Communique-Our Day Will Come
Mike Lee | 10.04.2003 19:46
Our Day Will Come
Communique-Michael Lee
A recent event that was being privately discussed has now become public knowledge.
In a pre dawn raid, Agents of the State of Texas and Federal Bureau of Investigation recaptured Chris Plummer at his mother's house. With guns drawn they took Chris captive and at last report the F.B.I. interrogated him for three hours. What is known is that two people have been mentioned as part of this investigation which seems focused on Anarchist Black Cross. Upon being warned of this capture before it became public knowledge. I took several steps to inoculate myself in the event I am also swept up in this net. Sadly to say I have not been able to speak directly with legal counsel. This communique is written as a direct response to unfolding events. I could have chosen not to publicly address the current situation until counsel is retained. I consciously choose to speak because of the serious implications of the on going investigation.
I publicly acknowledge my association with Chris and the individuals the F.B.I. is currently focused on. My association with some is closer then others but all things considered does not rise to the level of criminal conspiracy or violation of the Patriot Act.
Once again the F.B.I. is attempting to connect individual actions and manufacture a web of criminal activity. Their task is made easier by the Patriot Act which in its essence legalizes tactics that were used against the Black Panther Party of Self Defense, American Indian Movement and solidarity movements. The F.B.I. has convinced itself that a mass conspiracy exists and is determined to prove it by specifically targeting Anarchists. It is a further escalation of criminalization started by the Oregon Department of Corrections. Without a shred of proof, all Anarchists caged in Oregon have been declared a Security Threat Group. Because we did not actively and collectively fight this criminalization at the State level we are now confronted with it on the Federal stage.
The question we now must ask ourselves is what does the F.B.I. hope to accomplish through its investigation? Disruption, intimidation.
It is a ridiculous notion to believe it is possible to disrupt an idea. For the idea or discussion of a future Anarchist society is like speaking about Unicorns. It makes us feel all warm and fuzzy but it is a myth. A myth because the theory has not been put into practical application. An exception to this statement is Anarchist Black Cross. Our level of activity is minimal at best so there exists little or nothing to disrupt except an idea.
Likewise you can't intimidate an idea. The most important lesson we learn from George Orwell's 1984 is that you can criminalize an idea but people will still embrace dissident thoughts. The current investigation is a feeble attempt to intimidate people to cease engaging in thought crime. What it can and may accomplish is intimidating people into not publicly expressing their dissent.
I personally laugh at this delusional scheme.
In 1981 the British Government murdered ten Comrades and the struggle for self-determination continues. The Prime Minister and his crime partner recently met in Belfast supposed to speak about a free post war Iraq. For us involved in the self-determination struggle we recognize how hypocritical it is for the Prime Minister to speak about freedom when there remain British soldiers on our streets and armed combatants remain caged. We laugh at your confident smiles as you stand in the middle of the war zone. Your confidence is false. Our army has chosen to suspend the armed struggle and allow the politicals to "negotiate" for our collective freedom. Do not be deceived by the fact that gunfire is seldom heard. We realize that we can not place our faith in your hollow words of freedom and will continue to struggle until the county is united and continue to be firm in our support of the international working class.
In 1991 the authorities beat and jailed community defenders in Berkeley, CA and we still wouldn't go home. The State murdered my Comrade Rosebud Denovo and we still wouldn't go home. A lawsuit was filed against myself,Carol Denney,Bob Sparks and David Nadell. We still wouldn't go home. Over the years, State Agents have continually attempted to silence me through surveillance, false arrest and declaring I'm a security threat. Now an investigation is launched in the misguided notion that I will be silent. After all that I have personally experienced in a thirty year history of dissent what makes the state believe I'm going to stop?
I clearly recognize that there might be another attempt to use me as an example of what could happen to other dissenters. After all the state tried this tactic before. Did it work?
When Carol Denney and I were dragged out of City Hall charged with assaulting Chief of Police Dash "No Balls" Butler we were both back on the streets the next weekend raising hell. When the State killed Rosebud and came hunting for Bob Sparks and myself we publicly exhorted people to continue the resistance. The list goes on and once again I vow that I will not be used as an example for any of you're psychotic schemes.
