UK Newswire Archive
anti-nuclear demonstration on Manchester Mayday weekend
02-05-2006 12:32

02-05-2006 12:24
A talk and discussion.Date: Wednesday 3rd May
Time: 2pm
Place: The Hub, Liverpool University (2nd floor of Guild)
Kicking and Screaming Autonomous Art Show
02-05-2006 12:16

the forgotten cracks.. discoveries, journeys,
expression, finding and being found...
An exhibition of found, discovered and expressive
art-forms that will be discovered in a found location.
Taking back space from a shinking 'developing'
gentrified city... an exploration and reclaimation of
ourselves, our skills, our city, our art.
02-05-2006 12:13
You'll of course be unlikely to miss it. It could be news for days (at least until the next scandal!)Stop Live Exports Demo Malvern 6th May
02-05-2006 12:05

Mayday London 2006 - Mainstream Media Coverage
02-05-2006 11:53
A few of the articles covering Mayday in London 2006 are below.Two of the articles were accompanied by pictures of police pushing or grabbing at people on the autonomous bloc, despite no mention of the bloc, or the sound system incident being contained within the articles:
Hack Lab Cooking this Thursday at Matilda
02-05-2006 11:44
Well at least me and The G will be.. Armchair is working i'd guess.. AD not sure and we have a newish person on board d4maths or Tony as they like to be named so what will we be cooking?Support workers In Iran
01-05-2006 23:28

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Glasgow Mayday report
01-05-2006 23:25
Started as advertised at Buchanan St for 1pm. Fair few folk, but not as many as previous couple of years. No sign of a soundsystem. Good spirits. Cops around the outside, but not /too/ bad.Marching from anarchy to boredom - photos
01-05-2006 22:57

London Citizens Workers' Association
01-05-2006 22:23

Immigration and May Day, from Chicago
01-05-2006 21:59

Gate Gourmet and some other banners
01-05-2006 21:45

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800 people on the Autonomous Bloc at Mayday London
01-05-2006 21:42
autonomous mayday Hijackers Police Victory Party
01-05-2006 21:20

London Mayday Soundscape
01-05-2006 20:49

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Round up of London Mayday
01-05-2006 20:45
Brief round up on Mayday in London - More reports and links to follow.Americans: Evil and Stupid People
01-05-2006 20:38
This was in response to the hundreds of emails I received for my article Death made in America