judges for justice - 15th march
rikki | 07.04.2008 18:52 | SOCPA | Iraq | London
short film of the 'judges for justice' action which took place in london on the 5th anniversary of the illegal attck on iraq. an ad hoc group paraded through london dressed as high court judges and armed with leaflets and an excellent banner. they started at the high court, visited downing street (without socpa authorisation) then to blair's new 'faith foundation' at grosvenor square and finally to his family home in connaught square
the 'judges for justice' call for accountability for the 'supreme crime'. they call for the prosecution of tony blair and gordon brown for war crimes.
during their walkabout they received much support, interest and praise from the public. they (and members of the press) were pushed around by over-zealous community support officers at downing street, although over the road, one policewoman sensibly pointed out that they were peaceful and not disturbing anyone so she didn't feel it necessary to invoke the socpa legislation.
later, they were harassed and threatened with 'obstruction of the highway' on a deserted street at connaught square. the film-maker was also threatened under "the counter-terrorism act" (whatever that's supposed to be), although the cop openly said he thought we might be taking film of the police response in order to "know our tactics and come back and beat us on a demonstration" - erm, so that's terrorism is it?
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quicktime films can be watched on any platform (mac/pc/linux) with the simple free downloadable vlc player from videolan
during their walkabout they received much support, interest and praise from the public. they (and members of the press) were pushed around by over-zealous community support officers at downing street, although over the road, one policewoman sensibly pointed out that they were peaceful and not disturbing anyone so she didn't feel it necessary to invoke the socpa legislation.
later, they were harassed and threatened with 'obstruction of the highway' on a deserted street at connaught square. the film-maker was also threatened under "the counter-terrorism act" (whatever that's supposed to be), although the cop openly said he thought we might be taking film of the police response in order to "know our tactics and come back and beat us on a demonstration" - erm, so that's terrorism is it?
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quicktime films can be watched on any platform (mac/pc/linux) with the simple free downloadable vlc player from videolan