UK Newswire Archive
democracy village ruling tomorrow morning
15-07-2010 22:22
after delaying a further week, at 9am tomorrow morning the high court will hand down the ruling on the appeal by the democracy village against eviction.
at 9am tomorrow friday 16th july, in court 71, the high court will hand down its ruling on the appeal against eviction. the appeal was based on points of law, and especially challenged the right of the GLA to act on behalf of the queen, questioning who actually owns the square after the queen was apparently given the land by parliament in 1999!
if the court rules the appeal unsuccessful, then bailiffs may be aided by police to clear parliament square of the ten-week long democracy village camp.
although it is difficult to predict when this eviction attempt might be, if the high court rules against the appeal activists are invited to come to parliament square to help plan and aid resistance to any attempted eviction.
while there are indeed still problems with an influx of a large number of homeless people, many with substance abuse and mental health problems, there are still a committed core of activists who are making some headway and are serious about the protest in the square.
recent innovations have included the removal of donation systems (which were being abused by alcohol-dependent people) although donations of food and shelter are still welcome.
last night there was an activists' gathering at the square and nearly a hundred people attended. there has also been a fresh wave of committed peace activists at the site.
support at the high court and afterwards at the square is very welcome.
Dialect - Revelations from the graveside of former Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu
15-07-2010 22:22
plus - are Tsunami bombs fact or fiction? Find out in Secret and LiesDialect Radio is a Bristol (UK) podcast produced by volunteers. Our main activity is our weekly current affairs and arts magazine programme Dialect, which is recorded at our Queen's Square studios and posted for download every week on Friday morning. Want to volunteer? Volunteering Bristol, Royal Oak House, Royal Oak Avenue, Bristol. BS1 4GB Tel: 0117 989 7733. Listen on air: 93.2 FM (BCFM), Sundays at 12 noon. Or listen live on the internet at
hi fi - listen
hi-fi download
00:00 - Introduction
01:00 - Tony Giles travels the world even though he is blind and nearly deaf. An inspiration to us all. Part 2 of Anthea Page's interview with him when their paths crossed in Eastern Europe.
05:00 - 'Jesus Saves' Simon from Stokes Croft
14:30 - Ghencea cemetery in Bucharest, Romania - Cemetery where former president Nicolae Ceauşescu is buried - revolution or rather a civil war?
27:30 - The Tavistock Institute discussed by psychology and sociology student Ian Cresswell
33:00 - Tim Burroughs poems: Lines Of Fate And Lines Of Age; Cast Iron, Rivet, Girder and Stone
39:00 - David Southwell's Secrets and Lies: 'Tsunami bombs ... and other high technology' read by Malcolm Grieves
49:00 - Latest Amateur Drama from around the region from Prompt Magazine
53:30 - Jeff Sparkes' What's On Guide
58:30 - Credits
Presenters: John Peters-Coleman and Michaela Dennis
Reporters: Anthea Page and Tony Gosling
Studio Production: Lee Duffield and Jonny Roydon
Producer: Tony Gosling
mayor of london's racist agenda & trial by media continues
15-07-2010 22:06
we simply do not believe that the increasing number of drunken BULLIES in the democracy village who have repeatedly said this "f****** c*** SHOULD LEAVE THE COUNTRY" etc, are genuine in wanting - for example - a universal system of justice to protect all the people everywhere....Re-run of Government consultation causes delay to nuclear policy
15-07-2010 20:22
Energy Minister Charles Hendry today announced there will be a re-consultation of the widely criticised Energy National Policy Statements (NPS). Originally expected to be ready by the end of July, Hendry has said it will not be ready until Spring next year when Parliament can debate it.The announcement throws the planning process into some confusion as there will be no list of nuclear sites with which developers such as EdF can line up their planning applications.
The text of the announcement suggests that the Government fears being challenged over aspects of the Policy Statements which may not be legally watertight. The suggestion is that the re-consultation and consequent delay will benefit the developers in terms of certainty but oddly states that a nuclear power station is still possible by 2018.
Friends of the Earth earlier this year promised to mount a legal challenge over the first NPS consultation framework. RSPB, World Wildlife Fund and Greenpeace all hinted strongly that aspects of the NPS were open to challenge.
