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Ex-Government advisor on animal experiments accuses Government of “complacency a

01-11-2006 20:07

Today (1 November 2006) as government advisors on animal experiments (the Animal Procedures Committee or APC) publish their annual report, ex-Committee member Dr Gill Langley criticises the Home Office for continuing to license cruel animal experiments even though a total non-animal replacement exists.

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Growing DNA database 'turning Britain into a nation of suspects'

01-11-2006 18:46

One in four men could soon be included on the national DNA database which is helping to turn Britain into a nation of suspects, an expert group has warned.

:::: The consultation document is available here. Please respond to the consultation!! ::::

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Ariadna Pi occupies Ikea Barcelona

01-11-2006 17:26

A hundred of young people summoned by Ariadna Pi entered
last Friday, 13th of October in a chain Ikea in Barcelona (Catalonia)

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01-11-2006 16:58

Rally at US Embassy, Grosvenor Square, London, 12.00 noon
One of over 40 demonstration globally to coincide with International talks on climate change in Nairobi

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NHS'Spine'- threat to privacy of records etc.

01-11-2006 16:44

Guardian Nov 1...
The NHS's centralised and computerised syetem 'Spine' poses a very real threat of breaches of confidentiality of health records and raises the spectre of other agencies getting a view too..

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Shell Offices Raided in Solidarity with Rossport

01-11-2006 15:22

Shell don't have a sign in their building -why?
Shell Gas offices near Chesterfield were occupied today, while a simultaneous noise demo outside woke up Shell staff to our feelings about the multinational’s abuse of the Rossport people and their environment.

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Oaxaca solidarity film evening.

01-11-2006 15:06

Federal Preventative Police (PFP) are still advancing on the city of Oaxaca in the hopes of dislodging the Peoples’ Popular Assembly (APPO.) In the face of an impending military occupation of their city, determined residents are resisting the invasion without resorting to violence. We'll be showing video testimony shot by authentic journalists determined to document the truth about the Mexican state violence.

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Mixed Bag

01-11-2006 14:37

War is the Answer (Ode to ‘democracy’)

Give me your poor, your tired, your hungry,
I’ll piss on ‘em, rape, and kill ‘em
That’s what your statutes of bigotry mean
Bomb ‘em back to the stone age
and devastate their lands is really what
your democracy means.

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The James Petras Website

01-11-2006 14:29

New website by James Petras

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Update on Mexican Embassy arrests at Oaxaca/Brad solidarity demo, Wednesday 1st

01-11-2006 14:23

The eight people arrested at the demonstration held outside the Mexican Embassy in London on the 30th of October, have just been released today wednesday 1st November.

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On the hypothesis of the article on London bombings

01-11-2006 14:20

The premises of hypothesis, contained in the article on London bombings, are explicated in this article. Various other known hypotheses and facts, related to the London bombings, are reviewed from their perspectives.

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Depleted Uranium Weapons – a BBC investigation by Angus Stickler

01-11-2006 14:16

A BBC investigation can reveal that the US and UK military have continued to use depleted uranium weapons despite warnings from scientists that it poses a potential long-term cancer risk to civilians.

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Pentagon gears up for new media war

01-11-2006 14:12

Yeah well the Pentagon is pissed off with all these indymedia. blogs and other jumped up journalists getting their "incorrect version" across before they have had a chance make up the official version. So according to AP they are going to correct the record and let the sheeple know that there is nothing wrong with the war it is going fine, big bucks all round. The real problem is the way that it is being presented by some sections, not yet under their control, of the media.
What to expect ?

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"The End of Suburbia" on

01-11-2006 13:11

The end of cheap oil could be the beginning of community.

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Oaxaca Solidarity Action Report, Berlin

01-11-2006 13:07

Around 100 people gathered today (01/11/06) in front of the Mexican embassy in Berlin to demonstrate solidarity with the resistance movement in Oaxaca, Mexico and to demand an end to the police and (para-)military brutality which has left at least seven dead and over a hundred injured.

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Not a penny spent

01-11-2006 13:02

Someone involving the kids and getting them off the streets and away from drugs

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Missile strike on Pakistani Islamic school slaughters 80

01-11-2006 12:53

A devastating pre-dawn missile strike on an Islamic school in Chingai in the remote Bajaur agency of Pakistan has left at least 80 students and teachers dead. The attack, which levelled the buildings and left just a handful of survivors, has provoked angry protests throughout the country.

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NATO forces carry out massacre of Afghan civilians

01-11-2006 12:51

Official estimates of the civilian death toll from NATO air strikes in southern Afghanistan on October 24 are disputed, but some sources report up to 85 killed.

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STITCHING UP DEMOCRACY: the "war inquiry" debate: what it took to "fix" it

01-11-2006 12:46

Democracy "reflects the majority opinion in the population. The percentage of British people that think the iraq war was a "stitch up" is certainly over 50 % ( - in the USA too, so with mid-term elections approaching, thats a factor) . . . . So, when all the "opposition" factions unite around a vote for a near immediate inquiry into how this came about, with lots of people in the square, showing support. . . . ?

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OutRage!- Arrest Khatami-Don't honour him...

01-11-2006 12:05

OutRage! challenges Met Police etc to arrest Iran's former President Khatami rather than honour him on his visit to London (and Edinburgh)