UK Newswire Archive
It happened before, not so long ago.
24-04-2006 01:59

Intrigue on streets / common of Southampton
24-04-2006 00:33
Pst, Psst..Huddle closer, wink wink! I've even heard that one notorious spy (non other than 'XtincTv') who went to earwig on the above goings on in the park, heavy in disguise (and peer over papers in the process) was near apprehended by two local police constables on the plod whilst on their loop(y) walk.TWINNING CONFERENCE
23-04-2006 22:56
The British-Palestinian Friendship Conference held in April 2006 in Bethlehem has helped take the twinning movement on to yet another stage.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Vanunu Freedom Ride in Oxford
23-04-2006 18:33

Macho Men and State Capitalism - Is Another World Possible?
23-04-2006 17:37
* Latin America is boiling with revolutionary potential these days that could redefine economics, politics and social relations. But sometimos things aren't always as they seem. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez is widely seen to be at the center of Latin America's transformation by building a regional trade bloc through the creation of ALBA and Venezuela's membership in Mercosur to oppose U.S. dominance and its constant push for free trade agreements with Latin American governments.BASSLINE CIRCUS on the road again.
23-04-2006 14:45
Bassline Circus, London's touring tented New Skool circus. A little bit of history and information about our summer tour.South Ldn fascist exposed
23-04-2006 13:53
As he's appeared on a gay website publicizing his own 'New Right' blogspot shite here's his details for all... AntiFascists pls take note.Video on the plight of minorities in Bangladesh
23-04-2006 13:45
This video highlights the tragic situation for ethnic minorities in BangladeshNEPAL SOLIDARITY DEMO
23-04-2006 13:37
Picket the Royal Nepalese Embassy, 12a Kensington Palace Gardens, London W8 on Saturday 29 April, 2006 at 1pm.Recognise the Armenian Genocide
23-04-2006 13:16

3 days of resistance against arms fair
23-04-2006 11:17
From wednesday the 19th to friday the 21st, several protests and direct actions took place in Amsterdam, opposing the military fair 'Marelec'. Marelec was not only a military fair, but was also a place for companies producing sonar technology, which kills whales and dolphins.Events: Leeds No Borders to expose 'city of shame'
23-04-2006 10:04
Campaigners in Leeds working to support detained and destitute asylum seekers and fight their deportation from the UK have just unveiled a series of events in April and May, including an 'alternative' guided tour of the 'other' Leeds, that which imprisons and impoverishes migrants.Porter Goss's Cocaine Import Agency (CIA) has links to "Al Qaeda" and Saudis.
22-04-2006 21:11
Porter Goss's Cocaine Import Agency (CIA) has links to "Al Qaeda" and Saudis. Last year, WMR reported on links between the Saudi Royal Family and CIA proprietary airline companies involved in cocaine smuggling.Repost From musician's website
22-04-2006 20:49
Multilingual May 1st Celebration suggestions for anybody concerned with migrant workers - particularly Mexican Migrants in the US. An economy still dependent on slave labour. (
Corporate Complicity in the Ethnic Cleansing of the Jordan Valley
22-04-2006 19:54
These emails are from a Brighton based activist spending April in occupiedPalestine with the International Solidarity Movement, a network of
international activists set up to support Palestinian non violent resistance
agaisnst Israeli occupation of Palestinian land. In these emails I will be
writing short accounts of aspects of the occupation and resistance.
Happy Birthday to Queen of Uranium Poisening
22-04-2006 17:52
"....the British Royal family privately ownsinvestments in uranium holdings worth over
$6 billion through Rio Tinto Mines."
"The Queen's favorite American buccaneers,
Cheney, Halliburton, and the Bush family,
are tied to her through uranium mining and
the shared use of illegal depleted uranium
munitions in the Middle East, Central Asia
and Kosovo/Bosnia."
"God Save The Queen from the guilt of her
complicity in turning Planet Earth into a
"Death Star.""
"The War is Bad for the Economy": Joseph Stiglitz
22-04-2006 17:50
Information channels into the White House were distorted. Bush wanted only certain information, and that's mostly what they supplied him with.. The only people benefiting in this war are Bush's friends in the oil industry.Sharrow Lantern Carnival
22-04-2006 17:10

30 settlers attack shop in Tel Rumeida
22-04-2006 16:00
These emails are from a Brighton based activist spending April in occupied Palestine with the International Solidarity Movement, a network of international activists set up to support Palestinian non violent resistance against Israeli occupation of Palestinian land. In these emails I will be writing short accounts of aspects of the occupation and resistance.PLEASE FORWARD WIDELY