UK Newswire Archive
The Panama Deception: Putting 9/11 in a New Light [documentary video]
13-09-2002 01:52
![The Panama Deception: Putting 9/11 in a New Light [documentary video]](/icon/2002/09/240910.jpg)
13-09-2002 01:29

hackney antiwar meeting
13-09-2002 01:03

Tuesday 17th in the Bullion Rooms
a lying mindset
12-09-2002 21:48
It's funny because I lost the hard copy of the Mirror dated 11.09.02 -well worth tracking down for the Pilger article if nothing else, though the whole tone of the paper was anti-war. Anyway there were all these quotes of what notable people were doing when the planes hit the WTC,l and strangely enough Blair claimed here that he saw the FIRST PLANE hit the Tower, in line with Bush's claim Joint mental abberation or CCTV?PERU: ¡EXIGIMOS CIERRE DEL PENAL MILITAR DE LA BASE NAVAL DEL CALLAO!
12-09-2002 21:13
¡ Viva el Partido Comunista del Perú!¡ Viva el Presidente Gonzalo, Jefatura del Partido y la revolución !
¡ Solución política a los problemas derivados de la guerra !
¡ Exigimos cierre del Penal Militar de la Base Naval del Callao !
¡ Presos políticos libertad !
Egyptians polled on 9/11: 52% say America "deserved it"
12-09-2002 20:12
The leading English language Egyptian newspaper Al-Ahram Weekly, published today results of a 9/11 poll where 52% of Egyptians said they felt that America "deserved it." 68% said that Arab and Islamic governments should have "opposed" the US war on terror.ANTICAPITALIST BLOC LEAFLET: DOWNLOAD + PRINT!
12-09-2002 18:27

Another good idea is to give them out on the street/at gigs/on demos with the StWC flyer, available from

This demo will be massive - the anticapitalist bloc could be, too...
12-09-2002 18:23
THE unmarked military-style jet swooped down at high speed through the valley, twice circled the smouldering black scar where Flight 93 had careered into the ground just seconds earlier and then hurtled off over the horizon.JIC protest at BBC
12-09-2002 17:31

Biotechnology Newswire Sept. 13
12-09-2002 15:32
The following stories have been posted to the neRAGE.orgnewswire. You too can post stories, comment on articles,
and read some of the latest information on genetic engineering issues.
NORWICH: no sweat public meeting
12-09-2002 15:23
There is a No Sweat (the UK campaign against sweatshops) public meeting - all welcome - at Norwich Labour Club, Bethel Street, Norwich, 7.30pm, Tuesday 24th September. Mick Duncan from No Sweat will introduce the campaign. The meeting has been organised by Norwich Trades Union Council.Iraq Mass Production NOT Mass Destruction
12-09-2002 12:24
America has a flashing red light on its fuel tank and would rather refill now than worry if it has enough to make it to the next gas station. Don’t take my word for it, log on to Again refuseniks in prison
12-09-2002 12:24

GERMANY: Total objector Thomas Kroll in fifth arrest
12-09-2002 11:04

A message to troop and would be troops
12-09-2002 08:45
Know anyone in the military, or thinking about signing up soon? Pass this along to them. They may appreciate it, or not... but they deserve a heads up.Community Action Notes #10
12-09-2002 08:36

toronto events
info and resources on war and racism
Chomsky + Guardian's Hertsgaard - America(ns), Media Propaganda and Sept 11th
12-09-2002 04:02
Two articles stand out from the last 48hrs of post September 11th flurry - and are being reproduced across many grass roots news websites: "What Americans have learnt - and not learnt - since 9/11" by Noam Chomsky + "Why we still don't get it, one year on" by Mark Hertsgaard - The GuardianEPIC/Privacy Int. Report: Privacy + Human Rights 2002 (post sept 11)
12-09-2002 02:24
Annual report by EPIC and Privacy International reviewing the state of privacy in over fifty countries around the world post September 11th. It was launched at last friday's TERRORISING RIGHTS: Privacy, Open Society & the Challenge of September 11th Conference at the LSE in London:
Amnesty Report: Rights Denied: UK's response to 11 September 2001
12-09-2002 02:01
Rights Denied: the UK’s Response to 11 September 2001Amnesty International publishes a damning 25 page report on the UK government's responses to 11 September 2001