UK Newswire Archive
Covance laboratories new Animal Lab
07-01-2005 11:55
Covance laboratories are building a new animal torture laboratory at their site in Harrogate, North Yorkshire. If this lab is built then it will be the fate of thousands of animals every year, who will die in cruel, pointless experiments that have no value to human health. Covance have applied for a rodent laboratory. Although have just finished a new large "rodent" lab this is suppose to be phase 2, we suspect this is just a lie to cover-up what the lab is going to be use for and what animals they will experiment on in this new hell hole!"Fair and Free Trade" - Blair and Brown G8 Poverty Plan - Media Coverage
07-01-2005 08:56
With the terrible tsunami disaster giving added urgency to efforts to end poverty and reduce / cancel the debt, Blair and Brown yesterday announced their G8 presidency plans for reducing poverty.While this is all good it's clear that along with debt reduction / cancellation and more aid, the priority is also expanding free trade, but trying to make some of it fairer.
Below are some of the key points as excerpts from the media coverage:
A Call For Light
07-01-2005 08:22

US Election Disenfranchisement & Fraud: Logging today's Blog
07-01-2005 00:10

You will have heard nothing about this (beyond ridicule) from the mass media. Very worrying. Read from the bottom up.
07-01-2005 00:08
A 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Russia, and Cuba.american government knew about tsunami
06-01-2005 21:01
the americans knewRadio Bronka off the air
06-01-2005 20:21
Radio Bronka, pirate radio station existing for 18 years in Barcelona, was surprised to find its signal covered up by Spanish National RadioEternal Vigilance WATCH: Will Senators Hastily Sanction Illegal Votes?
06-01-2005 18:05

Votes, Then Senators have Sanctioned Rank Criminality and DOOM the
Western Jurisprudence Tradition to a Dark and Dreadful VOID.
IN Bush V Gore 2000 Justice Breyer's reading of the law gives a convincing argument for Senators, Duty Bound by their Oath of office, to Object to Illegal Votes. Public servants must be committed to defend and protect All citizen's rights, well-being and promises to live withIn and Uphold Constitutional Law. We expect and deserve Open and Fair Due-process respecting equal justice under the law, absolutely crucial with wide disparities of wealth in this country too willing to dominate with undue influence. Justice Breyer, "The legislative history of the Act makes clear its intent to commit
the power to resolve such disputes to Congress, rather than the
courts: "The two Houses are, by the Constitution, authorized to
make the count of electoral votes.
They can only count legal votes, and in doing so must determine,
from the best evidence to be had, what are legal votes .... The
power to determine rests with the two Houses, and there is no other
constitutional tribunal." Doesn't this read, there is no requirement of evidence, of which there is an awesome abundance, but only the requirement of a compelling argument? IS Not the refusal to open log books, resistance to rationally consider the data, anomolies, honest, good-faith efforts to weigh the evidence, obstruction of recounts, ducking of subpoenas, unexalted dismissal of court cases on technicalities- fearing merit, covering up by the partisan CorpMedia by avoidance, attack pieces AND election officials hiding by refusing to answer citizen and congressional inquiry's, IN and Of ITSELF the Trashing of Due-process? and ample cause for dubious suspicion of motives and reasonable doubt, AND if NOT SEEN, then we might mistakenly tread into uncharted legal no-mans-land from which without a proper, learned, careful debate NOW, MayBe very difficult to extract our selves from, as more AmeriCANs continue to awake and do their HomeWork & stand to SAVE everything that matters to live with & under a banner of True Freedom for ALL! The Media is proving too arrogant and powerful to police itself or adhere to Public ethics & journalistic standards. They helped sell a war sentencing the military to a dubious, disastrous deadly conflagaration. Now as a result we had expected and are ready for with Election2004, moves on in the process, they are aiding in an orchestrated state secret, the cover-up of Democracy being Deliberately forsaken and currently bleeding to death with out listening to the doctors, calling the police or honoring The public's concern and common voice. Do Not try to buy The Vote!
Our VOTE is NOT For Sale! PROSECUTE the Media for selling a NO Due-Process climate.
We are speaking for Ideals and Future Generations, please listen and answer and heed this Clarion Call, we are looking you right in the eye on January 6th, search deep and do your best we will decide if you were right and honest, bear notice.
WithOut Due-Process. Inaugaration is VOID. We Have Had ENOUGH of Living With and Under LIES! Let US help Clean House.
Microsoft's Bill speaks out
06-01-2005 18:03
"There are fewer communists in the world today than there were. There are some new modern-day sort of communists who want to get rid of the incentive for musicians and moviemakers and software makers under various guises. They don't think that those incentives should exist".Bill Gates
Public sees through Government propaganda on arms exports
06-01-2005 17:55
A new poll shows that a significant proportion of the public believes the political influence of arms companies is the main reason the government supports arms exports (22.8%), as opposed to Government stated reasons such as jobs, promoting security abroad and maintaining the UK’s own supplies. More than half of people polled (50.6%)are opposed to civil servents promoting arms exports in the Defence Export Services Organisation.anti eugenics action attacked by "bioethicists"
06-01-2005 17:19
anti eugenics action attacked as 'anti democratic' by "bioethicists"
debt and generosity
06-01-2005 14:50
it was reported last wednesday that "the group of creditor nations known as the Paris Club will meet next week to discuss whether a debt moratorium should be agreed for those countries affected by the tsunami while the International Monetary Fund conducts an assessment of their economic needs."Gays win fight against Kent's S28 but...
06-01-2005 11:53
Gay activists have decalred victory against Kent County Council after leader Sir Sandy Bruce -Lockhart dropped local anti gay Section 28 from sex education policies. However there remain on-going concerns over the attidues that led to it's being there in the first place.(ie; Sir sandy believes in hetty marraige from a christian base-only 'tolerates' gays) This followed a meeting of Kent Tory Cllrs on 13 Dec where 3 supportive Cllrs pushed Sir Sandy into concedingHasbara
06-01-2005 06:47
Listening and reading mainstream US media outlets creates the illusion thatthe "peace process" between Israel and the Palestinians revolves around
"curbing the violence" and Palestinian "reforms." Devoid of any
self-reflection, the pundits ignore realities on the ground and distort
history in ways that try to deceive the US public to continue the massive
military and economic aid to Israel at the expense of US public interests
(in addition to its devastating impact on Israelis and Palestinians).
Tsunami - URGENT - Does anyone know this 2yr old boy?
05-01-2005 23:48

Demo at Marks and Spencers this Sat (8th) 12-2pm
05-01-2005 22:58
Demo at Marks and Spencers this Sat (8th) 12-2pmmore trouble brewing for rampART
05-01-2005 20:21
After the assult last before new years eve which result in one person being taken to hospital with a head injury, more trouble appears to be brewing at the rampART...Rogue builders taking over city
05-01-2005 16:47
THOUSANDS of planning conditions imposed on developers in Liverpool are never checked because of a lack of resourcesAngered Swiss Zionists demand explanations
05-01-2005 14:42
JEWS in Switzerland are reportedly "outraged" at a passage in the government's new extremist report that refers to Jewish extremism in the country.