The specific parts of the Policy Statements highlighted by the announcement are called Appraisals of Sustainability. The AoS must for example include 'comparison with reasonable alternatives to the preferred policy'. In other words renewable energy should be thoroughly investigated as an alternative to the policy of introducing new nuclear power at any specific site.
Other planning anomalies have been raised by campaigners such as the fact that no new reactor designs will have been licensed by the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (NII) while being assessed by the IPC (or its successor). The Generic Design Assessment (GDA) process, whose current reactor design assessment is expected to be finished in June next year, is not legally binding and separate from the NII licensing process. Objections have also been raised over the transparency of the GDA process.
The planning and licensing process seems to have lots of 'carts before horses'.
Hinkley Point was the subject of a planning application in 2006 for a twelve turbine wind-farm, later rejected by local planners, despite over 4,000 signatures in its support, following objections on safety grounds by British Energy, now owned by EdF. British Energy also objected on the grounds that developers may want to build a nuclear power station on the same site in the future.
The National Policy Statements are blueprints by which the newly created Infrastructure Planning Commission can judge applications. Without the Policy Statements, duly designated and signed-off by the Secretary of State, it is difficult to see how the applications for nuclear power stations such as Hinkley C can be scrutinised.
However a spokesman for the Infrastructure planning Commission said to Stop Hinkley that a case could still be examined and a recommendation made 'under a hierarchy of policy'. When asked how the public or even the IPC commissioners could judge what questions to put in the planning process without a blueprint we were told they would come back to us after seeking advice.
The IPC's future was also touched on in today's announcement, as the Conservatives and Liberals had both promised changes to the planning quango. Another announcement will be made in the summer.
Jim Duffy, Stop Hinkley Coordinator said: "This was a surprise announcement which raises lots of questions: Will the alternatives to nuclear be thoroughly examined in the new consultation? Will the Hinkley C application be allowed to go ahead as planned in December? If so how will it be managed in the absence of a planning blueprint? And what status will the new reactor licensing team have, pending approval from the safety regulator, during the 'fast-track' planning process?"
"A nine month delay from the Government on top of EdF's six-month planning application (1) delay looks likely to affect their hopes for a 2018 opening of the two massive reactors at Hinkley C. DECC must have become twitchy at the prospect that the widely criticised Policy Statements pushed through by the Labour Party were not legally watertight. It may be that the Government has not sufficiently examined the prospects for renewable energy as a sustainable alternative to nuclear and the Liberal Democrats have pushed for a re-evaluation."
Jim Duffy
Stop Hinkley Coordinator
07798 666756
(1) IPC projects, see page 2.
The first application was originally listed as 2nd August 2010, already put back from July as stated in EdF's newsletters. The IPC confirmed that the planning application dates are put forward by the 'applicants' and not changed by the IPC, contrary to EdF's statement on their delay:
The DECC re-consultation is separate from the EdF second stage consultation on proposals for Hinkley Point which opened on 9th July ending on 4th October.
Organisation: Department of Energy and Climate Change
WMS: Consultation for draft energy national policy statements
The WMS regarding the consultation for draft Energy National Policy Statements has now been published.
Consultation for draft Energy National Policy Statements
Written statement by Charles Hendry MP, Minister of State for Energy
Today I am announcing that the Government will be launching a re-consultation in the autumn on the draft energy National Policy Statements following the consultation undertaken by the previous administration earlier this year, and in particular due to changes which have been made to the Appraisal of Sustainability for the Overarching Energy National Policy Statement.
The revised statements will give investors the certainty they need to bring forward proposals to maintain security of supply and ensure progress towards decarbonisation and plans for the first new nuclear power station to begin generating electricity by 2018 remain on course.
We intend to present the finalised statements to Parliament for ratification next Spring. A detailed implementation plan for planning reform on major infrastructure - including transitional arrangements and a revised timetable - will be published later in the summer.
Read on Dods Monitoring
Organisation: Department of Energy and Climate Change
Consultation on draft national policy statements for energy
The Government's draft National Policy Statements for energy infrastructure will be strengthened, it was announced today.
