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Demonstration Against Expansion Of Ampugnano Airport - Siena
09-01-2008 08:27

Occasion: Last day of the Renaissance Siena exhibition Host: The Save Siena Campaign
MPS Banking Group (the oldest bank in the world) are promoting the construction of a massive airport in the heart of beautiful unspoiled rural Tuscany. Please join us outside the National Gallery to protest against this monstrous proposal.
My Special Branch friends
09-01-2008 01:44
Like the many times I have travelled through a UK airport over the last two years (see the first and second times), yesterday too I had a Special Branch officer picking me from the passengers crowd at Birmingham Airport to ask me some 'very important' questions; important to the 'security' of this country and all the 'free' countries in the world. Sometimes I pass through quietly; at others with a few routine questions. But occasionally, especially when it's a new airport or a new officer in charge, I get stopped and questioned for up to an hour.. only to practice in how many different ways I can say "No comment"!
Chicken saved seconds from slaughter at Sun Valley (during high security alert)
09-01-2008 00:15
Two activists entered Sun Valley yesterday to document the conditions of animals going into the slaughterhouse and spontaneously rescued a chicken before it was shackled and slaughtered. - Please spread this story via email / bulletins etc to you friends!Westgate protest continues; court on Monday
08-01-2008 23:55
Tree-sitters in Bonn Square (Oxford) opposing the massive expansion of the nearby Westgate shopping centre were served with a court summons today for an eviction hearing on Monday. More action is sorely needed.Iraq: Hail Caesar?
08-01-2008 23:19
The Lebanese newspaper Al-akhbar have reported, that in the streets of Mosul, graffiti has appeared on walls proclaiming “Well done Caesar!” with groups also distributing leaflets sending their greetings and congratulations to the Iraqi soldier.Animal rights protesters cause suspension of Dutch science park
08-01-2008 21:17
A Dutch project management firm withdrew from the development of a new science park in the southern Netherlands...animal rights protesters painted graffiti on the homes of several project managers, threatening to use 'more aggressive means' if they did not stop their involvement in Science Link.Foie Gras Demo – This Saturday
08-01-2008 20:28
Supporters needed for next demo - THIS SATURDAY!SOCPA Delegation to Downing Street 9th January- Support Welcome
08-01-2008 20:13
Parliamentarians, campaigners, comedians, artists join forces to highlight new threat to freedom to protest. Your support and participation welcome tomorrow Wednesday 9th January,outside Downing Street at 10am.'Ethnic Charter flights' = 'Hamburg International Airlines'
08-01-2008 18:35
A deportee has positively identified 'Hamburg International Airlines' as the charter flight he was put on taking him and 30 others to Afghanistan.Latest raids and direct action
08-01-2008 15:30

Barclays Bank in Christmas Rip Off
08-01-2008 14:25
"Barclays charges is the only reason I actually have an overdraft, for days it was telling me I had money in the account (even when I phoned up) and of course I didn't and was still withdrawing money, had to get the overdraft to avoid further charges, it's done the same thing again this month so I'm over my overdraft limit, my christmas bonus is gonna go on bank charges." - one Barclays customers Christmas experience.Support Repatriation of Noel Maguire Irish Political Prisoner
08-01-2008 14:25

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Defend Freedom of Assembly/ Repeal SOCPA - Downing St Petition - Wed 9 Jan, 10am
08-01-2008 12:20
This event is happening tomorrow (Wednesday) at Downing Street. Please come alongand support at 10am if you can.
Alex Belongs to Bristol
08-01-2008 11:12

Six years of Guantanamo - Orange Friday National Events
08-01-2008 11:05

IWW and friends callout to protest Blood Service cuts
08-01-2008 11:00

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Coal, Climate & Environmental Racism - Grassroots Resistance talks!
08-01-2008 10:40

245 Gladstone Street, Nottingham NG7 6HX 0845 458 9595
The CPP-NPA-NDF “Hit List” - a preliminary report
08-01-2008 09:48