postal dispute and achieve its aim of overturning working conditions and pension rights, and eliminate tens of thousands of jobs.Full article | 8 additions | 5 comments
RBS round-up - 23 actions and counting!
15-10-2007 16:20

The Future of the U.S.-Turkey Relationship
15-10-2007 16:06
This speech was delivered on September 13 in Wahington at the Atlantic Council of the United States (ACUS) by the US Under Secretary for Political Affairs Nicholas Burns, ahead of his diplomatic visit to Ankara the following week.
Triple whammy for RBS in Norwich
15-10-2007 15:13

Tasmania Forest Protest in London, 13 Oct 2007
15-10-2007 14:28

Cambridge RBS action
15-10-2007 14:27

Climate Action at Royal Bank of Scotland: report, photos
15-10-2007 14:25

Royal Bank of Scotland Targeted for Investing in Climate Change
15-10-2007 14:12
A group of activists leafletted the Royal Bank of Scotland in Broomhill, Sheffield as part of a National Day of Action. Over 20 actions have taken place all around the country including banks being locked up in Norwich and polar bears blockading in Bristol. This is all part of a campaign against the Royal Bank of Scotland which invests heavily in oil and gas, which is accelerating climate change.Full article | 2 additions | 2 comments
Quick Update on Today's Oxford RBS Actions
15-10-2007 13:55
Full report with photos to hopefully follow soon, but here's a quick summary!Audio Report of Manchester Royal Bank of Scotland protest
15-10-2007 13:39

New Zealand, terrorists arrested, need your help
15-10-2007 13:23
17 activists arrested, denied bail. 300+ Police raid houses across the country15 Oct 2007 (Updated)
This was on ceefax briefly, just read the latest at the enclosed link
Guess they needed some terrorists to terrorise, sorry arrest.
David Graeber: The Shock of Victory
15-10-2007 12:25
The biggest problem facing direct action movements is that we don’t know how to handle victory.This might seem an odd thing to say because of a lot of us haven’t been feeling particularly victorious of late. Most anarchists today feel the global justice movement was kind of a blip: inspiring, certainly, while it lasted, but not a movement that succeeded either in putting down lasting organizational roots or transforming the contours of power in the world. The anti-war movement was even more frustrating, since anarchists and anarchist tactics were largely marginalized. The war will end, of course, but that’s just because wars always do. No one is feeling they contributed much to it.
Rising Tide National Day of Action Against the Royal Bank of Scotland
15-10-2007 12:23

CaptainCodeye nazipaedo-loving failed genetic experiment of theBNP in Nottingham
15-10-2007 11:56
Captain Codeye the result of a failed genetic experiment involving quasimodos sister & a crazy austrian half pint with 1 ball is in Nottingham tuesday,details on transport & protest.
DEADLINE Screening @ The Custard Factory, Birmingham
15-10-2007 11:40

Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Manchester RBS demo
15-10-2007 10:50
People in Manchester are outside the RBS regional arrest at Royal Bank of Scotland banner drop this morning
15-10-2007 10:36

No Means No! Help Stop More Incineration In The UK
15-10-2007 10:22
OBJECT (AGAIN!) - SAY NO TO MORE INCINERATION!Yes, you've heard about these plans before, and yes, you objected so much they were thrown out by the Council.
But WRG have ignored this democratic decision and re-submmitted their plans to expand Nottingham's dirty Eastcroft Incinerator. Time for us to shout even louder...
Take Action for Ahmed Belbacha – let him return to the UK
15-10-2007 06:52
Ahmed Belbacha has been held in Guantánamo Bay for nearly six years. In February this year, he was cleared for releases and deemed to pose no threat at all but has remained there as he cannot return to Algeria where his life will be in danger and the Foreign Secretary did not include him on the list of British residents whose return he sought in a letter to the American government in August.Iraq war: Nightmare with no end! (by Latuff)
15-10-2007 06:27