Help charge Blair, Howard and Windsor with war crimes.
Peter Ravenscroft. | 11.04.2003 01:58
The security guards of spaceship E have run amok and are disturbing the peace. They will have to be brought to book. Write to the Public Prosecutor, International Criminal Court, address and email below, and ask him to put Blair, Howard and Windsor in the dock.
Dear All,
Here is something that may work. If you are unhappy with this war, could you please write to the public prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, and also help spread this? Thanks.
The rules of international conduct have changed, and we do not have to put up with military barbarity without challenging it. England and Australia are signatories to the International Criminal Court, the USA and Iraq are not. So, though Messrs Hussein and Bush are probably immune, we can very likely have Mr Blair, Mr Howard and Mrs Windsor charged with war crimes, as the invasion of Iraq is in itself probably a war crime. That invasion took place after the ICC was established, in June 2002, I think it was. Mrs Windsor is the legal head of state of both Britain and Australia, and sent the British troops off with her personal support.
I have sent the following, so far only by email, to the new public prosecutor at the ICC, via the public information officer, that being the only traceable email so far. I will follow up with a posted letter, asap.
The Senior Public Information Officer,
The International Criminal Court,
2500 CM
The Hague
Dear Sir or Madam,
On the 9th of April I sent your office the email letter laid out below. I have had no reply whatever, either from your office, or from the Public Prosecutor's office.
If this is because of some antiquated practise of not responding to anything but physically posted letters, I would like to request that you cease this practise forthwith. I am located in rural Australia, some distance from post offices, and the matter raised is of extreme urgency. It would take several days for a posted letter to reach the court. In this case, the war crimes suspected are taking place far away, but in many instances to come, they will take place in rural areas without or with destroyed postal systems. If the court does not, at the outset, adopt the practise of responding rapidly to email communications, it will start off very badly, and many people will die or be injured who need not have been, had it been more efficient.
Will you please, as a matter of urgency, firstly see that the public prosecutor gets this email, and the previous one, and secondly both respond to it yourself by acknowledging receipt of it, and get the public prosecutor's office to do the same.
I will of course follow this email up with a written letter, as rapidly as possible.
Peter Ravenscroft,
Closeburn, Australia.
Here is the text of the original email, sent to you on 9 April, 2003.
Request for a war crimes investigation
The Prosecutor,
International Criminal Court,
I have reason to suspect that three people, namely Anthony Blair and Elizabeth Windsor, of London, England and John Howard, of Canberra, Australia, may be guilty of multiple war crimes against the people of Iraq. I wish to find out what has to be done to have their conduct investigated, and to have them so charged, if that is possible.
Yours, etc.
Peter Ravenscroft.
Closeburn, Australia.
Everyone, if you can do something similar in your own words, preferably by a posted letter as well as by email, and if you could ask one and all with whom you are in contact to do the same, it may help. This ICC functionary is a public prosecutor, so he may just do it all himself, and it may all be underway anyway, but I have not seen anything public to say it is. Magna Carta says the British and Australian Crown is not above the law, and I image international law is exactly the same.
Peter Ravenscroft,
for Not in Our Name, Samford.
PO Box 108, Samford, 4520, Queensland, Australia. or Reprint freely anywhere.
Here is something that may work. If you are unhappy with this war, could you please write to the public prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, and also help spread this? Thanks.
The rules of international conduct have changed, and we do not have to put up with military barbarity without challenging it. England and Australia are signatories to the International Criminal Court, the USA and Iraq are not. So, though Messrs Hussein and Bush are probably immune, we can very likely have Mr Blair, Mr Howard and Mrs Windsor charged with war crimes, as the invasion of Iraq is in itself probably a war crime. That invasion took place after the ICC was established, in June 2002, I think it was. Mrs Windsor is the legal head of state of both Britain and Australia, and sent the British troops off with her personal support.
I have sent the following, so far only by email, to the new public prosecutor at the ICC, via the public information officer, that being the only traceable email so far. I will follow up with a posted letter, asap.

The Senior Public Information Officer,
The International Criminal Court,
2500 CM
The Hague
Dear Sir or Madam,
On the 9th of April I sent your office the email letter laid out below. I have had no reply whatever, either from your office, or from the Public Prosecutor's office.
If this is because of some antiquated practise of not responding to anything but physically posted letters, I would like to request that you cease this practise forthwith. I am located in rural Australia, some distance from post offices, and the matter raised is of extreme urgency. It would take several days for a posted letter to reach the court. In this case, the war crimes suspected are taking place far away, but in many instances to come, they will take place in rural areas without or with destroyed postal systems. If the court does not, at the outset, adopt the practise of responding rapidly to email communications, it will start off very badly, and many people will die or be injured who need not have been, had it been more efficient.
Will you please, as a matter of urgency, firstly see that the public prosecutor gets this email, and the previous one, and secondly both respond to it yourself by acknowledging receipt of it, and get the public prosecutor's office to do the same.
I will of course follow this email up with a written letter, as rapidly as possible.
Peter Ravenscroft,
Closeburn, Australia.
Here is the text of the original email, sent to you on 9 April, 2003.
Request for a war crimes investigation
The Prosecutor,
International Criminal Court,
I have reason to suspect that three people, namely Anthony Blair and Elizabeth Windsor, of London, England and John Howard, of Canberra, Australia, may be guilty of multiple war crimes against the people of Iraq. I wish to find out what has to be done to have their conduct investigated, and to have them so charged, if that is possible.
Yours, etc.
Peter Ravenscroft.
Closeburn, Australia.
Everyone, if you can do something similar in your own words, preferably by a posted letter as well as by email, and if you could ask one and all with whom you are in contact to do the same, it may help. This ICC functionary is a public prosecutor, so he may just do it all himself, and it may all be underway anyway, but I have not seen anything public to say it is. Magna Carta says the British and Australian Crown is not above the law, and I image international law is exactly the same.
Peter Ravenscroft,
for Not in Our Name, Samford.
PO Box 108, Samford, 4520, Queensland, Australia.

Peter Ravenscroft.
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