UK Newswire Archive
Gipfelsoli Newsletter March 12th: Heiligendamm
12-03-2007 21:01

- Move fast, strike harder...
- Protocol g8 workshop at pga wintermeeting 2007 in hamburg
- ATTENTION ALL WHO SUPPORT OUR WORK here at Replacements Needed & PeaceGuard. We need your involvement today!
- Overview of the Protests Against the G8 Summit
- "Hitler no longer to be an honorary citizen of Bad Doberan"

The 10th APPO Megamarch Observes Women's Day
12-03-2007 20:47
On International Women’s Day, March 8, the APPO, teachers, civil society organizations, campesinos and women – among them the Coordination of the Women of Oaxaca (COMO), and indigenous women’s organizations – marched in defiance of the repressive policies of Governor Ulises Ruiz.'Thousands riot' in China protest
12-03-2007 20:43
A protest staged by thousands of rural workers in central China ended in violent clashes last week, reports say.Several people were injured as up to 20,000 people clashed with 1,000 police in Hunan province on Friday, a local official told Reuters news agency.
Police State USA? - It could happen
12-03-2007 18:27

Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
‘Rapid’ global warming due to increase in sun’s radiation
12-03-2007 18:08
By Don BeckClimate - We have much less time to act than we thought.
12-03-2007 18:01
by Bill TregeaClimate scientist 'duped to deny global warming'
12-03-2007 17:56
Ben Goldacre and David Adam of The ObserverSelf-Harm in Immigration Removal Centres
12-03-2007 17:40
Every other day a detainee incarcerated in a UK Immigration RemovalCentre (IRC), makes an attempt at self-harm (suicide), serious enough
to require medical treatment.
These are the official numbers...the real numbers may be much higher.
Rapists and torturers must not be allowed to rule our pirated authority
12-03-2007 17:13
Rapists and torturers must not be allowed to rule our piratedauthority through defending the further 'escape' of the
bushmob for 911.
Baby milk companies forced to stop illegal marketing practices
12-03-2007 15:21
UK authorities have warned baby food companies to stop making illegal claims on infant formula labels.Local youth venue with community role in danger
12-03-2007 14:54

Troop Withdrawal Timetables Divide Democrats
12-03-2007 14:00
The campaigning for the 2008 election is off to an early start and the Democrats in both Houses of Congress are using the Iraq War for political leverage to boaster early public support; however Democrats are deeply divided on troop withdrawal timetables, ranging from mid 2007 to various open-ended commitments to continue the war and occupation beyond 2008.Blair’s offensive against welfare - Government by the rich, for the rich
12-03-2007 13:37
It says something about the state of class relations in Britain that on the eve of local and regional elections, the Labour government has put forward proposed welfare reforms that will bring destitution and misery for millions of workers and their families who rely on benefits to survive.Full article | 2 additions | 2 comments
Berlin: 3000 on Ungdomshuset-soli-demonstration. Riots.
12-03-2007 13:17

Tin Pot Nazis in Dewsbury
12-03-2007 13:00
The Tin Pot "The British Peoples Party" have shown their ugly faces in DewsburyMonday Love Tonight, Free Film & Music
12-03-2007 12:39
Every Monday, Monday Love brings you the finest in uptown, underground, raise your spirit and blow your mind live music, film and real life grassroots media, welcoming those who still believe in something more than money and fear.. to watch, listen, chat and chill.Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! Forum - LABOURS WAR ON ASYLUM SEEKERS - Sunday
12-03-2007 11:11
On Sunday 1st April 2007, at Cross Street Chapel, starting at 2pm Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! are holding a forum about the attacks on asylum seekers under the racist Labour government, and how and why we have to organise against these attacks.Wheelchair access available, donations on the door,
NWASDG Organising Meeting, Saturday 24th March 2007, 2.00pm.
12-03-2007 11:06
There will be an organising meeting at the Friends Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, Manchester, from 2.00pm to 4pm. This meeting is for all who want to help defend asylum seekers and refugees against Britain's racist laws. Everyone is welcome.Kirklees Unity link up with Golcar Together
12-03-2007 10:58

What Did Israel Know in Advance of the 9/11 Attacks?
12-03-2007 10:56
The following article by Christopher Ketcham was shunned by the mainstream media in the USA, Counterpunch was the only publication which was prepared to run it, the story behind this article is told in this article:Ketcham's Story: Coming in From the Cold by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair

In Additon Democracy Now! has covered it:
Cheering Movers and Art Student Spies: Was Israel Tracking the Hijackers Before the 9/11 Attacks?
A new article in the newsletter Counterpunch examines unresolved questions over whether Israeli agents were tracking the 9/11 hijackers before September 11th. ABC’s 20/20, The Forward, and have all covered the story. But where’s the follow up? We speak to the author of the article, Christopher Ketcham; Counterpunch editor Alexander Cockburn, and Marc Perelman, the Forward reporter who did one of the first reports on the story in 2002.