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Up to four arrested in LOndon anti G8 action.

14-07-2006 15:59

Breaking news! Up to four arrested in London anti G8 action.

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Two arrests confirmed.

14-07-2006 15:57

Two arrests confirmed at London anti G8 action.
Solidarity needed!

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Jean Charles de Menezes anniversary & Forest Gate shooting meeting

14-07-2006 15:51

jean charles de menezes family campaign in conjunction with the justice for the kalam family & justice for the dogra family campaigns

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8 Days Against The G8

14-07-2006 15:44


The End Of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and The American Dream

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Mexican Election - London Embassy Picket 14 July 2006

14-07-2006 15:37

Emergency picket of the Mexican embassy in London on Friday 14 July to protest the electoral fraud against PRD candidate Lopez Obrador.

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Small town activism in Montenegro - interview with a community activist

14-07-2006 15:29


Plav is a small town in the north east of Montenegro. The 10.000 inhabitants form a mixed community of Montenegrians, Serbs and Albanians. 80% is muslim, 14% orthodox, 2% catholic. Among the Montenegrians there are both muslims and orthodox, among the Albanians both muslims and katholics. Part of the population are refugees from the Bosnian war (1992-1995) and the Kosovo war (1998-1999). The town is very isolated, surrounded by mountains and six hours away from the capital Podgorica. In autumn last year, a small group of people set up an NGO, Plagus_M, with the aim to activate the local community and the youth culture.

Interview with Merlinda Djesevic from Plagus_M:

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International Brigade Plaque Unveiling 16 July. Blaenavon.

14-07-2006 14:39

There will be singing, speeches, performance, (and an IWW stall).

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Stop the G8! Stop Repression!

14-07-2006 14:32

Stop the repression of the russian state! Stop the indiscriminate arrests!

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14-07-2006 13:51

As the G8 prepare to meet this week in Russia amid acrimony, with the topic of energy and who controls it high on the agenda, SchNEWS looks at the new global bi-polar disorder…

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Join the trend setters, Israeli in London

14-07-2006 13:38

The Zionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland invite you to join the well established trend for collective punishment with attendence to the following events...

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1,500 Demonstrate Against G8 and Bush & Merkel's pre-G8 meet

14-07-2006 13:15

Around 1,500 demonstrated yesterday (Thursday 13 July, 2006) against German Chancellor Angela Merkel and US President Bush's meeting in Stralsund, on the Baltic coast in north-eastern Germany.

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G8 2006 -- Solidarity Demo, Berlin

14-07-2006 12:59

Around 70 people today (Friday 14 July, 2006) took part in a spontaneously organised demonstration outside the Russian embassy on Unter den Linden in Berlin. The protest was against the G8 meeting in St. Petersberg, and in solidarity with those protesting against the summit and the world it represents all over the world.

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Global Social Rights Worldwide! Sink the G8!

14-07-2006 12:41

Deregulation of finance markets leads to a concentration of power in the hands of a few banks and investment funds.. The privatization wave and bio-piracy by western corporations are the clearest examples of that expansion. Social rights gained by struggle are already sacrificed on the altar of the market.

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Collective punishment: Trademark of Israel (by Latuff)

14-07-2006 12:06

Collective punishment: Trademark of Israel
Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of the brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed Israeli terror.

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14-07-2006 11:06

Thirty-six years ago the Governor of the State of Yucatan in Mexico boasted to me his ruling Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) would win the provincial election with a majority of 94.7 per cent.

It turned out he was dead on target with the percentage. The only problem was he made this ‘prediction’ early in the morning, before the polling stations had opened.

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Antony Aghayere: Still here!

14-07-2006 11:05

Hello Everyone,
I just want to express my sincere gratitude to everyone, for their help and support. I am here today because of you guys. I am so honored to have met some of you and to even know your names. Thank you very much. May GOD grant all our wishes and GOD bless everyone of you. Thank you very much.

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Israel is a failed terrorist state.

14-07-2006 10:24

And always has been.

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Saturday 22nd July

14-07-2006 10:10


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G8 arrival - St Petersburg latest

14-07-2006 10:09

From the official G8 press office on an island off the coast of St. Petersburg.
Don't ask me how I got in here, I'm still questioning that myself. Must be the pink Hawiian shirt and the everlasting grin.

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Day School: Young People and Asylum – Fighting for Justice

14-07-2006 09:48

Hackney Refugee & Migrant Support Group are holding a day school on young people fighting for asylum justice in the UK on Saturday 15 July 10.00- 4.30