UK Newswire Archive
No more sympathy for London.
25-07-2005 03:41
The UK will lose sympathy by using terrorism to fight terrorism.URGENT TO ENGLISH PEOPLE!!!!!!!
25-07-2005 02:17
Please. If you understand spanish you must translate this text to english. It is very important that english people could reading this analisy. You can wake up against thirany blair and their criminal acts from london blasts.vigil in stockwell for jean charles de menezes
25-07-2005 00:13

My story....
24-07-2005 21:35
Dear all,Please can I draw your attention to my campaign which I truly feel is worthy of a sizeable article in your newspapers.
I am a British/English National, married to an Iranian man who has suffered profusely at the hands of the islamic regime in Iran.
Audio from vigil for Jean Charles de Menezes, murdered by police
24-07-2005 21:32

Rape and Murder photos from Abu Ghraib
24-07-2005 21:15
US govt tries to block release of censored photos and recordings from Abu Ghraib. Looks like they're going to come out anyway though: probably timed to do maximum damage to BushCo.Call for Investigative Performance Contributions: Media Watch
24-07-2005 20:31
KISSS: The Kinship International Strategy on Surveillance and SuppressionK I S S S a series of performance events and interventions that include a s u m m i t , a m e d i a c a m p a i g n , a website and a nd a touring e x h i b i t i o n , a l l d e v e l o p e d a s a m u l t i m o d e p e r f o r m a n c e p r a c t i c e b a s e d, i n t e r n a t i o n a l c o l l a b o r a t i o n b e t w e e n e m e r g i n g a n d e s t a b l i s h e d h i g h c a l i b r e a r t i s t s .
Help Bring Joao Paulo Cassongo Back to the UK!
24-07-2005 19:42
On Monday, June 27 2005, Joao Paulo Cassongo was forcibly removed from Colnbrook detention centre and sent to Angola. He had no prior warning and neither did his solicitor! He had a much-sought appointment for a psychological and physical assessment by the Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture at 4:30 pm on the same day. At about 12:30 pm he was put into isolation, denied his possessions, telephone contact numbers and access to a telephone. At 4:30 pm ten guards handcuffed him and brought him to Heathrow. He was given his removal order on the way to the airport! The Medical Foundation doctor was told that he had been taken to a court hearing. His solicitor was also so informed!!Pics and report of todays vigil at Stockwell tube.
24-07-2005 19:18

Solidarity with Cardiff Mosque
24-07-2005 18:12
UNITED AGAINST RACISMDon't let fascists divide our community
Solidarity Rally & Demonstration
Outside City Hall at 2 pm
Saturday 30 July
yet more carnival pics
24-07-2005 17:32

Vigil at Stockwell Tube Station for Jean Charles de Menezes, Pics and Report.
24-07-2005 17:29

Shoot to Kill
24-07-2005 17:22
Britain uses Israeli tactics....Shoot to Kill.carnival pics
24-07-2005 17:19

images from Sunday 24th July Vigil outside stockwell tube
24-07-2005 17:04

Staging An Attack To Fix The Coverup Of Another
24-07-2005 16:11
This latest "attack" is supposed to correct some faults in the first without causing further mayhem.