UK Newswire Archive
Breakdown in the Technosphere
16-11-2007 13:17
The power failure in August 2003 was due to the investment behavior of the electricity supplier. Economic deregulation, competition and profit fixation prevented modernization of the infrastructure.Full article | 2 additions | 4 comments
Public meeting: Stand up for your freedom to protest! LSE, 2nd December
16-11-2007 11:43
Gordon Brown plans to extend the restrictions on demonstrations near parliament to cover the whole country, claiming that this will simplify the work of the police. The current law totally bans spontaneous protests, requiring advance police permission, which allows the police to impose arbitrary limits on numbers and effectively act as political censors. The consultation proposes extending these rules to any protest anywhere, in the name of 'harmonisation'. The freedom to protest was won through hard struggle and if we want to keep it we must take a stand to say enough is enough. Come to a public meeting to plan a public response: we propose early January.Public meeting
LSE room H102, Connaught House
2-4pm, Sunday 2nd December

Muhammad Haque praying for the– animals and humans - hit by cyclone
16-11-2007 10:51
The cyclone that hit the south western coastal regions in Bangladesh early on Friday 16 November 2007 has claimed nearly 1000 people, according to unofficial reports so far.. They are counting the numbers of humans. Many more animals too have perished. But no one is really counting their toll. One of the world’s must precious natural regions housing animals, including tigers, is under threat.One Struggle - One Fight - Berlin Demo 8 December & Call for Action
16-11-2007 09:49
We call on everybody to join the demonstration in Berlin on the 8th of December - almost one year after the “final battle“ in Copenhagen - in order to destroy together the winter lethargy of investors, yuppies and cityplanners and to show clearly and unequivocally our rage against the current situation ….Finnish gunman, Auvinen, on SSRI antidepressants.
16-11-2007 05:44
Another case of ssri driven slaughter..but this one not reported by the english language press
The Shortwave Report 11/16/07 ¡Listen Globally!
16-11-2007 01:52
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Kurdish Girl Meltem Avcil Deportation Halted
16-11-2007 01:18
Following the protest on Wednesday 14 November and the release of the video on Indymedia UK, the deportation of the 14-year-old Kurdish refugee Meltem Avcil was halted.Make Deportations Impossible!
16-11-2007 00:10

Urgent: National Grid to close Woodhead Tunnel
15-11-2007 22:55
National Grid, the owners of the Woodhead Tunnel near Longdendale, are to put the Tunnel beyond use in February 2008. Although the Tunnel and attendant railway line have been formally closed for 26 years, they could be resurrected very quickly if cheap, fast, sustainable transport was really important. We must act to stop the closure of the tunnel.TOTALIitarian OIL
15-11-2007 22:31
Stop fueling the Burmese junta - boycott Total Oil and Chevron/Texaco
15-11-2007 19:25
Far from the headlines, the crisis in Burma continues--fuelled, in part, by international oil corporations like Total Oil and Chevron/Texaco. These corporations don't just fund the junta; they lobby on its behalf in capital cities around the world. These are the same companies many of us fuel up with. That means our pressure as consumers has the power to force change—and it's our responsibility to act.Climate activists in court - report
15-11-2007 18:44

Brown is to spend £400 million pounds on propaganda in Pakistan
15-11-2007 17:26
Who is Gordon Brown really?Palestine Today 111507
15-11-2007 16:07

neo nazi terrorists shhh
15-11-2007 15:58
Following my expose of prospective conservative councillor Peter Stephen Hill, arrested under the explosives act I have now noticed another underreported story of dangerous derring-do by fascists/agents provocateurs/state terrorists in Yorkshire. Try searching on line for the story- talk about buriedINSURGENTES against Venezuela´s constitutional reform
15-11-2007 15:58
* Various organizations and individuals within Venezuela, each with a history of social struggle and each bringing with them diverse proposals from the anti-authoritarian and critical left, have assembled in the space of INSURGENTES (INSURGENTS) to forge a position against the proposed constitutional “reform” offered by the republic’s President, Hugo Chavez Frias.Venezuela: Interview with an indigenous activist
15-11-2007 15:55
* As part of the 2.300 delegates in the second Zapatista and indigenous community’s international reunion, which took place last July in Mexico, members of the wayuu community delivered a truly important message: Venezuelan indigenous community’s situation is very different than the declared by the government people in Caracas. El Libertario talked about the experience with Jorge Montiel, member of the Maikiralasa’lii.Blackbird & The Blackhole
15-11-2007 14:56
During the Northern Rock bank run, the press were blamed by banking executives for scaring depositors. Since then public criticism has been scant, despite the massive taxpayer bail-out of 'Blackbird' ( the Rocks codename) -a patient that remains catatonic. Meanwhile, the broader 'subprime lending crisis' is likely to be exposed soon as the response to global mortgage fraud.Past their fly by dates
15-11-2007 13:22