UK Newswire Archive
House of Cards: Israel Unrestrained
08-04-2008 01:35
It's time for Israel to prove that the Palestinians have a 'partner for peace'.It's absurd to suggest that, while America remains Israel's underwriter, that it will enter into any viable process. These claims hold about as much water as their wild tales about Iraq and Iran.
The fact that this tragic comedy has been allowed to continue for this long shames us all.
Protest at the London Marathon on the 13th April 2008.
07-04-2008 23:38
We must continue to grab the world attention to the plight of the Tibetan to disrupt the elite runners of the Flora London Marathon of the 26 miles 385 yards (42.195 kilometres) course.This Saturday: Demo / Street Party for Autonomous Spaces, Manchester
07-04-2008 23:13

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International espionage agency targeted Heathrow protesters
07-04-2008 22:53
The aviation industry are in the frame as Plane Stupid investigation exposes mole.Climate action group Plane Stupid has been targeted by a professional espionage agency.
Freedom for Rose! Demonstrations Tuesday and Wednesday in Newcastle
07-04-2008 22:52

Video round up in Paris, tibet protest.
07-04-2008 22:51
A collection of videos from ParisPlane Stupid foils infiltration attempt
07-04-2008 22:46

Militarization in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico
07-04-2008 21:32
Last Wednesday April 3 elements of the Polícia Federal arrested activist Cipriana Jurado leader of the Non-Governmental Organization, Centro de Investigacion y Solidaridad Obrera (CISO) and the comrade Carlos Chavez of the organization Agrodinámica Nacional. At around 3 in the afternoon agents of the Federal police aboard a car without registration plates stopped by force comrade Cipriana and forced her into the unit, alleging that there was an arrest warrant against her which was never shown during the arrest, nor when she was transferred to the Rehabilitation Centre for Adults (CERESO).Chomsky Comes to Newcastle-Upon-Tyne
07-04-2008 20:21
Projectile 2008, May 23 - 26, opens with a Noam Chomsky webcast.Running for Life, running for Water
07-04-2008 20:12
Can we just get enough money together to get these folks a well?Action against; vivisection, hunting, fishing and leather
07-04-2008 19:49
Usborne children's books and the BNP
07-04-2008 19:34
Anything for a quick buck!URGENT: Free Mumia now! All out for 19 April united-front demonstration!
07-04-2008 19:26

Mumia Abu-Jamal
is innocent!
Abolish the racist
death penalty!
Saturday 19 April
1pm, US Embassy,
Grosvenor Square, London W1A
(Nearest Tube: Bond Street)
See attached PDF leaflet, contact the PDC for more information and to help build the demonstration, to speak and to endorse the protest. 020 7281 5504

judges for justice - 15th march
07-04-2008 18:52

Torch Went Out in London Too!
07-04-2008 18:21

Get ready
07-04-2008 17:37
07-04-2008 16:17
HLS worker escapes driving banThis Government Makes Asylum Seekers Sick
07-04-2008 15:56
Public Meeting - "Atrocious Barbarism": Limiting Healthcare Access to Asylum Seekers and MigrantsMonday 14th April 7pm at Showroom Cinema, Room 5, Paternoster Row, Sheffield S1 2BX
US congressional hearings on Iraq foreshadow aggressive stance against Iran
07-04-2008 15:52
In testimony before the US Congress this week, General David Petraeus, the top US commander in Iraq, is widely expected, as part of his assessment of the military situation, to slam Iran for allegedly arming and training anti-US insurgents. However, British officials warned in the Telegraph on Saturday that Petraeus could go further, by accusing Tehran of waging a proxy war against the US in Iraq and laying the basis for military strikes against Iran.Diana Inquest: Expect a spate of attacks in media against the jury 'system'!
07-04-2008 15:42
The INQUEST:The Diana 'death' was 'unlawful killing', the jury in the High Court in London has decided!