IWW and friends callout to protest Blood Service cuts
wob | 08.01.2008 11:00 | Health | Workers' Movements | Birmingham | Cambridge | London
As part of its ongoing fight to prevent massive cuts in the National Blood Service, the IWW is calling for a demonstration on Thursday 10th January at the NBS Management meeting in London.
10 out of England's 13 blood processing centres are due to be shut if greedy NBS management get their way. The IWW has been campaigning throughout 2007 to prevent a dangerous plan of centralisation, along with local communities and the big unions in the NBS, particularly Unite and Unison. 600 jobs are due to be axed, blood will have to be transported further to get to hospitals, putting patients at risk, and our useless government seem happy to just let NHS bosses reap the benefits of this stupid "cost-saving" plan.
The campaigns around this plan have already forced NBS bosses to reconsider. Thursday will see the results of their review. We are calling people to show their support for NBS workers at this meeting:
NHS Blood and Transplant
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Thursday 10th January 2007
The meeting starts at 9:30am, but please aim to get there soon after 9:00am.
Venue: Royal College of Gynaecologists, front entrance.
27 Sussex Place, Regent's Park, London NW1 4RG
This is a critical meeting for the NBS staff and our future, as consultancy agency McKinsey & Co. will be reporting back their findings from their review of the centralisation strategy. We want a crowd of angry supporters to greet the director scum as they go in and make sure they are aware their plans are seriously unpopular.
Background information at nbs.iww.org
London IWW
The campaigns around this plan have already forced NBS bosses to reconsider. Thursday will see the results of their review. We are calling people to show their support for NBS workers at this meeting:
NHS Blood and Transplant
Meeting of the Board of Directors
Thursday 10th January 2007
The meeting starts at 9:30am, but please aim to get there soon after 9:00am.
Venue: Royal College of Gynaecologists, front entrance.
27 Sussex Place, Regent's Park, London NW1 4RG

This is a critical meeting for the NBS staff and our future, as consultancy agency McKinsey & Co. will be reporting back their findings from their review of the centralisation strategy. We want a crowd of angry supporters to greet the director scum as they go in and make sure they are aware their plans are seriously unpopular.
Background information at nbs.iww.org
London IWW
iwwlondon [at] iww.org