GERMANY: Total objector Thomas Kroll in fifth arrest
Concodoc | 12.09.2002 11:04
12 September 2002
GERMANY: Total objector Thomas Kroll in fifth arrest
Total objector Thomas R. Kroll (GER12347), who spent most of the time since 1 July 2002 in military arrest, was sentenced to a fifth arrest on 11 September 2002. Although he already served 63 days in military arrest - the usual time for total objectors, before their case is handed over to the civilian prosecution - he was again sentenced to 10 more days of military arrest. At the same time, he got the charge from the prosecution for several cases of refusing orders. The trial is set for 19 September 2002, 9:30am, and will take place at the Amtsgericht Laufen. Thomas Kroll is charged with several cases of refusing orders (Art 20 Military Penal Law), which carries a maximum sentence of three years imprisonment.
War Resisters' International calls for letters of support to Thomas R. Kroll:
Thomas R. Kroll
z.Zt. 5./GebJgBat 231
- Arrestzelle -
Nonner Strasse 23
83435 Bad Reichenhall
War Resisters' International calls for protest letters to Thomas R. Kroll's commander, to the court in Laufen, and to German embassies abroad:
Kompaniechef Hartung
5./GebJgBat 231
Nonner Strasse 23
83435 Bad Reichenhall
Mr. Becher, Richter am Amtsgericht (Judge)
Amtsgericht Laufen
Tittmoninger Strasse 32
83410 Laufen
Tel.: +49-8682-911-0
Fax: +49-8682-911-525
War Resisters' International calls for the immediate release of total objector Thomas R. Kroll, and all other imprisoned conscientious objectors.
Andreas Speck
War Resisters' International
War Resisters' International
Conscientious Objection and Conscription Documentation Centre
5 Caledonian Road * London N1 9DY * Britain
Tel.: +44 20 7278 4040 * Fax: +44 20 7278 0444
Email: *
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- by cheque, money order or bankers draft in £ Sterling, payable to "WRI". Cheques must be drawn on a bank with a branch in Britain;
- by giro transfer to War Resisters' International, Girobank, Merseyside, Britain, GIR 0AA, account number 585 20 4004, sort code 72-00-00
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12 September 2002
GERMANY: Total objector Thomas Kroll in fifth arrest
Total objector Thomas R. Kroll (GER12347), who spent most of the time since 1 July 2002 in military arrest, was sentenced to a fifth arrest on 11 September 2002. Although he already served 63 days in military arrest - the usual time for total objectors, before their case is handed over to the civilian prosecution - he was again sentenced to 10 more days of military arrest. At the same time, he got the charge from the prosecution for several cases of refusing orders. The trial is set for 19 September 2002, 9:30am, and will take place at the Amtsgericht Laufen. Thomas Kroll is charged with several cases of refusing orders (Art 20 Military Penal Law), which carries a maximum sentence of three years imprisonment.
War Resisters' International calls for letters of support to Thomas R. Kroll:
Thomas R. Kroll
z.Zt. 5./GebJgBat 231
- Arrestzelle -
Nonner Strasse 23
83435 Bad Reichenhall
War Resisters' International calls for protest letters to Thomas R. Kroll's commander, to the court in Laufen, and to German embassies abroad:
Kompaniechef Hartung
5./GebJgBat 231
Nonner Strasse 23
83435 Bad Reichenhall
Mr. Becher, Richter am Amtsgericht (Judge)
Amtsgericht Laufen
Tittmoninger Strasse 32
83410 Laufen
Tel.: +49-8682-911-0
Fax: +49-8682-911-525
War Resisters' International calls for the immediate release of total objector Thomas R. Kroll, and all other imprisoned conscientious objectors.
Andreas Speck
War Resisters' International
War Resisters' International
Conscientious Objection and Conscription Documentation Centre
5 Caledonian Road * London N1 9DY * Britain
Tel.: +44 20 7278 4040 * Fax: +44 20 7278 0444

Help WRI to support consientious objectors!
Send your donation:
- by cheque, money order or bankers draft in £ Sterling, payable to "WRI". Cheques must be drawn on a bank with a branch in Britain;
- by giro transfer to War Resisters' International, Girobank, Merseyside, Britain, GIR 0AA, account number 585 20 4004, sort code 72-00-00
- by credit card (please contact the WRI office for details)
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