Charles Hendry, Minister of State for Energy said:
"For large energy projects we need to give industry maximum certainty, so that if sound proposals come forward, they will not fall victim to unnecessary hold-ups.
"We have decided to take a further look at the Appraisal of Sustainability of our draft Energy Policy Statements to make sure that they are fit for purpose. Taking this decision now is essential to safeguard our long-term goal of a sustainable and secure energy supply".
Plans for the first new nuclear power station to begin generating electricity by 2018 remain on course.
DECC has already consulted on the Energy National Policy Statements. Having considered the responses to that consultation, we have decided to take a further look at the Appraisals of Sustainability (AoSs) of the NPSs. The reconsultation will provide a chance to look at the reworked AoS and the changes to the draft NPSs.
Under the Planning Act 2008[External link] an appraisal of sustainability (AoS) must be carried out on the policies set out in any NPS before it is designated. An AoS is an assessment of the environmental, social and economic impacts of implementing a policy, and includes comparison with reasonable alternatives to the preferred policy.
The Nuclear Development Forum, taking place today, brings together senior figures at CEO level from the nuclear industry, regulators, wider supply chain companies and skills bodies who are involved in making a new generation of nuclear power stations in the UK a reality.
How to build a media centre
15-07-2010 19:24
A hastily (some may say shoddily) put together video with some footage we took at the Hebden Bridge Big Green Weekend to show how we set up and power our mobile media centre.
This is meant to be a vague guide so others can set something similar up at their event in order to get your news out there. If anyone would like to find out more, or have any questions, please feel free to email the collective at
Be The Media!
Somerset County Council compensates Farm Worker .
15-07-2010 19:22
Charity Walk removed from OS Mapping by Somerset County CouncilGraham Hoyle is a farm worker and a member of the Ramblers who designed a long distance walk through Somerset called the Samaritans Way South West in order to aid the rural economy.
Graham has been awarded £500 compensation from Somerset County Council (SCC), who initially had agreed to support the 100 mile route. However, in 2007 they requested Ordnance Survey (OS) to remove the route from their maps, without consulting Graham Hoyle or the Samaritans Way South West Association - a body set up to promote the walk.
They also failed to fully check their own department files and failed to investigate and identify any interested parties (see letter dated 6 April 2010, received on 21 May 2010)
Mr Hoyle commented on the decision- ‘I spent 17 years designing, way marking and clearing obstructions on public rights of way, at my own cost, to produce a beautiful walk and guide book from Bristol to Lynton that supports tourism and the local farming communities. I was pleased when the route appeared on the OS maps but devastated to find it had been removed by Somerset County Council, at the request of Exmoor and Quantock Authorities without any consultations.
The footpath removal is totally unjustified as it is shown as green diamond markings on a map designed for recreational purposes which does the authorities no harm but is of great benefit to the route and the local economy. I would have preferred that the route be reinstated on the OS Maps rather than receive the compensation for the Council’s poor administration.
Naturally, the £500 will be paid to the Samaritans Charity, and no personal money or profit goes to any individual. In addition, all profit from sales of the guide book goes to the local Samaritans.'
Is a Recreational Path likely to remain on Ordnance Survey Mapping
When submitting a route to Ordnance Survey (OS) they give you criteria as follows:-
The path needs to be at least 20 miles (37km) in length; you need a book with a guide or description; it needs to be way marked. This can take an enormous amount of effort since all County, District and Parish Councils need to be informed, which can lead to contacting landowners and farmers, also any National Parks and areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty ,and to obtain endorsements from all Local Authorities.
In spite of obtaining what appears to be a successful conclusion the route can be removed from mapping without any notice as it was with the Samaritans Way South West, a long distance path of 100miles(160km) going the length and breath of Somerset from Bristol to Lynton.
The path was opened on the 21st April 2004 by the Vice President of the Ramblers, the Chief Executive of Samaritans and a farmer from Gloucestershire who headed to Farmers Helpline, giving a listening ear to farmers suffering in the decline of the industry.
All Authorities gave good feedback and in some cases negotiations took a little longer, also encouraging remarks were made. With this encouragement the Samaritans Way South West Association ( SWSWA)continued working very hard including responding to a request from some Authorities for a more definable title, which revised the book title and the way marks, a costly exercise.
