UK Newswire Archive
Live Audio& Video streaming @ Hague hearing on Palestinian Wall.
22-02-2004 21:41
International Court of Justice: Live video coverage of Court hearings on the Internet Press Release, International Court of Justice, February 19th, 2004THE HAGUE, 19 February 2004. The public hearings before the International Court of Justice (ICJ), principal judicial organ of the United Nations, to be held from 23 to 25 February 2004 in the case concerning the Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (request for advisory opinion), will be broadcast live and in full on the Court's official website (
ISM Reports: Demo At Erez, Gaza Strip++Resisting the Wall in Budrus,West Bank
22-02-2004 21:03
Latest ISM ReportsPromoting Cycling in Oxford
22-02-2004 20:28
Cyclox promotes Cycling in Oxford. The next Cyclox public meeting is on Wednesday 3rd March 2004 at 7.00 p.m. - East Oxford Community Centre (corner of Cowley Rd and Princes St).The Arms Industry in Poland
22-02-2004 19:53
A very short rant on the aspirations of the local arms industry.fliers and posters to download for market campaign
22-02-2004 18:44

*Call for Solidarity from GE FREE VERMONT CAMPAIGN!*
22-02-2004 18:28
We write from the little green mountain state of Vermont (pop. 600,000) in the northeastern USA, and we greet you in the spirit of our state motto: "Freedom and Unity."We write to you to share our story, and to ask you to join us at 10 AM EST on Thursday, February 26th 2004, with seeds of solidarity for a GE Free future.
Here in Vermont, we are very strong. On Thursday, there is a likelihood that our STATE SENATE WILL PASS THE FIRST BILL in the USA TO PROHIBIT THE PLANTING OF GENETICALLY ENGINEERED SEEDS, INCLUDING THOSE ALREADY ON THE MARKET. We are gearing up for a big moment, and this moment will be only the beginning of our struggle.
Campaign against market changes gathers pace
22-02-2004 18:26

Demonstration - Blair's visit to Manchester for Labour Party Spring Conference
22-02-2004 18:14
Protest at the warmongers visit to ManchesterTony Blair's visit to the New Labour spring conference
to be held at GMEX, central Manchester from 12-14th March
Join the Demonstration
No More Lies, No more whitewash - time to Go Bliar
Assemble 12 noon Oxford Road
Saturday 13th March
(near BBC building,Oxford Rd Station for Trains)
Join in the toppling of the statue of the 'Bliar'
The national Stop the War Coalition petition will be handed in to the conference
download off,
Circus 2 Iraq
22-02-2004 18:04
Many of you will remember our Fisheye from Gate 10 and the RIAT and a lot of you Bristolians will know Jo Wilding, especially for her very memorable letters from Iraq while she was over there during the bombing. These are her pages:
All Things American
22-02-2004 17:54
New Labour's admiration for all things American is not just to be found in its respect for military "solutions", but in its educational policies as well.G8 Dissent in Oxford - Photos! (21st Feb., 2004)
22-02-2004 17:21

Argentinean films on labour struggles in Oxford
22-02-2004 17:05
Monday 23 February, 8 pmMerton graduate complex TV Room (entrance on Holywell Street, opposite New College)
Ana Fraile, Argentinean filmmaker, will be showing a series of short films on
the Struggles at the Brukman Textile factory in Argentina.
Kickstart occupied social centre
22-02-2004 16:45
Kickstart is an amorphous group of people in Manchester who occupy disused buildings and open them to the public for food, films, music, parties, politics, and other stuff besides.Next IMC Leeds open meeting: Tuesday March 2, 8 pm at Oblong
22-02-2004 15:21

Double standards on anti-semitism
22-02-2004 14:22
No compulsory genital inspections for Jews, but an EU Commission member sees no problem in proposing it for Somali’s.Yesterday at Nine Ladies
22-02-2004 10:45
some people emailed me cause they want to do something about nine ladies but can't get up there, so heres a brief update from the camp and anyone can help us get more cash together next time we chill our bones on market street.cheers everyone