UK Newswire Archive
Steal Something Day, a shameless 24-hour stealing spree!
24-11-2006 14:53

reposted from

East Mids Climate Camp Meeting
24-11-2006 14:35

FashWatch web-site up and (keeping the fash) running!
24-11-2006 14:21

This Weeks SchNEWS - Kiss Of Debt
24-11-2006 13:15

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Close Down Redwatch..
24-11-2006 12:24
Copy of letter sent to Dear Dr Reid (home secretary)As one of the people who appear on Redwatch I feel strongly it should be closed down. No harm as yet has come to myself but I understand it has to others, please copy and send to

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torture of Necati Zontul- an update and forthcoming documentary
24-11-2006 12:15

Video of Brian's 2000th day.
24-11-2006 11:51

Welfare Reform Bill: Lobby of Parliament and Rally
24-11-2006 11:19
Please support this important event, this really is a brutal and nasty bill which will have a massive impact on disabled people.Collective statement of solidarity with the social struggle in Oaxaca, Mexico
24-11-2006 10:53

02/12/06 - NARN Fur Demo Tour
24-11-2006 04:53

stocking real fur. A group of activists will be touring sstores in Leeds, Harrogate
and York and protesting outside, highlighting the shop's involvement in animal
Global Action Day for Education (30th Nov.)
24-11-2006 02:31

SOCPA - brian's 2000 days
24-11-2006 00:41

Protest Litvinkeno's murder at the Russian embassy in London, 1pm Saturday
23-11-2006 23:27
Alexander Litvinenko died this evening at University College Hospital, in Central London. A vocal critic of Russia's corrupt and murderous President, Vladimir Putin, Litvinenko is believed to have been poisoned by Russian agents on Putin's orders. The British government must not sweep this quietly under the carpet. Justice for Litvinenko!Photos: Brian Haw's, 2,000th day protesting outside Parliament.
23-11-2006 22:21

23-11-2006 19:34
Challenge to legality of taxes and finesRoyal Courts of Justice – 10.00 24th November
Marylebone Magistrates Court – 10.00 1st December
William Rodriguez - 9/11 survivor to speak in London
23-11-2006 17:11

Date: Monday November 27th 2006
Time: 7pm
Place: Indian YMCA, 41 Fitzroy Square, London W1
Tube: Warren Street
Entry: Free
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RADIKAL BASS autonomous space opens its gates tomorrow from 2pm…..
23-11-2006 16:38
RADIKAL BASS autonomous space opens its gates tomorrow from 2pm…..Tesco GM rice removed from the shelves landed Tesco Poland stores?
23-11-2006 16:26
According to Polish Chief Health Inspectorate GM rice of variety LL601 wasfound in 6% (3 out of 48) of samples taken in the stores of three regions of
Poland: Pomerania, West Pomerania and Lower Silesia. The contaminated rice
came to Poland from US via France.
According to the spokeperson of Regional Health Inspectorate of Lower
Silesia- Elzbieta Peszko-Bilska rice of variety LL601 was found in the
supermarket chains Tesco and Auchan in this region. Polish authorities hasn't
found LL601 rice in Warsaw region although Greenpeace Poland testing done in
Germany of long rice showed three products contaminated: "Bosto"(Ebro
Puleva), "Britta" and "Halina".
Join the UAF Blackpool protest against the BNP conference
23-11-2006 13:15
Final reminder: UAF protest against BNP conference in Blackpool, Saturday 25 NovemberCaterpillar Homewrecker’s Visit to London
23-11-2006 13:14
Around 50 protester including a samba band turned out to Greet Mike Baunton, the Vice President of Caterpillar, who was due to speak last night a function organised by the Institute of Mechanical Engineers The function (the Institute of Mechanical Engineers Annual Dinner) was held in the ballroom of the Grosvenor House Hotel.