Whilst this was going on Somerset C C commenced action to erase the whole of the route from OS Mapping as long ago as 2006 and according to OS this was finalised in December 2007 after consultation had taken place between Exmoor National Park, Quantock ANOB and OS.
None of the above authorities contacted the SWSWA, as the removal was discovered by browsing in a bookshop, therefore giving no opportunity for discussions or negotiation.
It was not so much the legality of the action but the manner in which is was conducted especially as part of the route had been replaced by another recreational path on the map sponsored by the Local Authorities.
The main sticking point in the criteria was the way marking since OS said it needed to be signed the whole route. This was not allowed over Quantocks ANOB and Exmoor NP understandably so, since plastic way marks can be an eyesore. Letters from the above authorities stated:-’ a person is welcome to promote a route and have it published on OS maps providing OS will permit this in the knowledge that no increased promotion or maintenance will be done by the relevant authority and they would not permit any such route to be way marked.’ They also added; ‘ I hope this is of some assistance and the route is progressing well and wished luck with the project.’ These conditions were accepted by the creator of the SWSW route and the OS which interpreted this as an endorsement to print the whole route on 13 relevant maps. Somerset C C also wished me good luck and stated the Council had no objection to the route being shown as a long distance trail on OS Mapping. A letter followed from OS stating they had received approval from all local authorities and the route will be shown on all future editions as they are revised and again wishing success for the future.
It may well be the case there is a technicality that the route can be removed from mapping but it is so well hidden in the wording of the endorsement which certainly gave the creator and OS a green light to go ahead; this coupled with the lack of commerciality can only be described as totally unjustified for a few lozenge etchings on a map designed for recreational purposes which does the authorities no harm at all, but is of great benefit for the route.
The idea to the support the farmers and by raising money for the Samaritans came from an article in a Sunday paper in 1993 written by a farmer who happened to be an employer of the author in the early 1960’s.
So far the route has taken 17 years to develop. The first 7 years 1993-2000 was mainly occupied with reporting and working on a huge amount of footpath problems to obtain a fairly clear route between the Mendips and Quantock hills before a guide book could be published in 2000. £7000 of personal money was included approx. 2000 miles of walking editing the route and using public transport, this taking up weekends and public holidays since people were in full time employment.
It was a lonely job for the first four years then a friend of the author became involved which was of huge benefit. After ten years a small band of loyal people formed the SWSWA.
Unfortunately the whole route was erased, this included from the edge of Bristol to the Quantocks
Which was outside the sensitive areas of Exmoor NP and Quantocks ANOB and where the route needed so much work over the years.( A list of such work is available) There were a lot of dairy farmers struggling to make a living which was the main purpose of raising money for the Samaritans. This also omitted the towns of Glastonbury and Street which could well do with the economy from walkers as there is no other recreational path through these towns. Since alterations take place from time to time it was necessary to update sections which is now on the website, and far from undaunted it will continue and hope to raise money for the rural economy and remember farming is one of the few industries left in the country , its there forever not like a lot of companies who move their production abroad.
It has taken almost 2 years of writing to the various Authorities to try and obtain a successful conclusion, also a possible compromise, but no ground or flexibility has been given. Legal fees for the SWSW Association were far too expensive to pursue so our only option was to take the case to the Local Government Ombudsman. She could not make a decision on the merits of the case relating to the withdraw of the route from OS Mapping but a fine( or compensation?) of £500 is to be paid by Somerset C C to SWSWA through lack of communication in the first place and their failure to consult or inform us of their intentions. Naturally the £500 will be paid to the Samaritan’s Charity , no personal money or profit goes to any individual.
Perhaps the route will be recognised one day which would not only benefit the rural community which according to an article in the Western Daily Press 17 April 2010 stating Exmoor desire for a higher profile on the tourist map. In the meantime please try the route yourselves and give your own assessment even if you don’t walk please support the farmers by way of the Samaritans with donations or written support.
I wish any future developers of recreational paths every success. For more information please visit the website The route is not yet perfect, please report any footpath problems to the SWSWA or directly to the relevant Local Authority.