Quite honestly I'm concerned about the current investigation. I realize that there exists a possibility I could wind up back in the cage. I will not let this concern freeze me into silence. Do not mistake this stance as being brave or that I'm interested in becoming a martyr. No I will continue to dissent because of my intense anger and hatred of the present social order. I have never believed that capitalism is the highest level of social development we can attain. I became a dissenter in response to working class people being batoned off the streets of Belfast and burned out their homes in Ballymurphy. The flames of my anger grew as I watched the first reports from Soweto and Sharpville. Those flames burst into a bonfire as the British government murdered my Comrades one by one. Ten young men who demanded nothing except to be treated in accordance with their Prisoner Of War status. With the murder of Rosebud I vowed that my disobedience from that point on would not be civil or "reasonable" and neither would I stop. There is a saying in Ireland that sums up my feelings. You (the state) have to get lucky all the time, we only have to get lucky once. I am determined to exploit every opportunity to strike a blow at the empire in the hopes that we get lucky just once as we did in part at the Battle of Seattle.
I publicly declare that I will not co-operate with this investigation. I will not answer any questions or provide any information about my activity, the activities of others, my associations, associations of others or provide any information including the time of day.
I encourage you the reader not to allow the State's transparent attempts to result in suspension of the resistance. Be aware, Be careful. The vampire is among us searching for easy targets. If it shows up on your doorstep, slam the door. Do not deceive yourself into believing you can reason with the bloodsucker or that it just wants to have a harmless conversation.
The time has come for us to link arms, putting our hands on the wooden stake of solidarity. Collectively we can drive it deep into the black heart of capitalism, sweeping it into the dustbin of history where it belongs.
Always believe that no matter what, we can and will win.
Together we proudly march down the road to freedom and self-determination. With every step proudly shouting Our Day Will Come.
Saiorse Go Deo. Let the Fight Go On!
Confusion To Our Enemies;
Mike Lee
This page was created by SimpleText2Html 1.0.2 on 27-Aug-56.
Communique-Michael Lee
A recent event that was being privately discussed has now become public knowledge.
In a pre dawn raid, Agents of the State of Texas and Federal Bureau of Investigation recaptured Chris Plummer at his mother's house. With guns drawn they took Chris captive and at last report the F.B.I. interrogated him for three hours. What is known is that two people have been mentioned as part of this investigation which seems focused on Anarchist Black Cross. Upon being warned of this capture before it became public knowledge. I took several steps to inoculate myself in the event I am also swept up in this net. Sadly to say I have not been able to speak directly with legal counsel. This communique is written as a direct response to unfolding events. I could have chosen not to publicly address the current situation until counsel is retained. I consciously choose to speak because of the serious implications of the on going investigation.
I publicly acknowledge my association with Chris and the individuals the F.B.I. is currently focused on. My association with some is closer then others but all things considered does not rise to the level of criminal conspiracy or violation of the Patriot Act.
Once again the F.B.I. is attempting to connect individual actions and manufacture a web of criminal activity. Their task is made easier by the Patriot Act which in its essence legalizes tactics that were used against the Black Panther Party of Self Defense, American Indian Movement and solidarity movements. The F.B.I. has convinced itself that a mass conspiracy exists and is determined to prove it by specifically targeting Anarchists. It is a further escalation of criminalization started by the Oregon Department of Corrections. Without a shred of proof, all Anarchists caged in Oregon have been declared a Security Threat Group. Because we did not actively and collectively fight this criminalization at the State level we are now confronted with it on the Federal stage.
The question we now must ask ourselves is what does the F.B.I. hope to accomplish through its investigation? Disruption, intimidation.
It is a ridiculous notion to believe it is possible to disrupt an idea. For the idea or discussion of a future Anarchist society is like speaking about Unicorns. It makes us feel all warm and fuzzy but it is a myth. A myth because the theory has not been put into practical application. An exception to this statement is Anarchist Black Cross. Our level of activity is minimal at best so there exists little or nothing to disrupt except an idea.
