UK Newswire Archive
Help charge Blair, Howard and Windsor with war crimes.
11-04-2003 01:58
The security guards of spaceship E have run amok and are disturbing the peace. They will have to be brought to book. Write to the Public Prosecutor, International Criminal Court, address and email below, and ask him to put Blair, Howard and Windsor in the dock.Iraqi Demo Clouded By Shame..
11-04-2003 01:36

Includes 1 piece of Video
4 Stills
A Pro Bush demo was held today at 3pm outside Trinity Collage. About 50 to 60 people showed up, in what seemed like a set up to me.
(article 1)
After Saddam * Garner and Chalabi
11-04-2003 01:33
.."The economic strangulation of Iraq for 12 years has now facilitated, after three weeks of bombing, the cessation of Iraqi economic activity, the destruction of civilian infrastructure, and a hostile situation where even the Red Cross has had to shut down, causing further devastation to the Iraqi people. We cannot allow the goal posts to continually be moved in order to secure aU.S. occupation in the name of democracy."
burnin' and lootin'
10-04-2003 22:35

WHO supports the two british 'refusnics' ?
10-04-2003 22:25
Two British soldiers have had the courage to seek status as conscientious objectors. They face court martial and imprisonment; yet virtually no questions have been asked about them in the mediaBBC Online actually reports and shows Iraqi Deaths...!
10-04-2003 22:04
The BBC today shocked the world by actually mentioning not only Iraqi civilians have died in the invasion, but showing some pretty gruesome pictures. Solidarity with the Al-Jazeera journos murdered by the US?Piss take total
10-04-2003 22:02

The real danger of this War
10-04-2003 20:01
The real danger of this war, is that ordinary anti war people will be exposed to some of the more radical elements of society. Which is not a good thing. When you have the ordinary decent anti war public exposed to radical chic, anything can happen. Housewives, grannies, school teachers and children are all being exposed to these people at the moment.Texaco petrol station blocked(cardiff)
10-04-2003 18:42

10-04-2003 18:27
MEETING POINT FOR DIRECT ACTION AFTER SATURDAY MARCHIraqi general Nizar Al-Khazaraji and Islamic scholar Majid Al-Khoi’i executed
10-04-2003 17:22
Former Iraqi general Nizar Al-Khazaraji and Islamic scholar Majid Al-Khoi’i have both been executed by Iraqi residents of Najaf,Bomb Convoy Stopped for a third time
10-04-2003 16:13
Bomb Convoy stopped by Anti-war activists for a third timeFactions arising in Iraq
10-04-2003 15:59
As the bombing ceases, various faction groups are beginning to burst onto the scene in various parts of Iraq......CIVIL INSPECTION OF THE NATO BASE IN VALENCIA (SPAIN)
10-04-2003 15:31

Long after the war I wonder what cause it.
10-04-2003 14:44
Not for the simple minded, not for those who want a quick burst of logic, getting something for nothing may take 4000 words to deliver. Too long? go on to the next headline.Who's next?
10-04-2003 14:38
Bit of a rant on Dubya's plans for hegemony in relation to his probable plans for bombing here, there and everywhere in the future.PENTAGON INFORM BBC REPORTER THEY WOULD KILL INDY JOURNALISTS
10-04-2003 13:24
10-04-2003 13:06
Importance to keep on the streets