UK Newswire Archive
Reporters without Frontiers: Post Sept 11 : Internet Freedom Attacks
12-09-2002 01:44
The Internet on probation : Anti-terrorism drive threatens Internet freedoms worldwideReport by Reporters Without Frontiers

11-09-2002 23:22
In Defence of MarxismBritish Anarchist Groups update #2
11-09-2002 22:26
The Anarchist Youth Network (Britain and Ireland) is the only youth organisation, created by young people, which isn't trying to recruit you to a sad outdated political party...
Support the September 16th Colombian Peasant Mobilization
11-09-2002 22:24
International Statement in Support of the National Peasant Mobilization in Colombia, for dignified life, food sovereignty, against the FTAA and uprooting.Osama bin Laden and Bush/Blair are two sides of the same coin
11-09-2002 21:31
THE anniversary of September 11 will be remembered with highly charged images, especially those of the grieving families of the victims. What will not be clear is the exploitation of their grief and of our memory of the great atrocity. : John Pilger : 11 Sep 2002a talk on the real effects that sanctions are having on Iraq
11-09-2002 20:28

stop megawati's crackdown on trade unionism (indonesia)
11-09-2002 19:36
In October 2002 the Megawati-Hamzah Indonesian government aims to ratify two pieces of new labour legislation - the PPHI (industrial disputes settlement law) and the PPK (manpower protection law). These proposed laws are anti-union laws and attempt to regulate conflicts between employers and workers in the interests of the employers.No Sweat - - have produced a model protest letter we would like you to sign or base your own letter on. It will be handed in at the Indonesian embassy in London on September 17th.
Farmers and the GM Maze
11-09-2002 18:59
This film was produced for a Lifecycles tour of south Devon that started 6th September. The intention was to show this film to farmers, collect footage for a new film and find out what they know and what they think about the prospect of GM commercialisation next year.BAOBABCONNECTIONS A Newsletter on Globalisation
11-09-2002 18:35

We are working hard to make the website a place where people can find
information on globalisation from different perspectives. From Amsterdam
to Cape Town… We have coordinators in 7 African countries, we produce our
own content and publish it directly online. It is good to see that our
online community keeps on growing. We now have 390 subscribed members from
42 countries. And still we feel that this is only the beginning…
11-09-2002 17:24
11-09-2002 14:54
Yesterday Tony Blair gave a speech to the TUC advocating an invasion of Iraq - without being interrupted, heckled, slow hand clapped or faced with a walk out by a single delegate.Chomsky, september 11 and Iraq
11-09-2002 13:30
Today in Global Observer
Blair Unchallenged at TUC Conference
11-09-2002 13:17
Anyone tuning in to Blair's speech at yesterdays Trades Union conference may have been disappointed.Left Ignores Imperialist Provocations
11-09-2002 13:02
Was 9/11 an Imperialist Provocation?Report sept 11 demo : US Embassy : Wellington : Aotearoa : New Zealand.
11-09-2002 12:23
Report sept 11 demo : US Embassy : Wellington : Aotearoa : New Zealand.Red Targets in the ''War on Terrorism''
11-09-2002 10:11
Think about that. Hundreds of al-Qaeda, demanding principally that the U.S. get its troops out of Saudi Arabia. Tens of thousands of communist-led guerrillas---and many millions who identify with the legacy of the historical left---demanding an end to exploitation and inequality on the planet.CHIAPAS: PEACE AT RISK
11-09-2002 09:35
Peace at risk in Chiapas as the Supreme Court of Mexico approves a version of the Indigenous Rights Law that breaks the previous agreements of St. Andres reached in 1996 by the mexican government and the EZLN.September 11: New breath to capitalism (by Latuff)
11-09-2002 06:06

World Trade Center, one year Reichstag fires!