Likewise you can't intimidate an idea. The most important lesson we learn from George Orwell's 1984 is that you can criminalize an idea but people will still embrace dissident thoughts. The current investigation is a feeble attempt to intimidate people to cease engaging in thought crime. What it can and may accomplish is intimidating people into not publicly expressing their dissent.
I personally laugh at this delusional scheme.
In 1981 the British Government murdered ten Comrades and the struggle for self-determination continues. The Prime Minister and his crime partner recently met in Belfast supposed to speak about a free post war Iraq. For us involved in the self-determination struggle we recognize how hypocritical it is for the Prime Minister to speak about freedom when there remain British soldiers on our streets and armed combatants remain caged. We laugh at your confident smiles as you stand in the middle of the war zone. Your confidence is false. Our army has chosen to suspend the armed struggle and allow the politicals to "negotiate" for our collective freedom. Do not be deceived by the fact that gunfire is seldom heard. We realize that we can not place our faith in your hollow words of freedom and will continue to struggle until the county is united and continue to be firm in our support of the international working class.
In 1991 the authorities beat and jailed community defenders in Berkeley, CA and we still wouldn't go home. The State murdered my Comrade Rosebud Denovo and we still wouldn't go home. A lawsuit was filed against myself,Carol Denney,Bob Sparks and David Nadell. We still wouldn't go home. Over the years, State Agents have continually attempted to silence me through surveillance, false arrest and declaring I'm a security threat. Now an investigation is launched in the misguided notion that I will be silent. After all that I have personally experienced in a thirty year history of dissent what makes the state believe I'm going to stop?
I clearly recognize that there might be another attempt to use me as an example of what could happen to other dissenters. After all the state tried this tactic before. Did it work?
When Carol Denney and I were dragged out of City Hall charged with assaulting Chief of Police Dash "No Balls" Butler we were both back on the streets the next weekend raising hell. When the State killed Rosebud and came hunting for Bob Sparks and myself we publicly exhorted people to continue the resistance. The list goes on and once again I vow that I will not be used as an example for any of you're psychotic schemes.
Quite honestly I'm concerned about the current investigation. I realize that there exists a possibility I could wind up back in the cage. I will not let this concern freeze me into silence. Do not mistake this stance as being brave or that I'm interested in becoming a martyr. No I will continue to dissent because of my intense anger and hatred of the present social order. I have never believed that capitalism is the highest level of social development we can attain. I became a dissenter in response to working class people being batoned off the streets of Belfast and burned out their homes in Ballymurphy. The flames of my anger grew as I watched the first reports from Soweto and Sharpville. Those flames burst into a bonfire as the British government murdered my Comrades one by one. Ten young men who demanded nothing except to be treated in accordance with their Prisoner Of War status. With the murder of Rosebud I vowed that my disobedience from that point on would not be civil or "reasonable" and neither would I stop. There is a saying in Ireland that sums up my feelings. You (the state) have to get lucky all the time, we only have to get lucky once. I am determined to exploit every opportunity to strike a blow at the empire in the hopes that we get lucky just once as we did in part at the Battle of Seattle.
I publicly declare that I will not co-operate with this investigation. I will not answer any questions or provide any information about my activity, the activities of others, my associations, associations of others or provide any information including the time of day.
I encourage you the reader not to allow the State's transparent attempts to result in suspension of the resistance. Be aware, Be careful. The vampire is among us searching for easy targets. If it shows up on your doorstep, slam the door. Do not deceive yourself into believing you can reason with the bloodsucker or that it just wants to have a harmless conversation.
The time has come for us to link arms, putting our hands on the wooden stake of solidarity. Collectively we can drive it deep into the black heart of capitalism, sweeping it into the dustbin of history where it belongs.
Always believe that no matter what, we can and will win.
Together we proudly march down the road to freedom and self-determination. With every step proudly shouting Our Day Will Come.
Saiorse Go Deo. Let the Fight Go On!
Confusion To Our Enemies;
Mike Lee
This page was created by SimpleText2Html 1.0.2 on 27-Aug-56.
Mike Lee