Graham Hoyle , Farm Worker , Bristol Group Rambler and Designer of the Walk Route July 2010
US Navy and Univ of Wisconsin Continue Brutal Treatment of Animals
15-07-2010 18:04
The US Navy has subjected primates to chair confinement for months at a time. Their violation of a treaty with India caused Indira Gandhi to ban primate export to the US. Their sonar and propellers kill whales and dolphins. Their jet bombers launched from aircraft carriers have bombburned to death countless animals.They have used dolphins as weapons carriers. Now with the University of Wisconsin
which has also tasered pigs for the Justice Dept. and tortured primates, they have
killed 3 of the sheep they are experimenting upon with painful bends.
EDO Decommissioners Trial Transcript of Judges Summing Up
15-07-2010 16:44
the full transcript of the judges speech from last day of the trial.from JC
New Video About 2009 Gaza Protests In London
15-07-2010 16:22
Short film about police brutality in London during and after the 2009 protest against the Israeli attack on Gaza.
Palestine Today 07 15 2010
15-07-2010 16:05

Punk the Plinth
15-07-2010 15:35

Inquiry Confirms UK Collusion in Torture
15-07-2010 14:51
Highly classified documents have been disclosed that detail the involvement of Tony Blair's government in the torture of its own citizens. The documents not only support claims by six former Guantánamo detainees that British Intelligence were complicit in their mistreatment but also implicates the previous government in a number of illegal operations and thwarting attempts by Foreign Office officials to try the suspects in the UK.Botanic Garden on the Tapton Experimental Gardens now we need direct action.
15-07-2010 13:44
COUNCILORS have reluctantly approved long-disputed plans for a large housing development on a former Sheffield University halls of residence site. Miller Homes’ plan to build 120 homes on the site of Tapton Hall, between the leafy suburbs of Broomhill and Crookes, was thrown out by Sheffield councillors when it was first submitted three years ago.Taunton Benefit Gig
15-07-2010 13:22
The lovely folk of Taunton are organisin a gig for us......Anonymous promotions presents....
Bristol No Borders Benefit, 7pm the Roadhouse (formerly Pen and Quill),
line up includes Subgenerates (TBC), Some Sort of Threat, Olive Anne, rat bandits and Dane Howells.
FREE entry! donations appreciated...
possible lifts form Bristol, or email for info on transport
The EDL in Bradford would mean trouble
15-07-2010 13:17

Doomsday: How BP Gulf disaster may have triggered a 'world-killing' event
15-07-2010 13:06
"The warning signs of an impending planetary catastrophe—of such great magnitude that the human mind has difficulty grasping it-would be the appearance of large fissures or rifts splitting open the ocean floor, a rise in the elevation of the seabed, and the massive venting of methane and other gases into the surrounding water. Such occurrences can lead to the rupture of the methane bubble containment—it can then permit the methane to breach the subterranean depths and undergo an explosive decompression as it catapults into the Gulf waters. [6] All three warning signs are documented to be occurring in the Gulf."Sterilise claimants urges racist treasury website
15-07-2010 12:24
This is a single issue newsletter asking for your urgent help in getting a government website closed down. The site, set up by the treasury to allow people to suggest ways to cut government spending, is full of hate-filled racist and disablist suggestions, including the sterilisation of benefits claimants, the return of the workhouse and the forced repatriation of asylum seekers and migrants. Some of the site’s content is so extreme it may even constitute a criminal offence.Meeting to resist cuts in public services
15-07-2010 12:24
Meeting to resist cuts in public services
7.3opm Wednesday 14 July 2010 New Mechanics Institute, North Sherwood Street
Meeting held to organise resistance to cuts in public services. Organised by Nottinghamshire, Mansfield & Nottingham Trades Council.
Attended by members of a variety of public sector unions and many individuals with concerns for the future. Speaker after speaker outlined thier opposition to these developments and no one there thought the coalition government has finished yet. There was of course, the usual divisions on what to do about it all, but many attending said they would like to be more involved in direct action in support of change.
A while in the future yet .... but there was a call to potest at the Tory Party Conference in central Birmingham on Sunday 3 October.
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"